Re: Equititrust: what a difference a week makes
Well, well, well…… what a difference a week makes in Paradise…. Chevron Island has been a veritable hive of commercial activity and entrepreneurial creativity this week….. Unfortunately none of it helps EIF investors one iota.
1. David Tucker gone from the Board. However he is very far from over and out. What secrets can he reveal I wonder?
2. Kolonel Klink Kennedy - despite serving as the loyal fall guy - has been given the ‘garotte’ - can you imagine what he will spill? After copping the heat and investor vitriol.....
3. Respected director, Chairman John Goddard, as decided that reputational risk is just too great chairing the cowboy outfit and will jump ship this week
4. Delusional ‘Mad Max’ will seize control again this coming week
5. Indigenous brothers have been honoured to bless hallowed ground in a delusional alliance that will go down the toilet as ‘believers’ see the folly of it all. More than rolling pins will fly.
6. Revenge Bank will come back and bite the instigators where the Sun does not shine.
7. ASIC is at breaking point……
8. Respected developers - Meridien - steel up their legal resolve and coupled with Tucker revelations will accelerate their actions
9. Watch Lazar - he has just started to fight. His naming in Parliament under the gutless protection of privilege has fired him up. He has served up round one and more will follow. He will get support from surprising places and will become the final nail that will bring this all to a screeching halt. The Windsor asset will be lost to EIF.
10. Don’t rule out Quinlivan - he may have been named King Con (again under Parliamentary privilege) but may yet prove to be another gorilla in the room. Coupled with Lazar and Meridien, his actions will also prove to be terminal. He is not a man to be screwed over and that is how he is felling right now. Watch also for deals being cut on his assets - personal home, Bundall sites etc.
11. Also: watch for allegations of EIF assets doing the old sideways shuffle and popping up in Landsolve. Westpac Bank will have to move as truthful disclosures are finally made.
12. See the Australian Financial Review today – 2 Articles - Ben Wilmot ‘Equititrust winds up flagship’ and the next page The Prince ‘Ian (Lazar) returns serve in set Two’