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No, I did not. You stated that we have laws that protect children.Come on Julia, you knew what I meant.
Whiskers, you're arguments are getting so far off the subject of gay marriage it's not worth debating it with you anymore.
It's all about love, apparently, and should be above politics. Important that it passes in time for the Spring wedding season.http://sarah-hanson-young.greensmps...lease/greens-seize-momentum-marriage-equality
"Marriage equality and fairness for all is about love and should be above politics," the Greens' marriage equality spokesperson said.
"With support from members from all sides, I believe these bills can pass in time for the spring wedding season."
"Cupid doesn't discriminate and neither should the law."
No, I did not. You stated that we have laws that protect children.
I know this not to be so.
I still don't understand what you mean if you genuinely think there are valid protections in our society for abused children.
Just last week a child was found dead. She had been tortured and abused over a long period of time. What protection did she have?
You absolutely cannot blithely dismiss the horrendous abuse of children with an airy assertion that we have laws to prevent this.
Please explain just how the little girl in the example above could have protected herself against ongoing torture and eventual death.
Or the children of both sexes who are sexually abused by deviant adults. What recourse has a little kid got?
My original statement above was in response to Whiskers about there being no laws protecting children from abuse in gay marriages but you have somehow taken that to mean that I don't care about abused children and I think the laws are enough to protect them. The bold text is actually the point I was trying to make.And I'm pretty sure there are laws that{are designed to} protect children from abuse no matter who brings them up or what environment they are brought up in.
You may not agree with Whiskers. I don't either in some of what he says. But he's at least trying to take the subject seriously instead of just assuming all will be just okey dokey if we rewrite the Marriage Act. You, on the other hand, appear totally unwilling to even think about some of the possible ramifications.
Whiskers keeps banging on about children being affected and there not being enough laws to protect children in same sex marriages and my argument has been that same-sex couple can already adopt and/or raise children in various states so there must already be laws applying to these situations.
I have also tried to make the point same-sex couples can not have children as
easily has hetro couples and I fail to see how allowing them to get married
makes it any easier for them to adopt etc etc under the current laws.
Cupid?From the Greens 'marriage equality spokesperson' Senator Sarah Hanson-Young - Saturday 3rd December 2011
It's all about love, apparently, and should be above politics. Important that it passes in time for the Spring wedding season.
It doesn't. I just couldn't let your statement that we have laws in place to protect children go unchallenged. It wasn't my intention to turn this into a thread about abused children.Julia, there are laws designed to offer protection to children from this abuse. Does that stop children from being abused? No of course it doesn't because there are sick individuals around that will do the wrong thing no matter what protections are in place. If you want to start a debate about child abuse that is fine and I'll agree with you that the laws don't stop children from being abused or that the penalties are not heavy enough but that is not what we are talking about.
What do you suggest is done? And how exactly does this relate to not letting same-sex couples get married?
Have I? I think I just gave an example of how the law does not actually protect children. If you'd not raised the suggestion that our laws ensured the safety of children, I wouldn't have commented. Again, I have no wish to derail the thread.You have taken my original statement and like Whiskers taken it off on a totally different tangent
No, I wouldn't think for a moment that you don't care about abused children and have not at all suggested that.My original statement above was in response to Whiskers about there being no laws protecting children from abuse in gay marriages but you have somehow taken that to mean that I don't care about abused children
Again, I honestly don't know. Homosexual people with children haven't been part of our society for long enough for much assessment to be made about the success or otherwise of such a family structure.What possible ramifications Julia?
That's a perfectly fair comment. As above, I can't coherently say to you exactly why homosexual marriage seems not OK to me. I also can't really understand why there's so much attraction to being married. It's not as if the institution of marriage has a great track record!The same ramifications we have now when we let hetro-sexual couples get married?
These relationships with or without children already exist in our society and I really fail to see what possible difference is going to be made by granting them the legal right to get married. I'm yet to see one decent, valid argument from anyone on this thread to why same-sex couples shouldn't be allowed to get married.
I don't either. As above I don't think sexual orientation is the arbiter of abuse of children.Some of the views in this thread make it seem like same-sex couples especially gay male couples are a danger to our children and are a blight on our community and I'm sorry but I don't agree with those views.
From the Greens 'marriage equality spokesperson' Senator Sarah Hanson-Young - Saturday 3rd December 2011
"Marriage equality and fairness for all is about love and should be above politics," the Greens' marriage equality spokesperson said.
"With support from members from all sides, I believe these bills can pass in time for the spring wedding season."
"Cupid doesn't discriminate and neither should the law."
It's all about love, apparently, and should be above politics. Important that it passes in time for the Spring wedding season.
I did but see her **** pass me by.
A not so `S.H.Y’ Sarah Hanson-Young touched off a `cheeky’ exchange with a `crack’ at Nationals senator, John “Wacka” Williams.
The latter had complained by point of order that Greens’ leader Bob Brown routinely failed to “bow” to the Senate President when coming and going from the chamber.
He directed a jibe at the South Australian as he sat down telling her, “you’re just as bad as Bob”.
“I don’t bow because I don’t want you looking at my ****,” retorted Senator SHY allegedly to the gravelly New South Welshman.
“I don’t want to look at your ****,” responded “Wacka” who later admitted to being “gobsmacked”.
“Mr President, I ask Senator Williams to withdraw that offensive statement,” intervened a suddenly indignant Bob Brown before noting that Barnaby Joyce had traversed the chamber without the requisite “bowing and scraping”.
It was edifying stuff proving once again that politics is generally more **** than science.
[Example from post 191]
For example a Gay male may have a child via a surrogate mother (or a heterosual partner before going gay), and that male seems to be legally considered the father sooner or later. When that gay (or heterosexual) relationship breaks down and he gets married to another male, his child seems to likely to be considered a step child of the new male partner, but if the new male partner has sex with the step child after 16 yo, is that still to be considered incest as in a heterosexual marriage until the child reaches the legal age of adult?
But at the same time, I have some reservations about children growing up with the assumption that having homosexual 'parents' is the norm.
If asked to clarify these reservations, I honestly can't. It's perhaps just my innate conservatism in a social sense.
Whiskers keeps bleating on about the risks of gay marriage, when all the negative scenarios he refers to already exist.
I really fail to see how your above example is any different when it is a male step father in a traditional marriage or a male step father in a same-sex marriage.
A parent is a parent no matter what sex, race or sexual orientation.
A step parent is a step parent no matter what sex, race or sexual orientation.
They all have legal & moral obligations and responsibilities towards the
children in their care. So why does the law need to differentiate based on the sexual preference of the offender?
Tell me, who is being the most demanding there?
I say, let them have same sex marriage!!
Then they can have infidelity, mistrust, divorce, property settlement, custody battles, etc.
Why should we be the only ones having fun?!
Marriage between two people, regardless of sex discriminates against those relationships of a greater number than two. If we are going to change the Marriage Act, let's go all the way and include polyamorous relationships.
As for children.....as a schoolteacher of 31 years (and counting unless the stockmarket picks up rapidly) it is amazing how many disengaged students I have come across who are from families who are split up and the father is hardly involved, if at all. As for children of same sex couples I have only come across one - a complete mess. But one is obviously not enough to make any conclusions. Hopefully I will meet some who are well-balanced.
Must agree Tink. I'm happy for gays and lesbians to arrange their lives anyway they choose. I don't judge them, they'll get no discrimination here. Their current civil unions are fine by me.Well here is hoping that Abbott stands his ground.
Marraige is man, woman, child -- and should stay that way for all future generations.
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