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Laxative Commercial

Ian Maurice should be a ashamed to lend his name to this mob, is he that desperate for work or doesn’t he read the papers..

It is such a joke... though strangely familiar to the investor video made in the comedy movie Step Brothers starring will Ferrell and John C. Reilly.. Watch the movie and you will see where the inspiration may have come from. There is absolutely nothing substantive to it whatsoever and throwing in a random Chinese Guy... Seriously what does this mean, it is beyond ridiculous.
Investor Fury

The latest attempt by Equititrust to morph into something else has really infuriated investors across the country. The feedback from investors today is before they go on a fictitious journey to help "Communities" how about some help for the Investors who have not been able to redeem their funds for 3 years, are not being paid interest and face tens of millions of dollars of losses...

If Equititrust was an animal it would have been put out of its misery a long time ago..
Going No Where

Read this crap and weep

It looks like they are priming the investors for a "larger than expected" Capital Loss.

These incompetent idiots should have had these valuations done a year ago... Instead they have deliberately hid the truth from investors for as long as they could whilst taking huge fees for effectively losing investors’ money... On top of this they had the gall to try and scam the Australian Public into investing more money in the now failed 50M Capital Raising. At least ASIC did something about this and made them pull the plug. This money should be paid back to investors directly from McIvor's pocket..
Re: Going No Where

Glad that the CEO records his dissapointment at the losses etc.

I ownder whether the rumourred Isle of Capri $6M house construction is his?

When they say that the Equititrust team is working fulltime on the EIF - hasn't he seen the videos with Ian Maurice and the promtion of Landsolve Capital Partners and Trust Mutual - that seems to be where the effort is going right now..... maybe David should kick people off his PC and take a look at the YOUTUBE website.....

we are all being lined up for a kick in the b---s!

What does 'we have the valuations and they are being stress tested'..... if they are independent valuations - why wouldn't we be seeing them?

Landsolve seesm to be oiff on its own fund raising mission - so why would have those imbeciles 'stress tested' anything?

We have been put under enough stress and we are none of us taking it too well!

ASIC where in the hell are you?

Thanks to Colin Kruger for atleast giving us a chance.

final para of latest EQUITITRUST press staement 8th June 2011....

amd there is "now a capital loss on" (our) "invetsments...."

is there? not told us till last paragragh.

How much are we gojng to lose?

Six months ago - I said we'd be 40% down.....

you watch - they'll fess up to 20% loss now BUT the hard cruel world and all those rotten Banks will cause it to drop further....

the offer? you watch: we can switch over to Team Mutual or Landsolve Capital Partners - or face another 20% loss.....
"... The focus of the Directors of Equititrust and all staff is the management of the current EIF loan portfolio. Once the bank debt has been repaid, it is our intention to continue an orderly realisation of the assets of the EIF so that distributions can be paid to investors. At this time we do not have a definitive timetable for this process but you can be assured this process is our utmost priority. ..."

Is this some sort of joke? Capital losses which are only able to be offset by capital gains, and management is keen to make taxable (for those who pay tax) income distributions? In such circumstances, shouldn't the fund simply pay capital repayments to members?

These managers certainly know how investors like their 'distributions' - even if it's their own capital coming back as 'income'.

Does the now touted 'orderly realisation of the assets of the EIF' mean that the proposed strategy has also been canned by ASIC?
A Scam is a Scam

ASIC must sit back and laugh every time Equititrust or Equitiscam come to them with anther delusional plan. It's very simple ASIC, just say no and get a receiver to put them out of their misery. Independent intervention is essential now... McIvor and Co out and receivers in, investors do not trust you anymore...
EQUITITRUST: there is no strategy

I beleive that the "plan" is......

1. ASIC will never approve a continuation of the EIF
2. the BANKS will hang in because they dont want to be seen by us mums and dad investors as losing because the banks stepped in etc and McIvor has already shown his masterful skill at blaming the Banks and all and sundry etc to anyone bothered to listen.
3. The EIF will jut be liquidated by the remainign EIF staff on whatever basis they like - they ofcourse are getting paid out of our money and they will pretty much do as they want
4. Banks get their snouts into the trough first
5. Then, after fees, costs, interest, huge interest on sub-ordinated debt to McIvor - we might start to see some money
6. Now at about this time, we will start to get the spiel 'higher than expected write downs' the 'capricious behaviour of the Banks etc' have all caused your investment to be worth less.....
7. surpirse! surprise! now when we accept say 40% less than we are owed plus another year or two without interest, we will get the wonderful offer to switch our investment into TRUST MUTUAL or LANDSOLVE CAPITAL PARTNERS ... some will simply hoist teh whitefalg and succumb, others will soldier on.....

under any scenario, this will simply drag outwhilst we are bled and head toward the inevitable and very predictable outcome....

The ONLY hope is either PIPERALDERMAN or ASIC step in and give us an indepdent and speedy exit...... without unnecessary impsts and costs.

