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Gay Marriage

why is this so important? Gay marriage who gives a f uck. Just some more attention seekers. Marriage sux anyway and these jerks are so up themselves demanding rights etc.
Waste of space.
Marriage is about man rooting woman and then caring for their children until age 18 or 21 and then get rid off them and enjoy the rest of your life lol
Could the opponents of recognition have been brainwashed into sticking with a concept that was preached as Gospel for Millennia? Is it possible that their brains are lost to accepting new ideas?

Absolutely that could happen pixel.

But don't you remember when you were going through adolescence and this very subject was front and centre like everything else the old fossils who ran society insisted were fundamental values of society? Then over time you start to find out what actually goes on, it's not just a thought anymore, but a physical act, a lifestyle, a cult, men of the cloth. Your basic rules, programmed invitro at a primal level tell you what is natural and right because your body gives you signals like surprise, shock and gut churning, which you either ignore at the time or accept.

And, of course, witnessing the rapid growth of homosexuality and knowing our imprint is to exclude homosexuals from the tribe, we start to put defensive "just in case" barriers up to ensure any friends, family or offspring who find themselves drawn to the flame are not persecuted and sent packing.

So it's not conditioning at any skyfairy gospel level and it's not because of millenial imprinting, infact societal change in one generation is what marketers rely on. Change management of product acceptance in a 25 year period results in a really strong, almost cult following which gradually decays back to the primal norm. Homosexual marriage is just the latest coco pops fad in the absence of anything else for a bored population to adhere to.

The real danger that people should be considering when they seek to protect their acquaintances and relatives, is that once people do "come out" and do offend those religious nuts by parodying real marriage traditions, that this will inevitably turn around as it always does. And the revitalised conservative, religiously driven masters will take umbrage at the outrage, just like they have done so over "millenia".

That we are in a global religious war, co habitating with belligerent dictators should be sounding alarm bells of puritanical proportions. I'd be advocating homosexuals get back in their fox holes if you really care for them.
Marriage is about man rooting woman and then caring for their children until age 18 or 21 and then get rid off them and enjoy the rest of your life lol

Please, tell us what you really think!

I started making noises about moving out when they hit 2, 13 and 17. Prime numbers are a biatch.
This is not same sex marriage, this is LGBTI the whole transgender movement.

Full on Orwellian, imv.
This is not same sex marriage, this is LGBTI the whole transgender movement.

Full on Orwellian, imv.
so why bother with the marriage thing ... so they can get government child support? Just another way to rort the system. I vote no.
I am voting NO.

I have already said, Marriage is one man and one woman.
People taking responsibility for their actions.
I will be voting NO.

The family unit (mother, father, child) is the TRUTH, and what Marriage stands for.
How does legally recognizing a same sex marriage take anything away from heterosexual marriages?
How does legally recognizing a same sex marriage take anything away from heterosexual marriages?

Firstly I find it strange that people who don't care about the institution of Marriage haven't noticed that the Gay movement want it more than anyone else.

What does it take away.
For a male male marriage which has children the influence and love from a mother.
For a female female marriage with children the influence and love from a father.

Tragically each of those in a childless marriage will also not feel the love of opposite sexes
Or the joy of interaction with either on a level as deep as that attained if you sincerely think you've found your life partner.
Can't see the 'Yes' vote getting up on a voluntary postal vote.

If it's not on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, it doesn't register with the younger luvvies.

A 'No' vote would immediately be contested by the SSM boosters.

Overall a rather frivolous exercise.
I think the issue is around the word "marriage" and what people believe is traditional . I believe if it was called another name for same sex couples and they were given the same rights as traditional marriage maybe we would not be debating it for so long but who knows...We keep reading articles as per the below link and people have

Nice work Pixel. I think that perspective offers an excellent way to view the current discussion.
Civil Unions ?
Not quite the same

A civil union is a legal status that provides many of the same protections as marriage does to couples. However, these protections are only available at the state level. Federal protections, such as tax breaks and social security benefits, are unavailable to the civilly united.

Yes, when you deny blacks the right to sit at the front of the bus, they will rightly protest for their right to sit there.

As for your point about children, children are a separate topic.

You don't have to have kids tonne married, and you don't have to be married to have kids.

I have no idea what your third paragraph is about.
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