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These mortgages are nothing but a sham to prevent creditors coming close to the miscreants personal homes. Raptis’s $20M Gold Coast home has a mortgage to a beneficially owned entity in the UK ?? and a second mortgage to a an onshore lender in Australia ??. The home is owned by a $1 Pty Ltd Australian company. The owner of the $1 share is a retired pensioner from Biggera Waters on the Gold Coast… Come on…
As Karma bites Jim Raptis and "Justice is rendered" it serves as a tale of the ages about greed and doing the right thing, its pretty simple stuff, PAY YOUR TAXES...

Jim lives in a $20 Million dollar home of greed
while he avails himself of public infrastructure yet does not want to contribute to society... He has repeatedly not pad subcontractors whilst amassing tens of millions of dollars offshore, even a home in Athens...

Jim and Helen Raptis, the great friends of "Mark McIvor and former wife Stacey Turner", yes they were buddies, now all find themselves on the same self destructive path, that only
immense greed delivers.

The Taxation Office have Raptis this time around due in thanks to :

1. A loan he once took out from his mate McIvor, which was bought by none other than David Tucker and his offshore interests.

1. A complaint being made to the ATO in regard to the loan coupled with the divine timing of the Pandora Papers...

The ATO were left with no other option than to rush to the Federal Court last Friday and seek the ex parte freezing orders once all the data matched up... They even put a freeze order on his Lexus...
The loan repaid by Raptis to Tucker / EPF in regard to Rosea Pty Ltd is an interesting transaction indeed… If Raptis / Rosea Pty Ltd were in default and had no money to pay, where did the money come from all of a sudden. Prior to David Whyte selling the loan to Tucker / MS Asia / EPF Raptis has no cash to pay… The moment David Whyte sold the loan to Tucker / MS Asia all of a sudden the money started to dribble in, in dribs and drabs to give the impression of financial hardship… Yet tens of millions were stashed offshore it’s now been discovered… Why did the money start rolling in when Tucker and Kennedy had full control of the debt ???
Have no doubt the money came into Australia from overseas under a loan back scheme…

Tucker and Kennedy’s entanglement with Rosea Pty Ltd and Raptis and their collective offshore tax haven interests are now at the forefront of ATO investigations… A further tranche of information was provided to the ATO yesterday…
When this thread was started on 23 June 2010 by Kostag we were attacked by all and sundry, particularly the Equititrust miscreants including Kennedy joining the thread to try and gaslight…
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