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Given the Shakespearean plot twists in this scandal a quote from Hamlet is in order...

"The lady (in this case the gent) doth protest too much, methinks"...

Let’s say that once upon a time there were two gents who both had sophisticated offshore entities and a problem to solve onshore… What’s to say a little fairy ?‍ suggested that some of the problem be solved offshore… WHOOSHKA… Problem solved no nasty taxes to worry about…
But this is a fairy tale right ???
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Notice how the ROSEA debt was "not finally settled" until it was transferred for $700,000 out of the hands of BDO to Tucker and Kennedy under the guise of MS ASIA...

Raptis and family will not recover from this hit as they have done so before... The reason ? The loot pilfered offshore away from creditors including hundreds of subcontractors over decades has been discovered by the Taxation Office... Even good old Jim's personal home is now on the chopping block...

No amount of layered trusts and keeping his home in the name of a retired granny will save him this time...

Bye Jimbo...

Maybe good ol gal Merilee Lisle has a granny flat out the back... Her discussions will the Taxation Office will be riveting...
Below is another galloping Greek Gold Coast property developer who was jailed for a decade in 2018 for $63 Million.

The Taxation Office wants $109.7 Million from Raptis...

Jim Raptis faces years of legal hell, a potential custodial sentence and the loss of his family home and all other assets just like Michael Issakidis...

The developments that the Taxation Office is allowing to continue will all flow back to the ATO... The ATO is allowing this because of the strong Gold Coast property market. The question is, given Raptis's abysmal record in paying subbies, will the subcontractors turn up to work given what's transpired...

Jim Raptis's luck has finally run out...

$1,561,405.99 in 5 months flowed through tucker and Cowen's Trust Account as a result of the purchase of the Rosea Debt for a bargain sum of $700,000 ??? