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First home owner's grant

29 March 2009
does the grant officially end june 30 or is it still being discussed

does the june 30 date apply for signing the contract or full setlement
Re: 1st home grant

does the grant officially end june 30 or is it still being discussed

does the june 30 date apply for signing the contract or full setlement

It is only the "boost" which is coming to an end then, not the overall 1st home owners grant, which I don't believe has a specified end date ?
Re: 1st home grant

It's a difficult one to answer, really. Although Rudd would appear to be back flipping, and accused of manipulation should he extend it - I can honestly still envision him doing so.

Something along the lines of, "In these uncertain times, first home buyers need all the help they can get". He'll probably further spout off nonsense on job creation, etc.

Sorry, I know my crystal ball wasn't very helpful :
When are they going to reduce the $14K+ extra that houses under $500K are selling for due to people rushing to use the first home owners grant?
The sad part is, if I wanted to buy a block of land as an investment property that I can actually afford, the land price would be inflated $21,000 for the new home building grant, and I wouldn't get a cent because I don't plan on living in it.

I wouldn't mind in the end, I'd still be better off living within my means than all these people jumping at houses just to get a grant.

The sooner this grant is gotten rid of the better.
This only helps Vendors get rid of their property at good prices.

Does nothing for the FHB except suck them into an inflated market.
I work in the construction industry and $21000 on new homes is doing a great job at keeping the new housing industry going. They should just drop the $14000 back to $7000 on established homes (this seems pointless).
I work in the construction industry and $21000 on new homes is doing a great job at keeping the new housing industry going. They should just drop the $14000 back to $7000 on established homes (this seems pointless).

If there was no $21000, then wouldn't homes still be built, it is just that the cost of the house would have to decrease to make it more affordable ?

Why should the housing industry, and hence earnings in the housing industry which, for subcontractors are obscene, be subsidised, and hence lead to increased housing costs for the consumer ?
It gives FHO's confidence. It gives them a reason to build a house, rather then just buying an established one.
lets think outside the square.....keeping builders and tradies in helping the economy....they might keep your those Bunnings employees are pretty happy they are busy....and have a job...
due to builders, the tradies and home renovators

You cannot subsidise peoples lobs at the expense of others forever, it just doesnt work.

What makes their jobs any more important than the people who were sacked because the company they worked for had taxes increased to pay for the others ?
You cannot subsidise peoples lobs at the expense of others forever, it just doesnt work.

What makes their jobs any more important than the people who were sacked because the company they worked for had taxes increased to pay for the others ?

In turn if the only people in jobs are builders, it will force the builders out of a job as there is nobody left to build a house for.. Delaying the inevitable, no matter how much fake cash you through at the people.

Sure let's think outside the square

Let's pay 40000 per house less then the consumer has more money to spend to help the economy.

Tradies are paid too much, and it is because the government is subsidising their income.

If they were unemployed then I could understand it, but they are charging too much because they are in demand and they know it.
Tradies are paid too much, and it is because the government is subsidising their income.


Hey don't rag on us.

Materials have been going up leaps and bounds with no relief in the down turn. Your idiot designs in houses take up a lot of time. We take a massive risk and often have to put our houses up as collateral. Long, long hours.Insurances are a killer, and OHS is a massive pain. The fact that experienced trades are leaving in droves says that the pay isn’t that good. So there are a few reasons why it’s expensive. It will only become more expensive as there is a large skill shortage for experianced trades.

If you think we get paid so much become a trade, then get a shock.
Dont mind too much about what tradies charge but i do care about if they know what they're doing and half the time they dont, who teaches these nongs and gives them qualifications ?

It 's much the same as cab drivers they have their license but cant speak English, drive or know where anything is.

There is a difference between the risks that a builder takes and a tradesman takes, please don't confuse them.

I know electricians, plumbers and painters who are on ridiculous hourly rates.

Stop trying to cry poor to protect wages ( and in the case of builders, margins ). There will still be work for houses if the government gets rid of the FHBG and the market stops being propped up, you will just have to work for a reasonable wage, returning back to pre-government subsidised rates.

This will help housing affordability, reduce rents and improve living conditions for all Australians in the long term, rather than lining the pockets of developers, builders and tradesmen, who have been the recipients of the geared contributions of the FHBG for a lot longer than it should have been present.

Yes that’s my point, a lot of the good ones have left or retired. The apprentices are often just used as cheap labor by shonks, which then turns out more inexperienced shonks. The trades that are good are usually booked solid. Or if the make the mistake of trying to please everybody they get stretched to thin. More often then not the cowboys don't know how to fix your job.

BS is all I can say, you seem to be confusing wages with a sole trader set up. Let me ask are the people you know on wages paid into a sole trader business that has its own abn?
BS is all I can say, you seem to be confusing wages with a sole trader set up. Let me ask are the people you know on wages paid into a sole trader business that has its own abn?

nope, wages.

The Painter is on $35 per hour, said that 5 years ago was on around $20 per hour. The electrician apprentice is paid $30 per hour, and the plumber is on $45 per hour.

My ABN friend gets - Plumber - charges out at $80 per hour.
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