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Fair Work - Crook Deck: High Stakes Poker

Noone will be able to lay a finger on the FWA. All that will be in the emails will be: "I think we need further legal advice on point A" (which will have added another 3 month delay) and "I think we need to reexamine point X" (another 3 months passes) etc.

It would be good if what you say is true, however some contacts of mine tell me that the Sweet FWA is not populated by the best brains of their generation, rather than by their political affiliation.

If you watch their performance in Senate estimates or on Media, an element of fear pervades their talk.

Let us see what comes out of all this.

Let us see what comes out of all this.


One beneficial outcome of this scandal is that FWA is now completely discredited. It is a dangerous distortion of policy and process when a body of so called "independent" unionists is given the job of handing down a judgment on one of their mates.

And if anyone needs further evidence of the Gillard corruption, we have the machinations of Gillard and Conroy.

THE documented exposure of the Gillard government's corruption of the Australia Network tender reveals that on media policy Labor cannot be trusted and that it will distort process and policy to achieve its political goals.
So the so called independent FWA takes three years to prepare a report - which no one is allowed to read. Whats the point of the report then.

So added to the money that was taken out of the HSU coffers there is, at the least, the added cost of preparing a report. Lets say two people worked on it for three years and each person was paid a conservative $80K pa then that alone adds up to a $480,000 bill to you the tax payer (just so some twit can have a free shag at a brothel).

Then add some of the salaries of other people involved in the whole sordid matter (advisors, printers, secretaries etc etc), the wasted time that both sides of politics had to devote to when they should be spending the time governing the country instead, the further investigations that will be required because FWA ballsed up the report (that no one can read) because its not in the right format.
The wasted resources of the NSW and Vic. police.

The financial cost alone just goes on and on.The bill for it all is footed by you!
Re: Fair Work - Crook Deck: High Stakes Pokero

dutchie, you need professional help talking like that because you make sense and have given a good Exhibit A of every thing that is wrong with the system and why voters disillusionment is growing.
As things turn down Gillard will be red at both ends, USA is paying $2.5 Million a second in interest, 1.6 million foreclosed properties will hit the market soon destroying the remaining confidence in RE there, The Linda Green and the robosigning issue has been sorted after those involved were slapped around with a wet tram ticket as punishment.
Student loan's are eating away at the very heart of society as young one's can't afford to leave home and this debt has to be paid as it is owed to the feds.
Total USA debt is now 980% of GDP... I know this USA but it is past a sneeze stage it is now ICU...... this can't be good.
It would be good if what you say is true, however some contacts of mine tell me that the Sweet FWA is not populated by the best brains of their generation, rather than by their political affiliation.

If you watch their performance in Senate estimates or on Media, an element of fear pervades their talk.

Let us see what comes out of all this.


You don't have to be a genius to slow walk something in a Government agency. It's done every day.
So the so called independent FWA takes three years to prepare a report - which no one is allowed to read. Whats the point of the report then.

So added to the money that was taken out of the HSU coffers there is, at the least, the added cost of preparing a report. Lets say two people worked on it for three years and each person was paid a conservative $80K pa then that alone adds up to a $480,000 bill to you the tax payer (just so some twit can have a free shag at a brothel).

Then add some of the salaries of other people involved in the whole sordid matter (advisors, printers, secretaries etc etc), the wasted time that both sides of politics had to devote to when they should be spending the time governing the country instead, the further investigations that will be required because FWA ballsed up the report (that no one can read) because its not in the right format.
The wasted resources of the NSW and Vic. police.

The financial cost alone just goes on and on.The bill for it all is footed by you!

You got it dutchie.
And the post by Julia in this thread (ABC Radio - QC interview), it all comes out.
If Gillard looses Thompson, they could be out of Government, hence the corruption to save him at all costs.
If I were a mid level Public Servant in Sweet FWA, I would be seeking legal advice, and not through my union.

It is usually the middle managers who go to gaol when a Royal Commission exposes malfeance in large organisations.

The head honchos are punished by " loss of reputation ".

Gaol is not nice, but possible if a Royal Commission unearths criminality.

From Annabel Crabb a very talented journalist and commentator.

She describes it as Kafkaesque. Poor old Kafka would need a lie down if he knew of it.

Fair Work Australia has completed its four-year investigation and has produced a 1,100-page document that no-one may read, implicating four individuals whom no-one may name. It describes several hundred offences, some of which may be criminal, of which no police officer in Australia may formally be apprised. Instead the report was supplied to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, who instantly declared the report's thousand-plus pages more or less useless for the purposes of any prosecution.

Could Fair Work Australia possibly have foreseen this? After nearly $1 million worth of advice from the Australian Government Solicitor's office, you'd have hoped so. Fair Work Australia has agreed, mind, that it could have been sharper with the whole thing. It's now hired KPMG to investigate why its own investigation took so long.

Everyone knows that when faced with a choice between conspiracy and incompetence, the best explanation is usually incompetence, but in this case we are now dealing with some pretty special incompetence.

As of this week, conspiracy is now the more obvious conclusion.

It says it all really.

All the ingredients for a Royal Commission.

But before that we will have a few resignations from Sweet FWA, as it's mid-level officers are asked to perform even more bizarre pseudo-legal calisthenics.

If I were a mid level Public Servant in Sweet FWA, I would be seeking legal advice, and not through my union.

It is usually the middle managers who go to gaol when a Royal Commission exposes malfeance in large organisations.

The head honchos are punished by " loss of reputation ".

Gaol is not nice, but possible if a Royal Commission unearths criminality.


You're showing naivety if you think anyone would have had to do anything illegal to slow walk the investigation.
You're showing naivety if you think anyone would have had to do anything illegal to slow walk the investigation.

I think there comes a point where it can be fairly assumed that they stalled and 3 years would be well and truly beyond that.
I think there comes a point where it can be fairly assumed that they stalled and 3 years would be well and truly beyond that.

I have no doubt they stalled the investigation but I think it's highly unlikely anyone at FWA did anything illegal as far as stalling the investigation goes.

Anyone who has worked in Government or follows Government inquiries knows there are a thousand ways to manipulate investigations/inquiries without doing anything illegal.
I have no doubt they stalled the investigation but I think it's highly unlikely anyone at FWA did anything illegal as far as stalling the investigation goes.

Anyone who has worked in Government or follows Government inquiries knows there are a thousand ways to manipulate investigations/inquiries without doing anything illegal.

It may not be illegal in the sense of any actions taken but a Royal Commission would surely find incompetance and deliberate disregard for process in a timely manner.
It may not be illegal in the sense of any actions taken but a Royal Commission would surely find incompetance and deliberate disregard for process in a timely manner.

Let us see what the Royal Commission says, you may be correct, but only a Commissioner will get to the bottom of it all.

Let us see a few resignations in the coming months, a sure sign.

Confucius say, never have an investigation unless you know the out come.

Just shows what some will do to hold on to power and most likely any other party would do the same when they are holding power by the tips of their finger nails.

They are playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber.
I have just had a very interesting correspondence from a contact in Sussex St.

Prepare for a significant announcement.
