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Gay Marriage

QLD Labor govt just lowered the age of anal sex to 16. Obviously clearing the decks for the gay agenda, but why the implicit promotion of promiscuity with children escapes me.
ABC is keeping the torch burning with it's more than regular dose of gay abandon:

Australian Story on Monday next:

QLD Labor govt just lowered the age of anal sex to 16. Obviously clearing the decks for the gay agenda, but why the implicit promotion of promiscuity with children escapes me.

I know a few of you will laugh, but it is a part of the Fabian Society tactic to lower the morals of our youth and it has been going on since the 60's...This Safe Schools program in Victoria will become compulsory in all schools shortly but it has a hidden agenda as many of you now realize or are about to find out.....Daniel Andrews is behind it all and I am told it is a dangerous piece of legislation which will have a dramatic affect on all school kids from a very young age.

Through from the 50's and 60's Communism has set out to destroy the economy of Western Countries and to lower the morals of youth by exposing them to pornography as much as possible at an early age

I once posted under, "COMMUNISM IS NOT DEAD AND BURIED", How to skin a country, I will see if I can reproduce it for you.
QLD Labor govt just lowered the age of anal sex to 16. Obviously clearing the decks for the gay agenda, but why the implicit promotion of promiscuity with children escapes me.

The age of consent should be 18 for everyone imo, but now I'll be called a Conservative !
You guys are on another planet if you think teenagers wait until their 16th or 18th birthday to play hide the sausage.
You guys are on another planet if you think teenagers wait until their 16th or 18th birthday to play hide the sausage.

A lot of them don't wait to try drugs or get pissed, steal a car and go and kill someone, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't do it.
The age of consent should be 18 for everyone imo, but now I'll be called a Conservative !

Well at least you are starting to think about things...You do not have to be a conservative to understand some common sense in what is happening to our youths.....There is a new breed of youths known as "NEETS" who are inbred into the life of Social Security..... 6 to 8 of these NEETS can rent a house and live the life of Riley and receive enough from the government to pay all their living expenses.
As explained earlier, marriage is a basic human right, also not being descriminated based on sexuality or gender is a basic human right. If you don't understand that, I am not going to waste any more time explaining it..
What can anyone answer to that!!Nearly biblical: truth has arrived
Anyway, all is good for you, overhang and cie, no SSM thanks to Shorten
Victory for the good side: did you celebrate and open a bottle of champagne: you have won
Well done mate, with progressive people like you, manking will soon be back in the caves
You guys are on another planet if you think teenagers wait until their 16th or 18th birthday to play hide the sausage.

It's hilarious. A bit of legislation isn't going to stop teenagers having sex. The only teens waiting until they're 18 are the ones who can't get laid.
It's hilarious. A bit of legislation isn't going to stop teenagers having sex. The only teens waiting until they're 18 are the ones who can't get laid.

Yes, exactly. I waited until 18 but it was definitely not by choice. And CERTAINLY nothing to do with any concern for the legalities of it!
It's hilarious. A bit of legislation isn't going to stop teenagers having sex. The only teens waiting until they're 18 are the ones who can't get laid.
Mate, the only reason they're doing this is because there's a Fabian hiding under the bed of every teenager egging them on.
It's hilarious. A bit of legislation isn't going to stop teenagers having sex. The only teens waiting until they're 18 are the ones who can't get laid.

Well, lets reduce the age of consent to 10, or abolish it altogether.
Yes, exactly. I waited until 18 but it was definitely not by choice. And CERTAINLY nothing to do with any concern for the legalities of it!

I was 15. I think that was on the younger side back in the 90's, but is middle of the road these days. A steam train pulling me the other way wouldn't have stopped me, let alone a bit of legislation.
I was 15. I think that was on the younger side back in the 90's, but is middle of the road these days. A steam train pulling me the other way wouldn't have stopped me, let alone a bit of legislation.

So your 16 year old son gets his 14 year old girlfriend pregnant, are you happy to pay for what happens afterwards ?

Or your 14 year old daughter is made pregnant by her boyfriend, Do you really want that happening. If you don't care then you are not much of a father.

Without some threat of legal action you have basically nil influence in stopping such things happening.

No glove, no love.
Marriage is NOT a "basic human right".


Maybe in little rumpoles world its not, but according to the united nations universal charter of human rights, which Australia assisted in writing, it is a basic human right.

So you can deny it all you want, but its right there in the charter which Australia is a signatory to.
When the urge strikes in the park at midnight I doubt if looking around for an open chemist is the first priority.

I doubt they will care what the law says either way, but it has been shown that abstinence only education doesn't work, and increases the rate of teenage pregnancy.

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10 year old Muslim girls get married of to older men and it is happening here in Australia.

Yes, unbelievably disgusting but gays marrying each other are not going to effect this.

However the marriage debate is a distraction from a clear focus on issues of child abuse wherein we do need to push for public attention.
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