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Ex-dividend dates reference/website

+1 to trading room, very handy website.

If you buy CBA shares today you won't be entitled to the dividend. If you bought them Friday you would be.
+1 to trading room, very handy website.

If you buy CBA shares today you won't be entitled to the dividend. If you bought them Friday you would be.

Yes, Hence part of the reason the shareprice has fallen today. The shares are worth less today than they were on friday.
BKN and CBA go XD today. So if someone sells thm today they get the dividend or do they have to sell tomorrow - please?

PS: Should add that I bought both last week.

Just realised I didn't really answer your question and I can't edit my post. Yes you could sell your shares today and still get the dividend. As Tyson said the change in share price essentially reflects this.
Just the background:
The actual date that matters is the Record Date.
This is two business days after the Ex Dividend Date.
Given T3, if you sell on the ex dividend date you do get the dividend.
Just the background:
The actual date that matters is the Record Date.
This is two business days after the Ex Dividend Date.
Given T3, if you sell on the ex dividend date you do get the dividend.

dont think so

you dont own the share until T+3 (4 business day from the day you buy the stock)
as far as the systemm is concern

until the money is hand over to the other person at settlement day
the shares still belong to the other party even thought you bought it.

Once you bought it allow you to resell but you are not yet the owner
of that stock...if you dont own it you not entitle to the dividend
Just the background:
The actual date that matters is the Record Date.
This is two business days after the Ex Dividend Date.
Given T3, if you sell on the ex dividend date you do get the dividend.
Sorry Julia,
Record date is irrelevant (and it's usually four business days after ex); it's the ex-div date that matters.

  • If you sell on or after ex-div, you receive the dividend.
  • If you buy on or after ex-div, you miss out.
Some top-tier stocks may allow prolonged cum-div trading; when that is the case, a special code is created and announced early on ex-div day; it happened today for CBA, but the ordinary CBA shares dropped by approximately the dividend amount.

Thanks ROE. My apologies re number of days.

Pixel, you can't say the Record date is irrelevant because it's the name on the register at that date which determine who gets the dividend.

From the ASX website:

As above, ROE has properly corrected me re number of days between exdiv date and record date.

The latest you can buy to be entitled to the dividend is in the closing matchout the business day before exdiv date.

Then the earliest you can sell to be still entitled to the dividend (provided that it was bought before exdiv date) is on the open matchout on exdiv day.

The important buy/sell dates for the dividend entitlement, is your buy/sell contract dates.....T3 settlement is irrelevant.

BKN and CBA go XD today. So if someone sells thm today they get the dividend or do they have to sell tomorrow - please?

PS: Should add that I bought both last week.

Hi Rick,

We actually wrote up a guide on shares going ex-dividend a couple months ago as shares started going ex-dividend. It's too long to paste here but you can read it here.

Hope it helps.
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