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Gay Marriage

I still find in incredible how religion cherry picks what's morally right and wrong according to God's word.

One of the fundamental stories of the bible is how Abraham took his slave girl Hagar to bare him a child because Sarah was barren.

Now let's discuss the morals of that.

In the end it's not God's word at all but what supports the prevailing cultural social sentiment of the day, and what wins votes.

There's almost enough votes in gay marriage now. Almost.
Whetever a gay union is, it's not marriage.

That's between two people of opposite sex.
Not trying to be controversial, i am only going off memory, so could be wrong. But wasn't it the gay community that demanded the right to donate blood, that caused a few issues?
Sometimes, if it isn't broke why try to mend it?
It is a bit off topic but does indicate that just because a group demand something is right doesn't mean it is so.
That goes for a lot of things in life, as the labor party is proving.
I cant see any problem with Gay marriage, they cant get married in Churches because of religious beliefs but ápart from that cant see any reason why they shouldnt be ably to marry..
Gays aren't exactly a minoruty hiding from public view any more.
Whetever a gay union is, it's not marriage.

That's between two people of opposite sex.

Rubbish, care to elaborate on that?

Marriage is just a word and means a union.

And anyway, who cares. I am heterosexual and could not care less.

However a proper and legal union would probably protect society more through identification and the legal binding itself.

And if they are married and retired their total pension is less which is a win win for all of us too.
And anyway, who cares. I am heterosexual and could not care less.
Me too. So why is 'marriage' so important to homosexual couples?
In most states they already have equal rights with married heterosexual couples in terms of Super etc, so what difference does engaging in some ceremony make?

Most Australians couldn't care less.
But I have some sympathy for those to whom marriage absolutely means, perhaps on a religious basis, a union between man and woman. For those people, it's apparently deeply offensive for homosexuals to marry.

I'm honestly a bit sick of the whole fuss. There are much more important matters for Australians and our government to be thinking about imo.

However a proper and legal union would probably protect society more through identification and the legal binding itself.
What? Each person already has, or should have, appropriate identification documents, and the civil unions as above confer legal rights to the same extent as marriage.
So what exactly are you talking about here?

And it they are married and retired their total pension is less which is a win win too.
Interesting point. As far as I'm aware the civil union legislation confers this also. Someone might know differently.

Agree absolutely Julia, It does my head in, why we have to have a national and government debate to make people feel better about themselves.
Lots of people feel disadvantaged over their financial position, yet can't get the air play this issue gets.
What? Each person already has, or should have, appropriate identification documents, and the civil unions as above confer legal rights to the same extent as marriage.
So what exactly are you talking about here?

Its just the vibe thing in my view Julia, people would then get over the whole issue and perhaps move on.
Its just the vibe thing in my view Julia, people would then get over the whole issue and perhaps move on.

Well maybe that in itself is the problem. Why not just give in to all minority group requests and move on. Jeez
That's why we have the carbon tax, what a way to address issues.
Most Australians couldn't care less.
But I have some sympathy for those to whom marriage absolutely means, perhaps on a religious basis, a union between man and woman. For those people, it's apparently deeply offensive for homosexuals to marry.

What I don't get is why religion seems to think it has some sort of ownership over marriage. It's not like it didn't exist before Christianity or that it doesn't exist outside of the Abrahamic religions.

As far as I'm concerned, I could care less what two consenting adults want to do with or to eachother. If no one is getting hurt then its none of my business. If they want to express their commitment to eachother through marriage then I can see no reason why they should be stopped.
What I don't get is why religion seems to think it has some sort of ownership over marriage. It's not like it didn't exist before Christianity or that it doesn't exist outside of the Abrahamic religions.


The reason the churches oppose gay marriage is not because they see it as undermining the institute of marriage. It is because they simply hate gay people. They will make claims that they really 'love' gay people like Jesus has directed Christians to "love" one another. But deep down inside, they are simply bigots.
Well if you want to go back to the origins of marriage to understand it's original intent, the first recorded marriage was around 2350 B.C. in Mesopotamia. It was intended "to bind women to men, and thus guarantee that a man’s children were truly his biological heirs. Through marriage, a woman became a man’s property. In the betrothal ceremony of ancient Greece, a father would hand over his daughter with these words: “I pledge my daughter for the purpose of producing legitimate offspring.”

Doesn't sound like it had any meaning in gay and lesbian least as it was originally intended.

I have already said what I think in here numerous times
Bellenuit that is so wrong.
Religion hates no one.

Every child has a right to be with their mother AND father.
That should be what marraige is about.
What we teach our children.

We are so quick to throw away traditions arent we?
Nothing is valued anymore.

Sorry Tink, I strongly disagree with this post.

Being raised by a strictly Christian mother who took her religion way too seriously, I can tell you from experience religion does hate. You only need to look through the history of Religion throughout mankind for proof of this. IMO Bellenuit is correct.

Christianity is nothing more then excuse for people to enforce their beliefs on others, again you only have to look through the history of the Church to see to how far the church will take that if given the chance. The church has a strong history of being a corrupt and sometimes vile organisation, and I for one am glad it doesn't wield the power it used to in our society - even if I think it still has too much influence.

Traditions being thrown away is hardly a new concept. If you think about it mankind has been throwing away traditions since the beginning of time, if we didn't we would still be living like we were back when "Jesus" was around. I for one am glad we challenge and change our outdated traditions especially religious ones otherwise mankind would not progress. Women and various races are probably glad the "traditions" of women's rights and racial equality where challenged and changed and even though gay rights have improved considerably over the last few decades it appears there is still a way to go imo.

I for one am glad I live in this era and not anytime in the past, our choices and lifestyle in this country are the best they have ever been imo because outdated beliefs and traditions have been challenged and changed. While people may delude themselves into thinking things were better back in the day, I disagree. Not saying things are perfect now, far from it in-fact there are plenty of issues that need addressing in our current society but there always is, was and will be.

To say we don't value anything any more is wrong, we just don't value what we valued 20 years ago. Is this for the better or the worse? Who knows, some will argue yes and some will argue no - it is what it is.
Every child has a right to be with their mother AND father.
That should be what marraige is about.
What we teach our children.

That's a nice view to have and say but in reality this does not happen in our society.
An you think men marrying men and women marrying women will help the interests of children? How?

Did I say that? I just commented on the reality children are removed or denied access and the right to be with both a mother and father in our society as it is and has nothing to do with gay or heterosexual marriage.

Gay couples already have the ability to "start a family" and have children without being married. So if society already allows this why the big uproar over letting them get married?
Gay couples already have the ability to "start a family" and have children without being married. So if society already allows this why the big uproar over letting them get married?

So why the big uproar about them not getting married.:dunno: They claim they are being discriminated against. It reminds me of the story of the lesbian who felt discriminated against because she wasn't allowed to be a sperm donor.
So why the big uproar about them not getting married.:dunno: They claim they are being discriminated against. It reminds me of the story of the lesbian who felt discriminated against because she wasn't allowed to be a sperm donor.

That is a very compelling story Calliope.. Lesbian not allowed to be a sperm donor.. Who would have guessed.
Would you like to share the source of that particular gem with us ?
That is a very compelling story Calliope.. Lesbian not allowed to be a sperm donor.. Who would have guessed.
Would you like to share the source of that particular gem with us ?

Yes it's ridiculous isn't it? Just like a man complaining discrimination because he can't marry another man. What s joke.

As Nomore pointed they have the same rights as any other couple.
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