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when someone bothers to do some digging - and I suspect that all they have to do is talk to the Borrowers associated with say the top 20 loans - and the various lawyers associated with the top 20 loans - what will emerge is that Kaptian Mark and Kolonel "I see nothing" Kennedy - will be shown to 100% have known that the valuations that they had conjured up to justify these crazy bag of rubbish loans were over-stated; the EIF was therefore in deficit; and that they were therefore not entitled to charge and receive fees and return on sub-ordinated debt and I say that this will be the case from probbaly as early as July 2009. There is a lawyers letter floating around from an EIF lawyer that says as much on atleast one series of securities. Now, when this is shown to be the case, how many millions of fees which were 'trousered' by the galloping property 'guru' (who arrives on stallion and leaves on donkey!) McIvor and his sycophants will have to be dis-gorged..... ????

with all the properties being sold off on the Gold Coast, perhaps the good Kaptain is planning an orderley retreat to his condo at Double Bay, to ride out the rough seas ahead.....

we all watch this space with baited breath.....

Double Bay Retreat

Well it will be interesting to see how many properties ol' Captain McIvor holds in his wife’s' name... If those properties are jointly held or jointly held in individual company names then his first mate may be getting involved in the litigation as well as receivers / trustee's will be targeting those properties as well... That is if those properties have not already been put on the market... It’s going to be tough having to pay all that interest on those loans when there is no income coming in from exorbitant fees from the sinking ship SS Equitirust... Oh, and having to pay back millions of dollars of fees to innocent retiree Investors is going to hurt as well...

Fee Gorging

If the Piper Alderman claims are proven in court, it seems that the ramifications will reverberate beyond civil claims and the regulator or other authorities may be forced to act against both the company and its directors to protect innocent investor's interests...

Maybe this has precipitated McIvor's mate David Jackson QC joining the board as an alleged "Independent Director"... To gets things totally clear on this issue, he is in no way independent and sources in the Brisbane Legal fraternity have confirmed he has acted for Equititrust and McIvor in a personal capacity and is a dinner party guest at McIvor's home... His presence on the board though may have been precipitated by other ominous matters going on in the background...

It’s time for Equititrust and its former directors to reveal all

On another note who is preserving documentation and emails at the moment ??? Or will this vanish as quickly as the innocent retiree investors’ money that they managed so poorly
Financials - How Big are the Losses Board Loaded with McIvor Stooges

What is driving investors in droves to Piper Alderman and the class action against McIvor and Equititrust is a total lack of disclosure...

Where are the financials and what is the default status with the banks... i.e. how much default interest is being paid to the banks... NO ANSWERS from the board of "McIvor's mates" David Tucker has been revealed as a stooge; now when will they admit David Jackson is in the same position as Tucker... Investors just need to ask the question at the so called investor briefing... Is David Jackson a mate of McIvor's and does he go to his home for dinner parties... Simple as that.

If the answer is "yes"then get off the board..., both Tucker and Jackson are lawyers and ought to know better... This is the kind of disrespect that investors get from McIvor after exposing his investors to "King Con" and losing 80 Million Dollars on this idiotic foray... McIvor then resigns when the going gets too tough but loads the board with his mates or paid mates...
Lawyers are always your mate when they are getting paid or hasn’t McIvor figured that one out yet... Oh hang on he's a lawyer,.. that explains a lot. Let’s see who screws who in this little arrangement...

Television Exposure - Care for an Interview McIvor........

A number of investors are actively lobbying the television networks and current affairs programmes to cover the so called "Investor Briefing" on the 23rd of September in a similar fashion to what the Sydney Morning Herald did in the piece below...

Aggrieved investors who feel the same way should contact the Nine, Seven, Ten and ABC networks on a local, state and national level to ensure their predicament at the hands of Equititrust is exposed and televised on a local and national level... Maybe then Equititrust will finally get the exposure it deserves for treating its investor's like idiots..

Champagne Lifestyles for Some - Got a Spare Room for your Investors...

Whilst innocent retiree investors in Equititrust starve or have to resort to welfare the former Captain of the SS EquitiRust is living a very very extravagant life, gym wine cellar, heated pool etc... NOT BAD FOR SOME whilst investors starve...

Have a look at the video below and it will nauseate investors who cannot pay their bills at the hands of EquitiRust / McIvor...
Re: Champagne Lifestyles for Some - OBSCENE OPULENCE!!!!!

I noted that is has a WINE CELLAR , akin to HITLER'S BUNKER ?????

LOVE the STOOGES ANALOGY ..... the EQBoard: who is LARRY, SHEMP, MO and CURLY ????

the three knuckleheads.....


some of you might have heard that IAN LAZAR fellow on the radio recently when his dogs were kidnapped. He seems quite a sensible guy and is one person who is initiating legal actions against EQUITITRUST. Maybe the TV MEDIA can get an interview with him as well. This may bring some truth out.
No Financials

Where are the financials EquitiRust ??? Why are investor's constantly being kept in the dark... Are the losses that bad ???
Re: No Financials

I suspect these financials will simply confirm that we are tracking for a 50% write off....

