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Eurosoft Trading

Still havnt returned my money I found out the owner of the business is Mark Thomas when consumer affairs rang Eurosoft they said they don't know Mark Thomas. Eurosoft sent me a letter saying I sent the software back outside the cooling off period but they never told me the in writing the cooling off period was 10 days so it goes to 6 months. They also said they don't accept returns due to copy right even thou the software is useless without the codes they have to give you over the phone when you load it. They are scammers don't touch them
Has anyone got any info on eurosoft trading system.

Has anyone got any info on eurosoft trading system.
Further to my last post, I found out the owner of Eurosoft Services PTY. LTD. is Mark Thomson
The Company ACN: 160 334 976 Registered address is a virtual office 12/37 Bligh st Sydney so they are not even at this address. The director Mark Thomsons address is a mail box only at a mail facility at 29 Smith st Parramatta his box # is 559 if anybody knows Mark Thomson or how to find him can you let me know everything so far is fake and just a scam
Has anyone successfully got their money back. My husband is convinced they're legit. My gut said nah uh. $18900 down the drain. I found the address in Sydney, contacted the business owner of floor 12, and the names where not known to them, or netway solutions, the data provider for eurosoft. Just like anyone else scammed by them, I want my money back. When we got the paperwork and the discs, it all looked dodgy to me. At the time, I couldn't find anything dodgy, that was 12 month's ago. Now, there's a lot of of bad reviews etc. Makes me feel sick
Has anyone got any info on eurosoft trading system.

Its all just a big SCAM if any body has any information on there whearabouts could you please contact me on 0408594242 regards Doug
They scammed me, they dont work out of the offices at floor 12 / 37 Bligh St Sydney ASIC have deregistered there name due to address details being incorect
the phone number for them is 1800356063 the woman who answers the phone is Tanna she is full of **** too
I Found another address Eurosoft consulting pty ltd 1/14 Rangers Rd Cremorne NSW
When i find out who and where these scammers are i will use my poly cutters to remove there fingers and use a large cable tie around there necks be warned Mark Thomson, James King, Colin Wright,Martin Gibson, and Tanna
you can run but you cant hide


I have there bank account details with the nab the police should be able to get there info as you need 100 points of I'd to open an account all I need is an address I don't care about the money anymore I promise I will find these scum bags and I will have my revenge

Looks like we have all done our money these scammers have no morels I have there bank account details and I am off to vcat on the 9 th of oct if no one shows up I will get a judgement against them but that's not what I want I want the address of the person who stole my money

Any update on Eurosoft trading. I have been approached Netway SOlutions selling OWS software.
I see you were contacted a while ago.
Any update on Eurosoft trading. I have been approached Netway SOlutions selling OWS software.
I see you were contacted a while ago.

Netway solutions are the same scammers behind Eurosoft Services pty ltd same people different company name same scam don't get sucked in and if you have get your money back via credit card within 90 days or direct debit you will need to contact the bank your money went into to get the persons details and take them to court
Hi, I have been approached by OWS and cannot believe these guys are still going with all the bad reports on them.

OWS was named in Shares Magazine for an award, so how can they do all this type of thing and get away with it.

I guess even the magazines aren't legit.

- - - Updated - - -

Hi, I have been approached by OWS and cannot believe these guys are still going with all the bad reports on them.

OWS was named in Shares Magazine for an award, so how can they do all this type of thing and get away with it.

"Shares Magazine" is a dummy website created to give some legitimacy to the OWS scam. The "award" is fake. Try and find a contact phone number on the Shares Magazine website. There is none. The domain name was registered a few months ago and has domain name privacy enabled to hide ownership details. It was set up, along with another website called Business Basics (, solely to make the OWS scam seem legitimate. OWS seems to be run by the same scammers who operated 1Wealth (, which you can read about here:

Rest assured, OWS is a complete scam, and anyone who hands over money to them will get nothing but worthless "trading software" for their money.
Hi, I have been approached by OWS and cannot believe these guys are still going with all the bad reports on them.

I just wanted to make another quick point about the OWS scam. The reason the One Wealth scammers have called their new scam OWS is because of the confusion naturally created because of the well known Occupy Wall Street protests, which is abbreviated OWS.

They are hoping to bury any negative forum threads such as this one by capitalising on this confusion, as they are well aware that searches in Google for OWS will generate a lot of search results related to Occupy Wall Street.

I will include their URL in this post ( in the hope that this will help some people seeking information on this scam to find this particular thread, and hopefully stop some from falling prey to these scumbags.
Last week I signed up to OWS for the software package, paid $10,000 that day with the rest ($8900) to be paid the following day.
However after sleeping on it I got cold feet, not to mention reading this thread after I had parted with the $10k.
I phoned them the next day, the software had already been dispatched but they agreed to refund me. To be safe I froze my credit card but no further withdrawals were attempted.
I mailed them back the software yesterday and the refund came through today on my credit card.
Whether the company is legit or not I cannot say, however they refunded my money as they said and I am happy to leave it at that, although there is that niggling feeling in my mind that the program could indeed have been great and set me on the road to riches...

You had a very lucky escape. Get rid of that niggling feeling because the program is not great! You would have lost all your money and not made any. The people who stole my money are probably sunning themselves in the Bahamas or paying for their brats to attend some exclusive school.
I paid the full amount and have traded for over 12 months with absolutely no positive result. I had a money back guarantee which was meant to be paid out December 2013. I am still waiting. I too have been speaking to James and get very little help. No body seems to be able to talk to the accounts department (if there is one). It looks like this is definitely a con even though James assures me it is not

Wow looks like you had a lucky break. My 12 month contract with them has come and gone. My money back guarantee seems to have gone as well. I definitely cannot recommend the programme. Don't part with your money.
Wow looks like you had a lucky break. My 12 month contract with them has come and gone. My money back guarantee seems to have gone as well. I definitely cannot recommend the programme. Don't part with your money.

How can Money Magazine support this type of place???? Has anyone got any further info as we should get a Legal Firm to do a group action against them.

Anyone interested?????
How can Money Magazine support this type of place???? Has anyone got any further info as we should get a Legal Firm to do a group action against them.

Anyone interested?????

I have had similar issues with eurosoft, 12 month performance guarantee which they will not honour.
No response to emails, have left multiple phone messages without a response.
Have dealt with the same scammers, James King,Martin Gibson,Peter Mathews they are nothing but crooks
Programme is rubbish, can get more information from "free" sites like CMC markets
would love to track at least one of these people down and shove the discs down the slimy throats.
I am going to do what ever i can to catch up with these people

I have just lodged a complaint to Fair Work NSW and I suggest all to the same to stop these rats from getting away with it. Regards Jarrod

Wow looks like you had a lucky break. My 12 month contract with them has come and gone. My money back guarantee seems to have gone as well. I definitely cannot recommend the programme. Don't part with your money.

How can Money Magazine support this type of place???? Has anyone got any further info as we should get a Legal Firm to do a group action against them.

Anyone interested?????

I have just lodged a complaint to Fair Work NSW and I suggest all to the same to stop these rats from getting away with it. Regards Jarrod
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