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30 June 2007
Interesting that they names this storm after Frankenstein.

Parts of New York State being cleared. Haiti hammered.
Re: Franenstorm

Interesting that they names this storm after Frankenstein.

Parts of New York State being cleared. Haiti hammered.

Yeah, seems the storm surge is the biggest worry at the is good site to keep up to date...

Re: Franenstorm

Thanks. I see it's actually called hurricane Sandy - not quite so threatening as Frankenstorm :

LOL, yeah the media has a stake in this too. I guess if it was called hurricane Brutus they may not have bothered with all the Frankenstorm crap!

This thing could do another couple of billion dollars in damage, adding to the debt burden...
The meteorologists are not mincing their language on threat posed by "Sandy "

Just the opening couple of paragraphs from The Weather Channel website. If this plays out the way they see it there could be serious problems for insurance companies as well as long term damage to infrastructure. ( i.e flooding of subways in New York, widespread flooding of residential areas, immense damage to roads, bridges, houses and industry)

Hope they are wrong...

They're a commercial terror pays...For the science go to Wunderground.

Its all seems to be depending on how it mixes with the other weather system(s)...

In any case, agree the storm surge seems to be a concern.

Just glad I'm are and not there.

No point speculating about how big or bad it will be - the next 72 hours will tell everything.

Actually I'm speculating how much the TV networks are sensationalizing...

Interesting point Canoz. At the moment there lots of "oohing and aahing" at big waves, flooded foreshore and so on. So its just colour and movement.

If this gets seriously ugly with disastrous flooding, many deaths and huge property damage the " oohing and aahing" will look revolting.

Yeah, I'm hoping its not as bad as they are saying...

Just glad I'm are and not there.
Without wanting to make light of a serious situation, I'm just glad it wasn't earlier.

Came back to Australia from a 5 week US trip 2 weeks ago and the last destination was NY. A very interesting place to visit, but I sure wouldn't want to be stuck there during a major disaster as you'd be pretty much screwed I'd expect.

Good luck to everyone there. Let's hope it doesn't turn out to be as bad as feared.

On a more long term, albeit political, note I suspect this may turn out to be a major turning point in the climate change debate regardless of the science behind it. Just as the the various high profile incidents have each dealt a major blow to nuclear power and 11 September 2001 changed aviation and security in many ways, this storm could well turn out to be a defining moment in the climate debate. That has nothing to do with the science, and everything to do with the politics and public reaction to it. History tends to be like that, the real changes in attitudes are driven by some actual "trigger event" rather than prior knowledge that it was possible etc. (If you want to debate that point then maybe take it to the climate change thread and keep this one for the current storm situation).
Without wanting to make light of a serious situation, I'm just glad it wasn't earlier.
(If you want to debate that point then maybe take it to the climate change thread and keep this one for the current storm situation).

This is about huge numbers of people in grave danger.

Debaters on ASF do have some brains, but your mere mention sets off triggers.
I doubt it Smurf.

The warmists and those disingenuous scalliwags masquerading as journalists will of course get themselves all aflutter, trying to link this storm (yes it's just a storm, not unprecedented in late Oct ) to climate change.

However they will be largely preaching to the choir.

I think I'll unequivocally withdraw that observation before the real storm actually hits.

After having a look at the way the Weather Channel operates I can't see any any way they will change the tone of their coverage.

And Wayne completely dissing CC as a contributory cause to this event is not refraining from discussion it in the thread....

I think Smurfs observation on the effect of grand tragedies to focus the minds will be the driving force of discussion as the events unflod.

Just saying..
Wayne, it will be the first of the month by the time the "witch of November" comes stealin to the great lake they call Gitchigumi...

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