Thanks for the advice, Julia. I wish I'd asked the last guy for a 10 minute chat before wasting (more of) my time with the idiot. He didn't want to bother claiming the benefit of holding shares for more than 12 months (tens of thousands in tax on the line for me), clearly because he just didn't want to bother, but his excuse was that it would mean I couldn't claim my laptop etc as tax deductible... maybe if I was buying $100,000 worth of laptops each year it might have made sense...
He has been doing what he does for over 30 years and came with recommendations from three people I know (none of whom trade shares mind you). He didn't know even the basics of it, and I found myself explaining several things to him, which is scarey considering how little I know about tax and accounting.
Oh, and I think tech/a must have misread the question.