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Extremism - Australia next if we allow it!

Are you implying that if we allow 1200 marines to train in the NT its our fault if we suffer a terroist attack?
Probably just a poor comparison with the Islamic belief of Western nations taking over so much of the world. You know, like the Ottoman conquests.
Not very realistic, everyone knows the problem is extrememists, that have death and jihad as a part of their mantra.

Really? Maybe you can find Islamic attacks on Australia before 2002? I didn't realise this Islamic crusade had been going for so long against us.

Are you implying that if we allow 1200 marines to train in the NT its our fault if we suffer a terroist attack?

There is an easy way to reduce terrorism and that would be to stop participating in it, so yes.
I didn't realise this Islamic crusade had been going for so long against us.

I thought you may be a Muslim, but no Muslim worth his salt would use a ridiculous oxymoron like Islamic crusade.

With your permission I would like to nominate it as the Oxymoron of The Year..
Thats the most ridiculous statement I've seen in a long time

Well its a basic guiding principles of international relations so you mustn't read much. Again an easy thing to date - find all the religious plotting against Australia before it jumped on board a new round of US M.E wars.

I thought you may be a Muslim, but no Muslim worth his salt would use a ridiculous oxymoron like Islamic crusade.

With your permission I would like to nominate it as the Oxymoron of The Year..

Crusade can be used in a non-historical, secular context so maybe you just have a bad understanding of language.
Well its a basic guiding principles of international relations so you mustn't read much. Again an easy thing to date - find all the religious plotting against Australia before it jumped on board a new round of US M.E wars.

You're saying we should have less to do with the USA to appease Muslims.

Thats offensive and you know it.
Really? Maybe you can find Islamic attacks on Australia before 2002? I didn't realise this Islamic crusade had been going for so long against us.

There is an easy way to reduce terrorism and that would be to stop participating in it, so yes.
Where are you posting from C. Waziristan ?God help us if If you are an Aus citizen.Get you gone.
Crusade can be used in a non-historical, secular context so maybe you just have a bad understanding of language.

Sorry Camel, there is no such thing as an Islamic crusade except in the minds of illiterates. Crosses are anathema to Muslims. Hence you are a candidate for the oxymoron prize.
I didn't realise this Islamic crusade had been going for so long against us.

islam is an expansionist, supremacist ideology



  • Modern_Day_Trojan_Horse_Al-Hijra,_The_Islamic_Doctrine_of_Immigration,_Accepting_Freedom_or_Impo.gif
    94.3 KB · Views: 261
islam is an expansionist, supremacist ideology
Is there much difference to that ideology than say, Christian conversion of indigenous cultures in the Americas and Africa in the 1500s? It's up for argument whether what the Conquistadors did was for gold or conversion but nonetheless, it was pretty extreme. All in the past I suppose and I doubt us modern folk would support such conquest and conversion today. Maybe that's the point about the current approach by some groups of Islamists. It's an ancient ideology that doesn't fit the modern world.
Sorry Camel, there is no such thing as an Islamic crusade except in the minds of illiterates. Crosses are anathema to Muslims. Hence you are a candidate for the oxymoron prize.

Entry three.

Where are you posting from C. Waziristan ?God help us if If you are an Aus citizen.Get you gone.

Have a cry?

You're saying we should have less to do with the USA to appease Muslims.

Thats offensive and you know it.

Appease Muslims? Yeah, if not helping the US in its usual imperial games means less religious terrorism on Australian soil I am all for that. Does hatred and violence of non-state terrorism come from a magical no-where land? The US does what it likes to anyone in almost any place they choose. Why do we want to hold on to their cluster bombs and let them hang out in the top end? The diplomatic trade off has almost always been **** house for Australia.

islam is an expansionist, supremacist ideology

And yet I can interact and/or work with Muslims from various places both in Australia and abroad - strange.

I am very sceptical of immigration of all religious people into the country but you guys should stick with zombie apocalypse or economic meltdown because magical Islamic takeover 2030 isn't on the horizon as long as the country can maintain relative levels of the different faiths and remain, over all, secular.
And yet I can interact and/or work with Muslims from various places both in Australia and abroad - strange.

I like your user name. You certainly are Abrasive, and not without reason. Camel is a bad-tempered, even-toed ungulate within the genus Camelus, bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as humps on its back. It's also a cancer stick.
Appease Muslims? Yeah, if not helping the US in its usual imperial games means less religious terrorism on Australian soil I am all for that. Does hatred and violence of non-state terrorism come from a magical no-where land?

They (Muslims) seem to be blowing each other up too (Shiite's v Sunni), don't forget. Just look at the weekly (at one time, it was almost daily), extreme violence in Iraq and Afghanistan between themselves and whoever was unlucky enough to get caught in the crossfire.

The motto they follow - Kill all non-believers, they are infidels. They don't worship Allah or respect Mohammed, the last prophet.

Sorry, but why should we be allowing people into this country who don't abide by or respect our law and want to install their own law (Sharia Law)?


So? People of every persuasion have been killing each other since forever. Iraq's violence has many reasons and would it would be absurd to say its simply a sectarian conflict. But even if we accept Muslims fight Muslims over religion, again, so what?

Does that bare any relevance on me freely having travelled Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, Turkey, etc. No. Does it say anything about the numerous people from different walks of life I've seen able to assimilate into this country? No.

The motto they follow - Kill all non-believers, they are infidels. They don't worship Allah or respect Mohammed, the last prophet.

Yeah all the Muslims follow that. Its why there are no white people in Lebanon or Western journalists in Saudi Arabia... oh wait, there are, I guess Muslims aren't like zombies in that regard.

Sorry, but why should we be allowing people into this country who don't abide by or respect our law and want to install their own law (Sharia Law)?

You mean like the Brethren or any other number of creepy little sects? The major religions we already have which invariably have lots of fundamentalists? I agree - immigration is an on-going and evolving process but Sharia law and death by population infiltration is the realm of the ****ing idiot. Australia is not South London.

Yeah that is disgusting, so what? Is Kuwait plotting to force us to adopt that?

AbrasiveCamel - I've been following this thread (and particularly your comments) with concern. Let me say firstly that I understand your defensiveness, at times.

But let's put aside all that talk about Western democracies getting overtaken by Muslims and Sharia law etc.

What I want to know (given the train of your comments) is what's inside your head. Let me accept firstly that you are not an extremist, that you are a reasonable person ("moderate", if you like) of the Muslim faith.

Do you condemn, utterly and without reservation, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and Bali, Madrid, London? Do you condemn any future acts of terrorism, by anyone, in the name of any religion?
The next trick the extremist's are using is inserting bomb's internally into the body so far they have inserted one bomb which went of prematurely the bad news is they are hard to detect.
The other ones to watch are the Fed who lie and create stories like the Cole affair or the fishing trawler supposedly fired one US war ship's into start the Vietnam war.

Wars so the higher up in the feds can keep their power and life style.
Both are bad news and we are in the middle.
How's this for stupidity, this in effect sets a precedent that someone can avoid the way law is upheld in Australia on religious grounds
Bench only trials are quite common. I really don't see the difference between a judge or jury deciding if someone is guilty.
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