Yes, I agree that alcohol is a good remedy for fear of flying despite the increased risk of whatever they call that blood clotting issue (my brain is failing me right this moment).
For me, my increasing fear of flying is not because I think the planes are less reliable now, it is because the "adventure" is no longer there. When I was younger, flying to new locations was always a thrill and I did my utmost to get a window seat. I was so absorbed in looking for landmarks that I might recognise that I paid little attention to the actual flight itself. Nowadays flying is boring. Everywhere I go I have been at least a dozen times (at least for most of the journey). I choose aisle seating in the centre rows as they are the ones that usually have unoccupied seats and give me a chance to stretch out and also not be disturbed by or having to disturb others when I need to get about. I cannot sleep on flights so I watch the picture of the plane on the screen as it moves a millimetre every 10 minutes. Without the adventure, I instead concentrate on every bump or strange sound during the journey, which adds to my anxiety.
Apart from flying, I don't thing I have developed any new fears over the years.