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Re: Equititrust: Leading an action group against himself

Do these idiots even know how stupid they look? They admit to not previously being able to form a quorum and then when Dickie Hickie comes on board they have a vote whereby Hickie excludes himself from the vote as he has a conflict if interest as the vote pertains to his companies replacing the RE. Apart from the fact that he has a conflict of interest from the outset of becoming a director the fact that he has excluded himself from the vote poses an interesting question, was there a quorum to pass the resolution as only two directors were voting, casting doubt as to whether there was a quorum established.

This whole things wreaks of a stitch up of investors...


The Administrator's attempts to have the meeting extended to May have been cut back by the Supreme Court. The meeting will now be held next month, one month shorter than they wanted. Interesting to see Tucker and Cowan showed up and will also have Their fees paid from the fund... Its just a big pool of fees for these guys nothing more..

Hasn't Tucker trousered enough fees
The race is on

With only a month to go now before the next meeting, the share scam will have to be refined before it's revelation. Lucky enough it has been exposed on this website for all to see... DON'T FALL FOR IT
White Collar Crime Fighter

Everyone is still keeled over laughing about McIvor becoming a white collar crime fighter... So can we expect the delusional one to also don a cape in his crime fighting activities... The first case to solve will be the one facing him in the mirror each morning...
It's a scam

McIvor is to blame for this disaster, he appointed the so called talented directors and he lent the money to his mate " King Con", he even gave him a reference when he was being banned as a director by ASIC. The current directors are directors of last resort, after round after round of directors resigned and also gave evidence against McIvor in the supreme court, remember Tucker, Kennedy,Goddard, Treasure, etc etc .

The action group as well as the share scam are delusional schemes from a delusion former director of not one but 3 companies. He has failed in business and lost 170M of retiree investors money and now wants to blame someone else... Not fooling anyone but himself, if he wants to run around the yard in a cape and pretend to be a white collar crime fighter then he might as well go and get a fitting for a straight jacket...
DIRECTORS - oh, dont we all feel so warm and comfortable. ASIC END THIS NIGHTMARE

1. Is the HONEYMAN now on the EQUITITRUST board, the one who was a Director of Commercial Nominees which keeled over in 1998 as the largest ( to that date ) disappearance of superannuation monies in Australian history. The record was broken only when Astarra/Trio went belly-up in 2009.

2. So we have a BOARD of THREE.

McIVOR cannot vote because as the MINUTES show, he is heavily conflicted and acknowledges this . DICKIE HICKIE can't vote because he is the party who wants to grab our fund (LION). So, if I have the correct HONEYMAN as set out in Para 1., we have a guy who was part of the biggest loss of superannuation moneys in Australia's history as the SOLE Director who can preside over and vote on our funds.

Gee, I feel so reassured that such 'talent' protects our interests.

Come on Politicians, Media, AFP, ASIC, Piper Alderman - there is a train crash happening and no-one is jumping ut to stop it!
How did EQUITITRUST amass such talent?

the current Board is tantamount to the three stooges - everyone is either conflicted or just should not be there!

a steady decline since the David 'Kolonel Klink' Kennedy - 'I know nuthink

and poor old Ian Maurice / Matt Corkin video presentaion....

when does this joke stop happening and loans start to get realised and we all start to see some money back!
Re: DIRECTORS - oh, dont we all feel so warm and comfortable. ASIC END THIS NIGHTMAR

Birds of a feather screw over innocent retiree's together...


Wow! an interesting read.

Cash: $15,131 (page 10)
Receivables: $25,000 (page 10) - interestingly, a round number..
Total debt: $523,320 (page 10)

Loss: $102,716 (page 11)

Payments to suppliers and employees: $79,900 (page 12)

Investment in Heart Assist Technologies P/L: $3,040,800 (page 21) - however, note the second page of the auditor's report (page 24) under the heading "Uncertainty Regarding Valuations of Investments" whereby the auditor states that the $3,040,800 can only be regarded as speculative.

I'm not a wiz at these accounts, but I think it might be worth a good read by investors of your fund.
Venture Never Get Access to your money

Wow what an amazing company... How could investors trust anyone even remotely connected to McIvor... It all turns to crap. As for "Dickie Hickie" get your hand off it and go somewhere else... Just let investors get their money back from David Whyte. He has legitimacy, Honeyman and Hickie are just morons for getting involved in a failed company which has financially abused Elderly Australian investors...
This is about self interest not about any benefit for the investors. If you want to think about "reputational impairment" walk away and walk away soon as there are investors who are fighting back and will expose the share scam for what is...

Remember everyone has had a falling out with McIvor and you will be next...
Administrator won't last too long

The McIvor apointed administrator will not last very long and will have to face the facts that the only option is liquidation and there will be no share scam on investors...

It will not happen...
Re: Equititrust: another stellar group being fed up to us....

there must be some website..... where else could McIvor constantly come up with such low rent operators...... and

Investors don't want McIvor's Stooges

Just because McIvor choses incompetents to be directors of a failed company doesn't mean investors have to put up with him or them... This is a failed orgisation of the highest order. Losing that amount of money puts those responsible in the worst category possible, hence the class action, receiver after receiver, banks exercising power sale left right and center.

These incompetents should not be let any where near investors money. The share scam is another delusional attempt by McIvor to recover his so called subordinated investment. This is about his interests not the investors, investors don't need to jump on some delusional journey which will end in tears.

McIvor had his chance as the custodian of public money and blew it...
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