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Criminal Charges and "Convictions" are never a good look for anyone or any business... The ramifications can be far reaching...
Both Eddy Obeid and Tucker boasted about their finances and now find themselves at the mercy of the courts… Many other regulatory wolves ? are also waiting for the trial to commence prior to going for the jugular… Rest assured they are being well fed prior to the trial as are the media…
Prior to trial, Tucker’s lawyers have tried to polish the turd ? of a defence they have filed to the greatest extent that they could. At trial however Tucker and Cowen will like, Eddie Obeid, face serious examination before the court with all the associated risks that come with being interrogated by accomplished QC’s at a public hearing, under the searing glare of the media and regulators like the ATO, ASIC and the Legal Services Commission who will all have a presence…
Its good to see that the "Murdoch Media", yes that's right... the "Murdoch Media" reported on the Tucker and Cowen litigation from the outset... Usually the sons of former dinosaur State Liberal Party presidents get given a pass... Not in this instance it seems... Good ol Lachlan Murdoch spent some time living in Brisbane and some leisure time on the Gold Coast in the early nineties and made some unlikely friends...

Raptis's directorship of a publicly listed company is now clearly at risk... If Raptis did backdate documents like his mate McIvor, as ASIC alleges in sworn affidavits presented to the Federal Court of Australia, then he deserves to get banned by ASIC just like McIvor...
The issue is, if no one makes a complaint, ASIC will do nothing... Having the story gain national prominence through the Financial Review puts serious pressure on ASIC to actually investigate and remove Raptis as a director. Both ASIC chairs, their media monitors and those who fund ASIC Federally have read the story. This is the only way to get ASIC to do anything, "Media Exposure" is the blowtorch to their inactive heels...
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