Capital Destruction

Equititrust has proven itself to be nothing more than a destroyer of Retiree Investors’ money and dreams of self sufficiency in their retirement. Whilst McIvor and Co have their noses in the trough all they can say is "ahhh sorry we lost tens of millions of dollars of your money" in useless letters and spin by paid mercenaries who have no clue what they are doing. Meanwhile the luxury lifestyle in the Multimillion Dollar Waterfront and Beachfront Mansions continues unabated... But for how long ????
concerned investors should keep a watching eye out

For TRUST MUTUAL and LANDSOLVE CAPITAL PARTNERS and see how Equititrust morphs itself. . A different horse maybe but the same old trainer and jockey

Maybe this is why McIvor was looking so gravely stressed, and or constipated in his recent embarrassing attempt at a commercial… Looks like ASIC has not been too keen on the "Delusional Plans" of the White Haired / White Shoed Cowboys on the Gold Coast and deservedly so..

Colin Kruger
10 June 2011
Sydney Morning Herald


The Big D may be gone but the stormtroopers are still out there keeping the corporate machine in check.

We have it on good authority ASIC officials were not snooping around last week at the offices of the Gold Coast mortgage fund operator Equititrust, but it does not mean their handiwork is not evident.

We can't but help that think there is more than coincidence to the fact that a recent Equititrust announcement appears to kill the proposal to swap investors' units for shares, thereby circumventing Equititrust's obligation to pay out investors their original $1 investment.

''Any proposal is unlikely to involve a restructure of the fund but may be a separate opportunity for investors to participate using their investment in the fund,'' it said.

The company has delayed a report updating investors on how much of their investment has been lost on dodgy loans to the likes of Dudley ''King Con'' Quinlivan, a two-times bankrupt who was loaned as much as $70 million on a project which may now be worth as little as $20 million

Its all Over Now

In light of the recent revelations of the failed Share Swap, it is all over for Equititrust. Investors will get a massive haircut as a result of "Dodgy Loans" to the likes of King Con in the wind up of the fund but Equititrust, Landsolve and Trust Mutual will never get anymore Equity, Land to Mortgage and most importantly Trust from any investor in AUSTRALIA ever again, so stop making stupid idiotic commercials because every time investors see McIvor's face and constipated facial expressions all they see is tens of millions of dollars of their hard earned life savings flushed down the toilet on "King Con" whilst he lives a luxurious lifestyle in his Multimillion Dollar Waterfront and Beachfront Homes... Disgusting
ALAN PEASE..... body language

read Alan Pease's book on body language and then watch the YOUTUBE videos.

Watch the CEO..... the signs:-

1. does not look at the camera or even Maurice when he talks
2. at teh end when asked how can anyone invest , he actually starts to turn his head left to right in effect physically saying 'no' whilst trying to impart a positive message
3. answers are shuffling and un-clear......

the DISCLAIMER at the end - is a repeat of the old EQUIITRUST mantra - and probably says it all as far as we are concerned....


It seems that Colin Kruger is right in his assessment of ASIC's position on EquitiRust. Not only did they put a stop to the 50M Capital Raising they have also killed the share swap effectively setting them adrift not being able raise any further funds. The banks are desperate to get out and investors have been kept in the dark on how much of their investment has been lost yet McIvor and Co still don't get it and continue to make commercials for things that will not happen. Trust Mutual and Landsolve are just a form of diversion which will never come to fruition. Investors money should not be squandered on these idiotic delusions. Equititrust has now officially become the laughing stock of the Australian Financial Industry not to mention the shame of the Gold Coast. When investors money is squandered in such a reckless manner the directors of EquitRust have sealed their fate in history alongside their peers and good company, MFS, City Pacific and Asset Loan. Investors only choice now is to attack the personal assets of the directors via the class action..

1. owner has $70M of his own money in the fund? well, we'll see how much of that came out over teh year or whether some one put BUFFETMAN up to what on the ace of it appears to be a materially false statement....

2. RESORT: yep, they seem to have $44M tied up ina RESORT business.

3. PUBLIC COMPANY: who said they were?

4. BANK OF SCOTLAND: I am very very sure that BOS is owed something over $20M, in one of the funds.

oh, how the early smokescreen and misinformation was allowed to flow...... and finally, interest always paid on time - nothing about teh CAPITAL - wow, wasn't this confidence premature ......

THIS WAS THE 24-6-10 POSTING: Kostag,

Mate I think you might be confused. I rang Equitytrust today and spoke to their investor guy (I think it was Ron or something) and he told me that they have no tourism business nor are they listed. He also said they owe no money to Royal Bank of Scotland.

Are you confusing them with someone else? He also said that the owner of the business has invested about $70m of his own money in the funds and that he has voluntarily subrogated it such that other investors get paid before him (for interest and capital).

Would be most interested in your views on this as I also have a fair bit invested with them and am very happy with them to date - interest always paid in full and on time.
Protecting Their Golden Egg

From the outset this "Dodgy Mob" who made "Dodgy Loans" to their mate Dudley "King Con" Quinlivan were trying to stifle the truth being revealed on this web site..

They did not want investors know the truth about their dealings which proved to be quite shocking once the media spotlight was shone on them. This was all done to protect their Management Fee income stream while in fact the loan book was 80% in default and massive losses were being hidden by not undertaking current valuations. Even the media in today's story are calling the loans made by Equititrust "DODGY"... I think that says it all...
Einstein They Are Not

On the Landsolve Web Site another diversionary Quote

Logic will take you from to A to B, Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein

It should read

Logic will take you from to A to B, Landsolve (Really Equititrust in disguise) will take you and your money to "King Con". Mark McIvor (P.S. Ouch he is hurting us more than we are hurting him)

The above quote is historically correct..
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