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Forums and ego stroking

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No Ordinary Duck
14 October 2004

This sort of rubbish really annoys the crapper out of me.

Its so hard for idiots like this who cant for the life of themselves understand why anyone would spend time working with strangers for no reward.

It also really pisses them off when your record is clearly on display.

Ive been posting for over 10 yrs on only 2 forums ASF and REEFCAP.
Cop it on a regular basis that total honest no smoke and mirrors win lose or draw live presentation of MY trading methodologies are nothing but EGO MASSAGING.

Well let me say this to the mass of idiots that over the years have NOTHING to offer other than their THEORY.Few have the guts to show live methods.

The is no EGO MASSAGING if the methodology FAILS. Just ask Ducati.

Bugger off


Dont let these guys upset you.
This knob doesnt post live and hasnt really offered any meaningful contributions, but thats okay, but to label other members in the way he has is UNACCEPTABLE.

Its just not on - moderators lets do the right thing and ban this brisvegas clown.

Tech please continue to post here im learning heaps from you daily, and i appreciate you taking the time.

:iagree: tech when you take the ball up as often as you do you expect a few cheap high shots.Hope you understand this crap

Aussies love knocking over tall poppies. A couple of other observations about posts in general here on ASF (not criticism, just observation);

1. Posters turn a bit feral when the market starts falling. I guess it's an outlet for the pain they're feeling as they watch the value of their portfolio plummet.
2. Posters start laughing at risk management type posts towards the end of a bull run (and the volume of posts goes up dramatically).
3. Posters start taking notice of risk management type posts towards the end of a bear run.

There's got to be some contrarian strategies in there somewhere.

Brisvegas a hypocrit he's posted a message about people strocking their egos but thats exactly what he's doing with his message.

I would like to point out that this forum, as far as im concerned is simply a bit of fun where people can discuss their ideas and opinions. It's not the HSBC market room.

one suggestion Brisvegas
If you dont like the posts on the forum don't look at them, and dont waste our time with your self righteous bullcrap.

I am more of a lurker than a poster,just trying to get my head around a few things,and learn a bit.
Your posts some of the ones I treasure and look for,oth here and at reefcap.
Some of my best teaching has come from those who share their knowledge purely for the sake of sharing.
A little while a go I bought ARQ for $1.27,when it hit $1.56 I put in a stop loss of $1.485 even though I didn't expect it to be hit as soon as it was,the fact it was on gave me a feeling of having acted to take some of the uncertainty away from my trading.Before that I was mainly buy and hold.
When I was working I used to try and help some of the young kids coming on.
It is hard to explain,but I got a real kick out of showing them how I did things,and also to think outside the square,and take a different aproach.
By showing these kids,I was also focussing on what I knew,and gaining as well,while the guys who wouldn't teach were often seeing things with a blinkered view.
Those who say those who know won't,or can't teach are talking rubbish in a lot of cases.

Hey dont get me wrong I'm not looking for support here Im big enough and ugly enough to look after myself. But I thought there is no place to vent frustration,so I created one.

There is some pretty dumb stuff posted here at times,and at times rather than bugger up a thread this thread could be used to sort out disagreement--perhaps.

I'm sure the moderators can make sure that any "lively" discussions dont become personal.

My Beef is that "Acceptable" posting appears to be.

(1) Theory in plentiful amounts is OK.
(2) Vaugeness when asked for specifics is also OK.
(3) Hypotheticals with no support is also OK

"Unacceptable" appears to be

(1) Supported evidence --Egotistical
(2) Live demonstration--hidden agenda.
(3) Any supporting statistics even when asked and your DEFINATELY---massaging your ego.
(4) Posting on topic and full of practical information in any form of volume and you've an EGO the size of a house.

There is this group who seem to want to have people believe that there is mystery in successfully trading. Only those who keep this out of public veiw KNOW the secret.

Well let me tell you there is a "secret" and its so obvious that people dismiss it as not being complicated enough. Humans have this capacity of making the simple as complex as possible---if its complex then it MUST be better.

The we do the unforgivable over and over again.

We do the SAME thing day in day out and EXPECT a DIFFERENT result.

Anyone can make a profit in a bull market-----really---so there are 95% successful traders in a Bull market and only 5% unsuccessful.

Most trading methods are designed to trade in bullmarkets and if they dont work then then they arent much of a trading methodology.

Hi folks,

Not all of what brisvegas has to say should be trashed,
for example .....

..... this thread simply proves, that the most sensitive
ego on this forum belongs to tech/a !~!

When anybody mentions ego stroking, he is first to take
offence ... just a case of wearing the cap that fits, maybe?

As for his methods ..... if they are so good, how is it, that
he that he CANNOT consistently pick profitable stocks, in
the ASF monthly competitions ..... ???

Maybe there's more truth in brisvegas' post, than the
mouth (and his disciples) care to admit .....

have a great weekend



Yogi how can you compare our ASF monthly comp to the real thing .It just a penny stock guessing competitionwith luck not skill being the basic ingredient SORRY EZYTRADER

Who cares if someone has a big ego or a sensitive ego, is there anything wrong with that ? but taking a cheap shot by people calling them deciples is getting silly.

can this thread really go anywhere except for offending people.

Competitions are not trading. At best all Ive seen are buy and hold for X period.

With ASF you can only pick something that no one else already has picked so you have to make your selection often 2 weeks before the comp of the month coming up.
Then you have to hold it for the full month. You cant trade it.

There is more luck than good judgement to win.

To win the ASF comp you need to trade something that could return 30-50% in that month so ZFX or the likes would be in appropriate.
If it was just a matter of turning a profit rather than attempting to win I'm sure youd find many who would perform much better than the results now show.---even you yogi.

yogi-in-oz said:

As for his methods ..... if they are so good, how is it, that
he that he CANNOT consistently pick profitable stocks, in
the ASF monthly competitions ..... ???