Where are the financials EquitiRust ??? Why are investor's constantly being kept in the dark... Are the losses that bad ???
Re: Equititrust: what is the Board of Equititrust (aka the 4 Stooges) doing????

the Larry, Shemp Mo and Curly show has gone all silent.... no annual reporting - nothing....
Remember when McIvor was peddling this dead horse to new investors ??

Remember this amazing opportunity from EquitiRust / McIvor not so long ago: Meridien/investment_Opportunity.html

Now look at this filed today in the Supreme Court:

So it seems the claims by McIvor that Landsolve was going to raise 250M was a load of Bulls##t as usual... To top it off the so call independent director David Tucker's Law firm is acting for Equititrust... Where is the independence in this when he acts for McIvor in a personal capacity as well...

Why is Equititrust using McIvor's mate’s law firm. How many other law firms were asked to provide a fee proposal??? All investors get is a short statement on the Web site saying there will be substantial legal fees incurred but no transparency in terms who is appointed as a lawyer to reap fat legal fees off the investors... This is nothing more than a disgusting joke on investors...

This organisation has no respect for its investors, no respect for corporate governance and no respect for the rule of law; that is why is on the verge of total collapse. When EquitiRust does collapse and it will some of the blind sycophants will go down with them as well...
Another Disaster

Seriously, how long will ASIC allow McIvor and EquitiRust to peddle this crap to unsuspecting investors... Promises, promises then it all turns to sh#t and ends up in court... Is there one loan that has not ended up court ?? How much will investors pay for this little stunt?? Then McIvor has the audacity to say he is going to raise 250M through Landsolve and feed it back to Equititrust.. Its no wonder the media are having a field day with McIvor and he is the brunt of national ridicule in the press for what has happened to Equititrust investors... he just keeps on giving them more each day...

It’s one disaster after another... To say the investor briefing will be interesting is an understatement... Investors are sick to the eyeballs with both McIvor and EquitiRust...

For those investors who not yet contacted Piper Alderman, it may be time to do so as Equititrust has nothing to offer except McIvor and misery...
Courier Mail Today

Courier Mail
Mitch Gaynor 10 September 2011

"Equititrust's latest legal fight raises further questions over the fate of the frozen fund.

Earlier this year investors copped a large capital loss after the write-down of a host of assets owned by the fund.

The fund managers have also become increasingly litigious against developers who have defaulted on loans.

As reported by The Courier-Mail, Equititrust is embroiled in several Supreme Court cases against high-profile developers including former rugby league star Jarrod McCracken and the Hayes family.

The frozen fund is also owed about $80 million from twice-bankrupt businessman Dudley Quinlivan.

Quinlivan is seeking to avoid another bankruptcy by getting creditors, owed about $113 million, to agree to a Part X deal.

But in that scenario Equititrust would only receive 0.44c in the dollar." End Quote

For McIvor and Equititrust to have put innocent retiree investors in the postion where they will potentially get 0.44 Cents in the dollar on an $80 Million exposure is inexcusable negliegence...

Equititrust's days are numbered...
ALF Finance Takeoever Offer for PIF Units

Press release yesterday...

IRW-PRESS: Alf Group Holdings AG - Results Of AGM And Board Meeting

Published on 09 September 2011

9. That ALF Finance and Investments Limited complete, file and serve takeover offers for 100% of the issued units in each of:



Rotting Corpse

Equititrust is undeniably a "rotting corpse"... It’s a pity that innocent retiree investors are still chained to this "rotting corpse"... McIvor abandoned ship when the going got too tough but it seems he is going through a financial collapse of his own for the sins committed at Equititrust…
MERIDIEN: my God!!!!! this is scandalous ....

these MANIACS at EQUITITRUST were spruiking this little pearl 8 months ago!!! What a disaster this palce is.... I wonder who jumped into this great deal.....

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

EquitiRust / McIvor knew they were up Sh#t Creek with "King Con" and then tried to raise 50M from innocent new investors and failed miserably due to ASIC intervention...

They also knew Meridien were up the same creek and then decided to spin it off as the Meridien Landsolve Opportunity Fund to new investors and failed miserably again... Did ASIC have a hand???

EquitiRust have known the mess they had created for years but hid it from investors, this was set out in Colin Kruger's damming article.. The reasons were many but one was to keep the income stream running in the way of management fees which the Piper Alderman class action will now attack. The fees then went back one way or another to McIvor and or his companies in turn supporting a totally unnecessary "egotistic" luxury private property empire, which seems to now be crumbling before everyone’s eyes...

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