Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Etrade Pro - any thoughts from users?

3 December 2006
Hi guys, I posted this to TS but was really interested in anyones thoughts here too

Just using plain old etrade and commsuc also, and thinking about upgrading to etrade pro.

Any thoughts?
Re: Etrade Pro - any thoughts from users

ETrade offer free trial of both Etrade Pro and Power ETrade, worth having a look at both and seeing which suits your needs.

I use ETrade Pro; a dynamic platform is a must if you are an active trader.
Dynamic market detail and indicative opening prices are 2 things I find almost indispensible compared to the "basic" service.
It's also free if you trade 10 times per month (or 30/quarter).

ETrade Pro uses ActiveX and Power ETrade uses WebIress.

I liked the layout and feel of ETrade Pro compared to Power ETrade, although if you are going to trade CFD's you'll need Power Etrade.

Register for the free trials of both, you'll soon work out which one you favour and also whether you need dynamic streaming data.
Re: Etrade Pro - any thoughts from users

Thanks CB

How about reliability?
Many complain about etrade crashing all the time, and being locked out.

I am not too worried as I am not a full time trader, and the basic service crashes regularly, which is a pain, but not the worst thing in the world.

I guess all 3 apps would crash the same?

Is it quicker to place / cancel orders than with the basic do you know?
Re: Etrade Pro - any thoughts from users

How about reliability?
Many complain about etrade crashing all the time, and being locked out.

I am not too worried as I am not a full time trader, and the basic service crashes regularly, which is a pain, but not the worst thing in the world.
I guess all 3 apps would crash the same?

I've been using ETrade Pro for only a couple of months and haven't had any issues yet. Previously used Sanford, also had no issues with them, only switched because fund transferral is easier with ETrade. (I bank with ANZ)

Is it quicker to place / cancel orders than with the basic do you know?

All orders I've placed show on Market Detail screen instantaneously. Amended and cancelled orders are also processed immediately. I trade mostly at the open or close and need to be able to place/amend/cancel orders instantly during pre-open phase. If you're not an active trader then you probably don't need the features of ETrade Pro/Power ETrade...ymmv

I haven't used ETrade's basic service to place trades so can't compare it's execution speed.

It's still worth checking out the free trials. :)
Re: Etrade Pro - any thoughts from users

Thanks CB, I bank with ANZ also, so agree its easier.
Overnight transfers of funds is great

Sorry to keep you on this, but last thing.

RE: "If you're not an active trader then you probably don't need the features of ETrade Pro/Power ETrade...ymmv"

- I execute trades anywhere between 3 times and 25 times a month, so while not a day trader, I guess I do it enough

- More importantly, some days, after say a huge US down day I want out at open, as I know I can buy back in lower that day, so a realistic and live depth would be really beneficial also

I am frustrated when putting an order into the market, it will time out if I leave the screen for more than 15 secs to quickly check the current price before exectuing, so I often miss my opp when having to redo an order

- Buying at market - often when I just want in or out no matter what, when I buy or sell at market it seems to only 50% of the time fully execute my order and I have then to try and fill the balance somewhere.

Kind of defeats the purpose of buying/selling at market when most of the time it wont fill no matter what. From memory, when I used commsec I never had that problem.

Do you find in urgent situations with Etrade pro that you have this issue?

Thanks again
Re: Etrade Pro - any thoughts from users

Do you find in urgent situations with Etrade pro that you have this issue?

I've had no issues at this stage.

I have my order "pads" open next to the market detail windows so can see price action as I place/amend my orders.

All orders so far have been instant. At market orders have been filled instantly.

You can use Etrade Pro on a month by month basis, sounds like you'd get some value from using it.
Re: Etrade Pro - any thoughts from users

Cheers mate, appreciate it.
Anyone else with any good or bad experiences with Etrade Pro, be happy to hear your thoughts also

Think I will give it a go anyway

The information during free trial for E trade Pro and Power E trade is delayed 20 minutes i believe.

Does the E trade Pro or Power E trade have a Total Volume for Market Depth (saves you adding it up) i have been told Commsec Pro trader does.

New E*trade Pro

What are the thoughts of others that use etrade pro?the new charts are pretty snazzy,with a much better layout,i had been trialling it for a month
so i like the new look...tb