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Gay Marriage

Core value of our nation? Logique, I doubt that even 1 in 10,000 people know what is in the marriage act or what it is about.
Bellenuit, you mentioned in one of your posts about how you had reservations, how usually the children were put first in these scenarios, yet in this case, they are putting the rights of the adults before the children, I agree with that. Something I was trying to say in a post.

The Marraige Act is all about 'the family unit' - mother, father, child, agree or not, thats the way it is and should be.
There is a reason that they all should be included -- why would we want to discourage that?

Thats what I see as a core value and should stay that way for all future generations.

Tinks I think mainstream agrees with you, also I feel it will be reflected further, in future opinion polls.
The biggest stuff up yet by Gillard, and that is saying something.
Actually I would go further and say she, single handedly, has set back the Republican cause decades.LOL
Just imagine if she was the President, God forbid, what a joke.
Penny Wong is now the proud "father" of baby Alexandra.



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I can't resist a little bit of Family Guy hilarity at this point.

Quagmire: Oh yeah, I'm very in touch with my Asian roots. You notice I take my shoes off whenever I enter my house? I do five hours of math homework every night even though I'm not longer in school. Sometimes, I drink out of a wood box. I was a very cute baby and now I'm a joyless adult.
The grandson of a friend came home from school a few days ago with a cut lip.
Finally disclosed to his mother that he had been bashed for sticking up for a little girl who was being teased because she had 'two mummies'.

The defending five year old was jeered at for being a "poofter supporter".

His mother was glad her child tried to defend an innocent classmate but doesn't really want her son to be attacked.

And homosexuals demanding their rights say there are no ramifications of these 'rights"?
Penny Wong is now the proud "father" of baby Alexandra.

Looks like the kid will grow up with plenty of support. May grow up to be a leader. Good luck to them and baby Alexandra.

I'd rather be a baby growing up with them than with any of the drug/alcohol addicted fuktards I've seen traveling on public transport on the Frankston line I catch home from work each day.

So far there is no licence to be a parent. Maybe there should be - but Penny and her husband/wife look like good parents to me.


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The prejudices in this thread are very surprising, I honestly thought we had progressed a lot further then what has been shown in this thread.

What do you suggest we do Julia? Remove the rights of homosexuals because their kids might get bullied? Go back to the "good old days" where homosexuals were too scared to make their lifestyle known? Seems to me we really haven't progressed far from those days anyway.

I would say that most homosexuals are well aware of the ramifications of their "rights" as they have probably being putting up with those "ramifications" most of their lives.

Kids can be very cruel and will find nearly any excuse to bully kids that are different in any way. I was bullied because my Mum was ultra religious, and I have seen kids bullied for many various reasons. But to now use that as an argument against giving homosexuals rights is scraping the bottom of the barrel imo.
Nomore4s, it's not up to me to suggest what anyone should do about anything.

I simply related an anecdote. I've previously stated that I don't know any homosexual couples with children so I have nothing on which to base any opinion.

I do think it's tough on kids to be made fun of for whatever reason. Difficult enough growing up without that additional worry.

You're entitled to your opinion. I haven't tried to change it. Kindly accord me the same respect.

I don't know what the long term outcomes might be for children in 'different' situations. Let's wait and see.

I rate Julia as one of the most objective posters on ASF. However, on this issue I find you being rather prejudical.

Using your logic of "wait and see" is no better than reverting to the "White Australia" policy because children of "non-whites" might be victimised.

I agree with this statement from noremore4s
"Kids can be very cruel and will find nearly any excuse to bully kids that are different in any way."
I rate Julia as one of the most objective posters on ASF. However, on this issue I find you being rather prejudical.
Macquack, back a bit in this thread I think I said I found it difficult to coherently explain my reservations here. Also suggested it might just be my innate social conservatism.

You may be right, but I'm not talented in tailoring how I feel so that it's in line with what someone else wants me to think.

Using your logic of "wait and see" is no better than reverting to the "White Australia" policy because children of "non-whites" might be victimised.
Probably a fair enough analogy. I just don't feel able to make an assessment that it all be just okey dokey when we have no longitudinal experience of the sort of family structures being discussed.

I agree with this statement from noremore4s
"Kids can be very cruel and will find nearly any excuse to bully kids that are different in any way."
Sure. We'll all agree with that. However, having spent about ten years mentoring kids in schools, I'm less than enthusiastic about giving the little sods yet another reason to torture their fellow students.
Penny Wong is now the proud "father" of baby Alexandra.

They should have put a photo of the father in the top right hand corner, since the article said the father was going to be involved with the child.

Family of 4


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I have no intention of trying to change your opinion. I like Macquack just found that post to be somewhat out of character for you.
Mainly this bit:
And homosexuals demanding their rights say there are no ramifications of these 'rights"?

Maybe it is just poorly worded and you are having trouble expressing your feelings on this matter, but to me at least that line just reads very badly.

There is plenty of research around on children of same sex couples from a quick search of google.,8599,1994480,00.html

I'm sure some of the research will support both sides of the argument.

I haven't read any of it and I have no intention of reading any of it because my view is simple. There will be good and bad same-sex parents just as there is now with the traditional family structure. Children of both these family structures will range from one end of the scale to the other end, I don't need studies to tell me that.

Like I said before every argument I've heard used against same-sex marriage or same-sex couples having children can be used against traditional hetro couples as well.
I have no intention of trying to change your opinion. I like Macquack just found that post to be somewhat out of character for you.
Mainly this bit:
And homosexuals demanding their rights say there are no ramifications of these 'rights"?

Maybe it is just poorly worded and you are having trouble expressing your feelings on this matter, but to me at least that line just reads very badly.
If you think it's poorly worded then you're welcome to such a view. I do not think it's poorly worded. I stand by what I said. It accurately says what I wanted to say.
To suggest there will be no ramifications of either same sex marriage or children being raised in homosexual relationships is imo naive.
But I'm happy for you to believe what you want.
Will you be equally happy for marriage to occur in multiple relationships where the criteria (as with same sex relationships) is simply that the people involved all love each other? So if five or six people all get off on having a sexual relationship which is a free for all amongst all of them, we should also be happy for them also to be married?

I have already agreed about this. That argument has nothing to do with whether or not there will be hitherto unrealised ramifications of everything you are so in favour of.

I don't know. But I do not discount the possibilities.

Like I said before every argument I've heard used against same-sex marriage or same-sex couples having children can be used against traditional hetro couples as well.
I disagree. But nothing I say to this end will apparently allow you to consider a different view.
Churches 'scaremongering' on same-sex marriage, say Greens.

God seems upset at some of their practices too.

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