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Gay Marriage

But if they do recognise them, they are discriminating against normal healthy minded people.
But if they do recognise them, they are discriminating against normal healthy minded people.

How is it?

(I am choosing to ignore the bit where you are suggesting that being gay is not "Healthy minded", whatever that is)
How is it?

(I am choosing to ignore the bit where you are suggesting that being gay is not "Healthy minded", whatever that is)

It's going against the vast majority wishes.... you know the ones that talk about their objections under their breath when in the presence of a social conscience oracle.
It's going against the vast majority wishes.... you know the ones that talk about their objections under their breath when in the presence of a social conscience oracle.

how is that descrimination???

And who says its against the vast majorities wishes?

Any way, as I said the "vast majority" do not have the right to take away a minorities rights.


but any way, these relationships exist regardless, how is having them registered and recognised with the government any more "harmful" to these precious majority groups.

I mean if there is a lesbian couple living on the other side of town for 5 years, how does is suddenly become harmful to you if one weekend they have a party and get a marriage licence?

Easy answer vote Labor, next election.
I'm (somewhat) normal healthy minded, and I don't mind and won't feel discriminated.

Yeah but you are too busy navigating racial discrimination to worry about important things like the core fundamentals of Australian culture that social engineers currently want to tear down to complete the transition to all ewes & wethers, but no rams.

Alexander the Great; Roman Emperor Hadrian... those two are pretty gay and they seem to rule the world just fine. But maybe that's the old days when bravery and ballsy-ness mean doing things other than just putting people down because they're different to feel good about oneself.

No that's just BS made up by the same social engineers. If you knew your Greco Roman history, it was considered anti collegiate not to hang around the other soldier boys and play with each other's pinky bits. They admitted to and practiced what we all know to be true.... an indoctrinated practice of admiration for the male form, that women were breeders and the power of mind over sub conscious hetrosexual instinct.

In fact the Greeks/Macedonians are a great example of how gayness is a learned behaviour...a choice....which is what it is,

I guess some people know much, much, much more about gay and gayness than others, haha

Strange these gay people and their choices... in a civilised, God-fearing society where homosexuality is deemed bad, wrong and some kind of illness or mental instability, they chose to be gay just to get picked on and marginalised. We could understand them choosing to be gay back in the days of Alexander.

Strange, it's almost as though they don't have a choice in who and what gender to love. But of course you know better

We should differentiate gayness and misogyny.

In blokey professions like football say there are probably quite a few players who while not gay don't particularly like women and think they are weak and worthless.

That may have been the attitude in Alexander's day, alpha males who would rather be with their mates in battle than worry about the frailties and dependencies of women.

Oh yea, misogyny aplenty I think too.

But Alexander and Hadrian were more than male bonding over some ale with their brothers in arms. And the Spartans as depicted in that 300 movie... they'd probably oil each others' bod before defending Sparta against that very gay-looking Persian emperor who, according to them Persian people, was one of their greatest ruler/warmonger.

Corporations not paying much tax, more than a handful of those earning over a million buck a year pay zero income tax; climate change fast reaching the point of no return; wars are flaring up all over the place; $1 trillion has been earmarked by the US on new generation of nuclear weapons - making them more friendly, I guess... and we're worrying about whether gay people should be equal and enjoy marriages and having a family or not.

Values and priorities... I guess it's the getting into Heaven that's more important than the living this one life we have.
That's a big call, Malcolm is homosexual, I would never have guessed that.

for sure. Look at his salmon pink mansion.

With me in primary... my school bag was red when we bought it, see.. .then it fades and turn pink. But it is not pink, dam it! That mansion... that's definitely pink.
Yesterday's reply budget speech = 100 days into Bill''s election and he will legalise gay marriage.

Must have a big economic value to the budget?
Yesterday's reply budget speech = 100 days into Bill''s election and he will legalise gay marriage.

Must have a big economic value to the budget?

It's a promise he can't keep, he can only put the legislation forward.
It's a promise he can't keep, he can only put the legislation forward.

Actually, that's what his promise was - to put it to a vote in parliament within 100 days.

Agree with Tisme though. Gay marriage has nothing to do with a budget reply.
Why do Labor and the Greens dislike freedom of speech and democracy?

They have been got to by the LGBTI lobby, who are secretly afraid of losing the plebiscite, and put forward the "hate speech" nonsense.

There won't be much debate anyway, most people have made up their minds already, one way or the other.
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