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Gay Marriage

I am no evolutionary biologist, however, if gay people are given the exact same rights as heterosexual people (which they should be) won't gay people become extinct?

It would entirely depend on the genetic code that causes homo-sexuality. Given your theory, there should already be no gay people? It would appear they are increasing in numbers.

Naturally it would be determined by what affects certain 'irregular human behaviours' have on society, to how they are approached. For example, how do you cater for the gene that seems to run in Ivan Milats' family that causes people to carry out brutal murder, and enjoy it? You don't, you throw them in jail(or even better the death penalty), as this type of behaviour is simply unacceptable, regardless of whether it is hard-wired or not.

I'm unsure if this is the path you were heading down^^ please feel free to clarify if you wish.

There doesn't need to be a line drawn, just a different approach to every outcome genetics throws at society.

I'm unsure where you got the idea that I believe homosexuality is caused by bad parents, in fact it is probably the most ridiculous claim I have ever heard. I don't believe same sex couples should be able to 'create new life' through use of IVF or things of this nature.

But if they are willing to put a roof over a childs head and care for them and raise them, when the child was either in a third world country, or foster care, then I think you will find that kid is going to have a far better chance at life than he/she would have otherwise. Being brought up by gay parents does not insert the gay gene into your blood stream, the child will be raised happy, healthy, straight, and god forbid with an open mind.

As for the religious side of things, I have already said that its about procreating.
Its not about sitting there googly eyeing each other.

I agree, but the fact is it still happens.

who cares, it's just a word, and if that is your biggest beef with it, then you need to look past it.
Given your theory, there should already be no gay people? It would appear they are increasing in numbers.

I disagree. Due to society's ignorance, homosexuals have been forced into heterosexual relationships which has led to a greater chance of homosexuals reproducing and passing on their genes to the next generation. Society's decreasing ignorance and slowly increasing acceptance of homosexuality, is why "it would appear they are increasing in numbers."

fair assumption, and good point, shame there is no numbers to know for sure. would be interesting to see what homo-sexual couple divorce rates are once they are able to get married.
What if a gay couple have a wedding is that hijacking the name as well.

Homosexuality is a gene malfunction and is most likely heredity in most cases things like emotions are also heredity that's why Milat and others can kill with out remorse and then you get the other extreme were the person is so in love with their victim they stalk them a lot in prison have a mental disorder and throwing them in jail is not the answer finding out were the brain went wrong and finding a cure is the answer.

Glen, P-U-N-C-T-U-A-T-I-O-N..........


I think you will find that identifying such genetic codes, not to mention being able to change/alter/remove them is decades if not centuries away, for now society is safer with them dead or in jail.

I wonder how many homosexuals would take the option of being converted from gay to straight given the opportunity.
Canoz just when an gotanewkeyboard was in a hurry
If the last two humans on Earth were a man and a woman, and they were both gay/lesbian, would they fall in love?

Great summary. Though homosexuals marrying the opposite sex in order to cover up their true sexuality is imo much less common than it was several decades ago. Back then, many young women were cruelly used by male homosexuals in their quest to creat a facade of 'normality'.
How they voted:


AYES, 42

Mr Albanese Mr Dreyfus Mr S. P. Jones Ms Roxon
Mr Bandt Mrs Elliot Dr M. J. Kelly Ms Saffin*
Ms Bird Ms Ellis Ms King Mr Shorten
Ms Brodtmann Mr Garrett Ms Livermore Mr Sidebottom
Mr Butler Mr Georganas Ms Macklin Mr S. F. Smith
Mr Champion Mr Gibbons Mr Marles Ms Smyth
Mr Cheeseman Mr Gray Mr Oakeshott Mr Snowdon
Mr Clare Ms Grierson Ms Parke Mr C. R. Thomson
Ms Collins Mr Griffin Mr Perrett Mr Wilkie
Mr Combet Ms Hall* Ms Plibersek
Mr Crean Mr Jenkins Ms Rishworth

NOES, 98

Mr Abbott Mr Entsch Mr McCormack Mr Rudd
Mr Adams Mr Fitzgibbon Mr Macfarlane Mr Ruddock
Mr Alexander Mr Fletcher Ms Marino Mr Schultz
Mr K. J. Andrews Mr Forrest Mrs Markus Mr Scott
Mrs K. L. Andrews Mr Frydenberg Mr Matheson Mr Secker*
Mr Baldwin Ms Gambaro Mr Melham Mr A. D. H. Smith
Mr Billson Mrs Gash Mrs Mirabella Mr Somlyay
Mrs B. K. Bishop Ms Gillard Mr Morrison Dr Southcott
Ms J. I. Bishop Mrs Griggs Mrs Moylan Dr Stone
Mr Bowen Mr Hartsuyker Mr Murphy Mr Swan
Mr Bradbury Mr A. G. Hawke Mr Neumann Mr Symon
Mr Briggs Mr Hayes Mr Neville Mr Tehan
Mr Broadbent Mr Hockey Mr O'Dowd Mr K. J. Thomson
Mr Buchholz Mr Hunt Ms O'Dwyer Mr Truss
Mr A. S. Burke Mr Husic Ms O'Neill Mr Tudge
Mr Byrne Mr Irons Ms Owens Mr Turnbull
Mr Chester Dr Jensen Mrs Prentice Ms Vamvakinou
Mr Christensen Mr E. T. Jones Mr Pyne Mr van Manen
Mr Ciobo Mr Katter Mr Ramsey Mr Vasta
Mr Cobb Mr Keenan Mr Randall Dr Washer
Mr Coulton* Mr C. Kelly Mr Ripoll Mr Windsor
Mr Crook Mr Laming Mr Robb Mr Wyatt
Mrs D'Ath Ms Ley Mr Robert Mr Zappia
Mr Dutton Mr Lyons Ms Rowland
Dr Emerson Mr McClelland Mr Wyatt Roy
Considering Julia Gillard is the first woman to hold the office of Prime Minister, is an athiest, is unmarried and living in sin who may have been burnt at the stake as a witch in medieval times, I can not believe she votes against gay marriage.

Julia Gillard should thank the Australian people for not being as backward as she is, otherwise she would not be where she is today.

No P.Wong? Thoought she'd be right up there.
Saw Bob Brown on the 7 30 report tonight,what a waste of space he is, what surprise he is going to get at the next election.
LOL Calliope

Agree with Nick Minchin
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