Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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well i buy LICs  based on dividend yield  ( and their investment focus/style )  so a LIC trading at a 20% discount isn't tempting until the YIELD is attractive  AND most of my held LICs 'smooth the divs. ' so you have a fair guide to the divs in the coming two years

 HOWEVER  ETFs  trade ( with the help of the market makers  ) very close to their NTA  ( and the div. payouts can be quite volatile )

currently i am trying ( unsuccessfully ) to add to some LICs that focus on small/mid. cap. stocks

 but SOON if the market keeps sliding  , i will be looking an ETFs  hoping the share prices will drop quicker than the future div. yields .

 good luck on your strategy , this is a very uncertain market  , maybe you ( and i ) can time it correctly  , or near enough