You and Tech have 1 big similarity, & that is you put up your theories, then give us an insight with ongoing trades for all to see.

I did have a look at your record a while back and to me it seemed you had 50/50 success, specific dates less succesful.This is not a dig at you or your method. purley an observation.The same could be said for somebody using Elliot waves etc.

As for the monthly comp, we have 1 pick for the whole month, to win you have to have a go at a highly speculative stock or you will finish mid table.

In my experience trading this type of stock is very rewarding if you have very tight stops.Win rate can be as low as 25% and you can be very profitable.Where people go wrong is following alerts/tips from perceived good traders then wondering what went wrong when they lose money.

It is fairly simple, they hold onto losing stocks and sell the ones going up.But now we are totally off topic and getting into phschology again.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

Maybe you had better read that post again ... it said
NOTHING about WINNING the monthly competition,
but simply picking profitably stocks ..... something
that tech/a has failed to do, period.

..... and we pose the question, again:

"As for his methods ..... if they are so good, how is it, that
he that he CANNOT consistently pick profitable stocks, in
the ASF monthly competitions ..... ???"

How is it, that other traders here can come up with
PROFITABLE trades month-after-month, yet the
self-professed guru has failed to demonstrate a
consistently profitable return ???

... and this rubbish about the ASF competition being
just fun ... some are out to win every month by picking
risky stocks( and that's fine), but for those who ACTUALLY
TRADE their stock picks, it's more important to be
consistently PROFITABLE, month-after-month .....

..... no, we don't get them right every time, but by
being open to the wisdom of others, we have learned
how to maintain a good win/loss ratio, with CONSISTENT
and PROFITABLE trades.

have a great weekend



tech/a said:
With ASF you can only pick something that no one else already has picked so you have to make your selection often 2 weeks before the comp of the month coming up.
Then you have to hold it for the full month. You cant trade it.

So what ... ??? Everybody is in the same boat ... !~!

..... and there's many traders on ASF, that CONSISTENTLY
pick PROFITABLE stocks for the whole month, something
that tech/a has FAILED to demonstrate, despite all the
ego-stroking, about how much money he has made and
how good his methodologies seem to be .....

..... it would seem, that those CONSISTENTLY PROFITABLE
traders have a far better approach to trading, than
that espoused by the mouth hisself ..... yes???

happy dayz



Agree with Yogi.

Why are you getting so emotional, to the extent of starting a thread with 'IDIOTS' as the title? It's just immature to react so strongly. No-one is going to stop posting because brisvegas says they don't know what they're talking about, so there's no need for you to make a scene.

I sure appreciate your advice tech.. and the others who post all that good oil on the price of gold, and that gold on the price of gems, and those gems on the price of ... (ahh shuddup) .
seriously though - much appreciated.

Just a thought ... We should all know that the day will come - eventually - when the wise thing to do will be to bunker down and put it in the bank.
When that day is , well thats the 64million$ question isnt it

PS can a thread be renamed? lol
"a comment about people who want to close down this chatroom lol"

You seem to be missing the point that picking winners is not in itself the key to successful trading OVER THE LONG TERM. It is quite possible to be highly profitable with less than 50% winning trades and never going anywhere near the 100% in a month penny stocks.

Hi Smurf,

You are obviously talking about a "buy and hold" approach,
over the long term ... and nothing wrong with that, if it
works for you.

However, tech/a doesn't do that ... he has said so, hisself.

So nope, it's not about picking winners (as in 1st place),
but if some traders can demonstrate, that they are
month-on-month, then how is it that the mouthy guru
cannot do the same, if his methods are so good ... ???

... the record is there for everybody to see !~!

have a great weekend



Trading short term in these small caps can be very profitable particularly in these bouyant bullish times.
Sure you can sit on them for weeks and months.
But my short term style is to ride momentum, if its not there then I'm out and that can mean being in a stock for a few hrs.
When momentum stops or reverses then I'm out as well.A luxury not afforded to competition entrants.
I've never intended to day trade but have found that in these times it is very lucrative.

I doubt that any contender in a competition enters just to perform,mind you these days thats how I approach the odd Triathelon I enter.

Anyway the guru duck will continue on regardless,seemingly feeding his ego.

Here is some more ammo.


  • Duck $$s.gif
    79.1 KB · Views: 248

2020hindsight said:
Just a thought ... We should all know that the day will come - eventually - when the wise thing to do will be to bunker down and put it in the bank.
When that day is , well thats the 64million$ question isnt it

like, what I was saying/ meaning to say , these are bull times.... and hence I guess I also agree with the sentiment of this sentence from brisvegas - -

" i can think of a 1000 cliches here . dont confuse genius with a bull market comes to mind easily"

- although I dont agree with the need to insult people about egos - when they are are legitimately helping us make money through these bull times. - and egos have nothing to do with it.

Stockybailix used to post some great stuff here especially breakout alerts - but seems to have been banned ? we don't want to lose the brainstorming dept. - even if we disagree with em - or rather, lack MY courage for THEIR convictions lol.

I can think of another cliche.. "make hay while the sun shines"

What would you prefer BV? "make peanuts while the sun shines?" - I guess that's taking the story of the squirrel and the grasshopper a bit too literally

PS How many stock reports, or brokers etc would admit that one about "dont confuse genius with a bull market". lol

PPS - the competition ? I treat it as a game. Many here would admit they wouldn't put money on those tips surely. (and dont call me shirley). ..and over an average year, my bet is that the average bet in the comp will turn out to be about all ords average

PPS Congrats Tech 20 posts in 5 hours - seems you got us thinking at least lol. more than I can say for that stupid bludy poetry thread lol.
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