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R.E and E.I.F

does anyone know the answers to this?

We are all afraid that under some internal deal LION will become R.E and then some flyblown NSX share deal will be 'David Tweed' like foisted on us.

Now, I appreciate that EQUITITRUST has an ADMINISTRATOR and I presume that (as shown in Minutes and emails posted on this site) will attempt to sanction the transfer of R.E rights of the E.I.F to LION etc etc.

Maybe, there is nothing that 'we' can to do stop that.....

BUT (and my question is) David Whyte of BDO was appointed as Receiver of the E.I.F by ASIC. He has obviously had a fight on his hands BUT does not appear to be afraid of teh fight and has now taken steps to physically move the E.I.F to new offices away from the McIvor Mein Fuhreren-Bunker.... all good stuff. Get some arm's length dealing into all of this.

HOWEVER this being teh CASE does it mean that whether or not Hall Chadwick transfer the R.E rights of the E.I.F to LION or not, David Whyte still sits there as the RECEIVER and will simply continue to sell down and realise assets with the SOLE PURPOSE of distributing CASH to existing por UNIT HOLDERS.

Is this correct?

Or can HICKIE/HONEYMAN/ LION/ HALL CHADWICK upset this and foist some fly blown share swap on us all?
David Whyte

David Whyte's move to new offices is both practical and tactical... He is in control as are the banks with their various receivers... The administrator was asked by David Whyte to pay for half the rent but it seems that they didn't have the money so he was left with no other option. The current rantings and totally delusional share scam by McIvor and his stooges will collapse. Look at everything that McIvor has tried to launch over the last year... It all failed and he could not even fulfill his most basic duty as a director and complete the end of year financials which are still outstanding by the way. so if he thinks he will get his stupid idiotic share scam and action group to fly then he is beyond delusional. Putting in stooges like "Dickie" Hickie and "get my hands on the money" Honeyman will fail miserably... McIvor should also think twice about his choices of stooges sometimes they spring leaks...
Loose Lips

Loose lips sink ships, and it seems that McIvor's ship which is well and truly below the waterline still manages to spring leaks... Looks like someone needs to walk the plank...

Apart from being an appalling manager of retiree investor's money he also does not seem to engender any loyalty from fellow directors / stooges.

There is no doubt there is a traitor amongst McIvor's stooges, question is who is it ???
a traitor in the mist

there has been someone leaking emails and minutes for months.... someone really close....
It's either a spy or a split personality... Either or, it's the laughing stock of the business community...
Re: Equititrust: it is someone very very very close

and no-one will ever guess who.......... so close but actually so far away........
Equititrust Collapse

The fact that the Share Scam has been revealed demonstrates that even those close to it se it as a scam...
David Whyte BDO Australia

David Whyte moving the office to get some distance from the Share Scam promoters is a good thing as it removes any form of implied support for McIvor and his 2 stooges...

I think David Whyte has had a gutful of these idiots...
Re: R.E and E.I.F

Think we should all get on the blower on Monday to Mr Whyte BDO, and ask him the questions we keep on asking each other, see if we can get some answers. We need some official answers to all this and see if we can find out exactly what his thoughts are on these matters. Perhaps we can ask him to put it on the Equititrust site for us all to see!
It would be great to get David Whyte's take on the share scam as it seems to contradict the purpose of his appointment by the court and ASIC. The reason there maybe silence from his side is that he sees the share scam for what it is and like all other intelligent people knows it will fail and those pushing it will fall flat on their face.

Still think that whether the investors are intelligent or not, as per my previous post, a lot of them are too old and just too weary, and might just see a piece of paper at the administrators meeting proposal as something rather than the nothing they are getting now! Don't like to think so, but just got a feeling! Like I said "God help us - no one else is going to!"
Surely investors would have to be given independent legal advice and not have this scam forced upon them...
ASIC needs to intervene to protect those retiree investors who do not have all the facts about the share scam...

MOZZI you are right you know - this stupid SHARE SCAM deal will get up; McIVOR will wriggle off the hook; HALL CHADWICK will get their fee and ride off into the sunset; this needs a strong DAVID WHYTE to garner ASIC support and stand his ground - the funds are to be wound up - and moneys returned to UNITHOLDERS..... WHYTE is the man to do this....

McIVOR wants this 'new deal' because it will serve to hide other certain losses....

Kostag from Nowhere is blathering on again....

kostag: OLMAN from DARWIN has gone quite, again....

any thoughts?

Must be a slow day - Kostag has returned to innuendo. I don't know why anyone would even begin to waste anyone else's time commenting about members of this site not posting with sufficient regularity.

Despite some posters' "delusional" and grandiose ideas of self worth (the kind of behaviour also attributed to Mark McIvor), this thread is only part of the picture. While there is some intelligent discussion here, there's a lot of repetitive comment by the two major posters continually coursing over the same old grounds. I normally post when I have something to say, not to prove I'm still alive on a daily basis.
Re: Kostag from Nowhere is blathering on again....

good to see that you've still got your sense of humour....

I think the common thread of this BLOG since its outset was that something was very very rotten in Denmark and that things were a whole lot worse than the Directors were prepared to admit....

this web site (driven by two main players) plus the MEDIA were instrumental in stopping a new raising of capital through the smoke and mirror LANDSOLVE, then the Ian Maurice/Matt Corkin TRUST CAPITAL reflective glass attempt to re-badge very very old mutton as spring lamb.

This BLOG got the end VALUE per unit of heading twoward NIL very veyr right very very early in the piece and despite EQUITITRUST management written assurances that all was well and tracking well - we all know that this was just another con in a long litany of lies and deception.

So, yes, I admit that two or more parties have been beating the same old drum for a long time - bot 100 pages and 170,000 hits - all I can say, is thank God no-one ever gave up!!!

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