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Gay Marriage

I thought that marrying your adopted daughter was considered bad form. I guess we are now a very tolerant society.


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Hah! And a few pages ago, when I passed on a comment I'd heard that "all that's required for marriage is that the two people (dogs?) concerned should love each other", thus laying the way open to incestuous marriages etc, I was widely ridiculed.
I'm sure everyone has an opinion.

For me, it's an odd issue.

For years and years I grew up around Oxford St, Sydney seeing the rise of the gay movement and the Mardi Gras and the decline of the "Orange people". The persecution of homosexuals become less and less, the orange people disappeared - tough titties. Throughout the 80's I thought the gay message was, we are different, please just accept us for who we are.

Now I see their message as, we want to be just like you.

I couldn't care less if they want to get married, I'm just confused by this issue.

I would think this is more of a church thing rather than a government thing.

Is the concept of gay marriage, just the next step towards having access to kids?

The only benefit I can see out of being married is the option of getting divorced. I just don't get it.
I'm 100% with Alston in this Weekend West:
"...surely there are more pressing matters to discuss at a National Conference..."

... and say Kevin's last words in a hurry : harder than any Peter's Pickled Peppers LOL
I don't give a rats ar$e about gay marriage, it means jack $hit to anything.
What the hell is this Government doing, they are cranking electricity prices wasting our money, giving themselves obscene payrises and I have got to listen to his $hit about gay marriage.
Sorry about the long paragraph I'm just venting, on these absolute FFFwitts oh hang on the pressure is building up again.
UUUMM UMMMM UMMM, I am starting to centre myself.


As there is already an extensive thread with the same title I have merged the 2 threads.

mate we have had some obscene electtrickery price rises in WA that lay at the feet of the current libs not the feds

Totally agree with both the above.
It's pretty insulting to the great majority of the electorate which is so worried about way more important issues, that the Labor Party has become so hung up about something most of us don't give a stuff about.

Heavens, it isn't as if the institution of marriage has a great track record, fergawdsake!
I'd say heterosexual couples might be better off adopting the perfectly practical Civil Unions approach which is currently available to homosexuals in most states.

Can anyone actually say what "marriage" actually means? i.e. what is it about such a convention that really means anything in today's world where divorce is so commonplace and the once rigid loyalties of marriage are now laughable?
It seems that homosexuality is becoming much more prevalent.
If it is, then that would rule out genetic causation.
Well Julia, I think gay marriage is about gay people wanting to feel more mainstream.
Well unfortunately it isn't mainstream and if all creatures take it onboard, creatures will die out.
That's it get over it.
What if all wombats decided to become gay or all red kangaroos thought this is a good idea.
All of a sudden Penny and Peter would be saying, christ there a catastrophe in the wombat and kangaroo population, they aren't r@@ting.
Must be a problem, maybe global warming. No its ok they are just gay, give them a break cut a bit of slack, they won't be a problem in a couple of generations.
I think some may see this as a rant and I can sympathise with that.LOL
It seems that homosexuality is becoming much more prevalent.
If it is, then that would rule out genetic causation.

Well I don't think it's becomming more prevalent in the muslim population.
Maybe we are just losing our moral compass. It is starting to look very similar to the fall of the Roman empire.
Well I don't think it's becomming more prevalent in the muslim population.
Maybe we are just losing our moral compass. It is starting to look very similar to the fall of the Roman empire.

Surely you must understand that homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice, but just the way one is. I think it was the Kyte Report that concluded we are not either homosexual or heterosexual, but all of us are somewhere on a scale between the two extremes.

The reason it is becoming more prevalent is because in most of the Western world, people no longer get beaten up or ostracized for coming out. The fact that few come out in Islamic societies is more to do with the barbarism they perpetrate on homosexuals, rather than having a better moral compass that the West. You would have to be very brave indeed to declare your homosexuality in Saudi Arabia or most other Islamic societies. Didn't Nigeria just make it a criminal offense.

As regards to the Romans, it existed long before they were in the ascendancy. I think it was Stephen Fry who said: "Although the Greeks invented sex for pleasure, it was the Romans who decided that it should be with the opposite sex", or words to that effect.

As regards to gay marriage, I too don't understand their need for wanting a marriage ceremony to prove their commitment to each other. I would have thought that equal rights with married people would be the most important issue and I think they have that. Someone said recently: "the only people that want to marry nowadays are gays and priests". in my opinion a marriage ceremony no more proves you are committed to one another than a baptismal certificate proves you are a Christian.
That is all very true. However if you get a group of any other creatures and put them together you will find the males and females will mate.
If you have 10 male dogs and 1 female dog on heat, you don't see two of the males heading off to a seclued corner to get it on.LOL
This is brought about by the need for the species to multiply, to exist.
I think you will find it is only humans that have this underlying desire to explore the sexual extremes?
Probably the reason we don't publish penthouse for dogs and cats, not a big demand.
It's based on political opportunistism, given the favourable climate in Canberra. The lesbians can income split on their tax, and adopt kids. The male gays are along for the ride. Also it's no coincidence that nurses are becoming more militant, and womens lobby groups are receiving grants.

As for the ALP National Conference, this is how involved everyday party members are allowed to be - on the fringe, as an observer. That is, you don't get to speak or vote.

there'll be no gay marriage under a government I lead?

Monday, 20 June 2011

"The Marriage Act will stay unchanged, so marriage will be defined as it is in our current Marriage Act as between a man and a woman, and we have also said that the Labor Party policy is we do not want to see the development of ceremonies that mimic marriage ceremonies.

And so that’s the party policy, and as Prime Minister, as the leader of the parliamentary Labor Party that’s obviously my policy, and that’s what you should expect to see from the Gillard Labor Government if we’re re-elected." .. Julia Gillard.

Unspoken rider to all her statements:

But I have the right and ability to change my mind if it suits me (i.e. keeps me in power)!
Probably off topic - I watched a show a while ago about a gay couple, 2 guys that had 3 children, and they were on the internet looking for a lady to have another child. They involved their children in the process of who to pick.

To cut a long story short, they found a lady and the pregnancy was having problems mid term, and they told the children, we can always just adopt the baby out.
They had 2 sons and a daughter
I thought - what exactly is this teaching these children?
They have a daughter sitting there listening to all this

I dont know, I just found it really sad.
It's based on political opportunistism, given the favourable climate in Canberra. The lesbians can income split on their tax, and adopt kids. The male gays are along for the ride.

A lesbian couple doesn't have to adopt. All they need is a sperm donor, providing one of them is fertile. Society is very unfair. I think male couples should be paid the baby bonus to compensate for the children they cannot have. It's not for the want of trying.
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