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Families of victims of violent parolees plead for help to change the system

6 September 2008

About time this was fixed.............
It seems that what the judiciary and parole boards deem fair is entirely out of step with what the community believes is right.
A friend of mine is a police prosecutor. She is constantly frustrated at the work they put in to secure a conviction for a very violent crime, achieve that conviction, only for the offender to receive a suspended or minimal sentence.
I have yet to talk to any ordinary member of the community who believes that sentencing and parole conditions are in line with the seriousness of offences committed.

Yes I sympathise with the police they risk their lives in some cases to bring these people in only to see the courts go easy on them
I'm very glad to see some action on this at last
Yes I sympathise with the police they risk their lives in some cases to bring these people in only to see the courts go easy on them
I'm very glad to see some action on this at last

I would be very glad to see action on this. Alas, it's not happening!
Instead, we persist with social engineers trying to rehabilitate criminals that have no intention of rejoining human society, except on their terms: free drugs, free association with other crims, and free to treat "soft targets" any way they like.
If we're serious about cleaning up the streets, we have to reconsider the softly-softly approach and, at least for repeat offenders, reintroduce capital punishment.

I think we need to inject a bit of Indonesia into our justice system.
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