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Poor ol Jim, too upset he hasn't paid his subcontractors doesn't want his photo taken... How does this guy sleep at night ??? In a $20M Dollar mansion built off the sweat blood and tears of innocent subcontractors and creditors whilst not paying his taxes... Jim must think this is Greece where not paying taxes was a national sport...

Remember Tucker, Kennedy and Peldan (Worrells Receiver aka Tucker's mate and puppet) did a deal with Raptis as to the Rosea Pty Ltd Debt. Rosea has now been frozen by the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation...

David Whyte the receiver of the Equititrust Income Fund sold the debt to MS Asia which his friend David Tucker had a beneficial interest in and was effectively its controlling mind...

Did "Davey Boy" declare his conflict of interest to his personal friend David Whyte ?
Peldan states under oath that he wasn't aware that David Tucker and David Whyte were personal friends... Question is, did they all ever socialise together ???

To add more intrigue into the mix we now discover that Jim Raptis is a client of BDO... You couldn't make this stuff up...
What I can tell you, is that all these relationships are now under serious investigation by the ATO in a far reaching investigation to connect the dots, so to speak, between Raptis's jailed accountant and the transactions Raptis entered into with others who maintained offshore entities in tax havens...
If Tucker and Kennedy had nothing to hide, why all the secrecy in concealing their interests in MS Asia via dummy directors and BVI companies ???
The simple fact of the matter is, they had a lot to hide. This will be trickle fed during the countdown to trial which is 4 months away...
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