i purchased personal plus 2006 about 4 months ago.
Spend the time to set it up right otherwise its just a waste of your time. It is very simple to setup.
What made be get this product was the import features that i can use from etrade and st george. on the first day of each month i export my statements from st george and import them into quicken. Its then just a matter of tagging each item in the statement with its appropriate category, bill, pay, etc.
With etrade import, you can export all trades up to 100 days previous. I do the export at the same time of the month as i do the banking. It will not double up on trades if you import them again, which is cool.
The first month or 2 was a bit shaky using it until we got it all together, but now me and the missus are using it to track everything (including super!). It has made us alot more conscious of where our funds are going and it helps us moderate that spending because it tracks everything down to the last cent of what we are spending what on. We have saved so much $$ since we started using this, which has given us a better feeling of financial stability.
What im really waiting for is for the end of the 06-07 fin year when i will have a whole years worth of data in it. I can then create a tax return report. Thats nifty i reckon. Ill still lodge it with my accountant, but having all that data prepared for him will make him happy and he will charge me less.
Good luck with it, im a big advocate of this product.