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Exposed :

• Equititrust
• McIvor
• Tucker
• Cowen
• Tucker & Cowen Solicitors
• Worrells
• Peldan
• Raptis
• Offshore Tax Havens
• Secret deals amongst mates

• Insolvency malfeasance
• Massive conflicts of interest

The best is yet to come WATCH THIS SPACE…
The Pandora papers were the nail in the coffin, the Raptis / Rosea Pty Ltd dealings with Tucker and Kennedy were the catalyst... The fact that Tucker and Kennedy tried to conceal their beneficial interests in MS ASIA via offshore entities in Tax Havens really set alarm bells ringing...
$100,000 in legal expenses is NOTHING given the magnitude and quantum of alleged tax evasion, which is shaping up to be one of the biggest in Australia history...

Good ol Jim had a history of backdating documents according to the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation. Just like his disgraced bestie Mark McIvor who was banned for life... The ATO now needs to refer the matter to ASIC so that Raptis can also be banned for life... This type of behaviour is abhorrent...
The vultures are circling as bankruptcy looms for Jim Raptis... Who will put their hands up ??? The "unusual" suspects ??? Tucker & Cowen, Worrells, BDO... Trust me their lack of shame and bare face conflict of interest to date would in their minds not rule them out...

Which ever way you look at it the sharks have smelt the blood in the water and good ol Jim is barely treading water... Bye Jim...
Another potentially prestigious and professionally rewarding bankruptcy appointment which could be imminent will be David Tucker's, given the fact that he has declared in affidavits to the Federal Court that he will declare bankruptcy... My suggestion is that whoever is appointed to Jim Raptis be appointed the bankruptcy trustee to David Tucker... Two birds with one stone etc etc..
One can see what the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation is on about when it concerns the maladministration of Raptis Ltd and good ol Jim's plethora of companies... This, for all intents and purposes looks like a sh#t show with the focus being on avoiding tax in offshore tax havens...
The sale of the Management Rights mentioned in the story above was a sale to Jim Raptis's private interests... Keep the Conflict of Interest alive Jim...
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