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ET saves the Earth?


9 July 2004
Wadaya reckon?

Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented ‘nuclear war’ on Earth
19 HOURS AGO AUGUST 17, 2015 11:26AM 71 comments

FROM The Day the Earth Stood Still to Close Encounters of the Third Kind to ET, pop culture is filled with stories about friendly, curious extraterrestrials visiting Earth to learn more about mankind.
For Apollo 14 veteran Edgar Mitchell that plot line is less fiction than it is reality.
The sixth man to walk the surface of the moon told Mirror online that he believes peacekeeping aliens visited our planet to prevent a nuclear war between Russia and the United States.
The idea sounds far-fetched, but Mitchell claims military insiders viewed strange flying crafts cruising over US missile bases and the White Sands facility in New Mexico, the site of the first-ever nuclear bomb detonation in 1945.
“They wanted to know about our military capabilities,” he said.
“My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.”
Years ago I read the book by that guy who blew the lid on area 54

In it he claims aliens shielded earth from a deadly catastrophic solar flare
Back in the 80s had this not happened half the population would have been fried.

He also claims the moons hollow and is a base for alien craft on the dark side.

I'm inclined to put this under Rippleys.
A lot of the first astronauts to go to the Moon had terrible psychological issues when they got back. A few slipped into drug and alcohol dependence, because they couldn't handle what they had seen, and there was no psychological training to help them prepare or to debrief them on their return. I am inclined to think Edgar is probably in that boat, unfortunately. It's probably something that needs to be considered before we start bunging people on joyrides in space.

From his Wiki...

Remote healing

Mitchell claims that a teenage remote healer who lives in Vancouver and uses the pseudonym Adam Dreamhealer helped him heal kidney cancer from a distance. Mitchell said that while he never had a biopsy, "I had a sonogram and MRI that was consistent with renal carcinoma." Adam worked (distantly) on Mitchell from December 2003 until June 2004, when the "irregularity was gone and we haven't seen it since".
Sounds too much like science fictionology to be taken seriously. I find it particularly hilarious when the US Military claim alien intervention as explanation for missile tests blowing up. Some Americans are that full of hubris that they cannot imagine anything going against "God's Own People."

I can understand if Tom Cruse believes that stuff; he's an American actor with the talent to fool gullible moviegoers that "Mission Impossible" is all real. His well-heeled acolytes simply prove the point that the size of one's bank account isn't necessarily an accurate measure of one's IQ.
Sounds too much like science fictionology to be taken seriously. I find it particularly hilarious when the US Military claim alien intervention as explanation for missile tests blowing up. Some Americans are that full of hubris that they cannot imagine anything going against "God's Own People."

I can understand if Tom Cruse believes that stuff; he's an American actor with the talent to fool gullible moviegoers that "Mission Impossible" is all real. His well-heeled acolytes simply prove the point that the size of one's bank account isn't necessarily an accurate measure of one's IQ.

You telling me the Great Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942 wasn't real !!!! WTF :eek:
Of course aliens from another planet only disclose themselves to the top military and politicians of the US and the Soviet Union (or just Russia today). They never consider dropping in to have a chat with a CNN reporter or one from the Washington Post to explain their story.
Of course aliens from another planet only disclose themselves to the top military and politicians of the US and the Soviet Union (or just Russia today). They never consider dropping in to have a chat with a CNN reporter or one from the Washington Post to explain their story.

Are you kidding ? Washington Post reporters have been meeting ET's in underground carparks for years. They have to do something since Nixon got thrown out.

Must be. That's why the US is going to spend $1 Trillion over next decade upgrading its nuke arsenal - Let's see if those aliens could try and stop us destroy humanity again!

Bloody... one trillion towards something that could level cities much faster than the old atom and hydrogen bombs.

Pretty sure those aliens would have long left the galaxy to save a more intelligent specie.
When Mitchell said "My own experience talking to people has made it clear.." I kind of switched off.

Possible I guess, but I remain sceptical.
If the papers say it's true.......
