Freeballinginawetsuit said:
Getting attacked by them again today!, ..If anyone ever passes through this little mining town called Eneabba, they have got to stop off at the Shell Roadhouse. !.
Hey Freefall!, you tell us to go there , then you tell us the reason is that the service is so bad?? lol.
By those rules I could recommend this place down the road !! - Dont miss it!! - last time I went there I got seafood poisoning !!! lol
As for WA - further north (Point Sampson I think?) not too far from Karratha anyway - there's a fish restaurant called "Moby's" - great food, fish practically straight out of the sea. BUT - MAKE SURE YOU SIT UNDER A CEILING FAN - and turn it on full power!!
- bludy flies carry you and the meal away otherwise. Ceiling fans are great though.
Karratha is a great town (to visit lol) - check into a motel, you get a ticket, then you go for a walk around town - pubs, restaurants etc - they all just "put it on your tab" - and you pay next day at the motel ! Probably not a bad town to live too, if you were making the money they were makin.
PS not sure why they call it Moby's - maybe he used to have a band? M's Dixiland band ?
BTW I've heard John Laws tell people to get stuffed as well lol - I mean he can be as arrogant as anyone surely? - not sure I'd take him as a fair judge on this one lol.
PS - If you're travelling over there, sounds like you've "seen the back of Bourke" question is "has WA seen the back of Burke"?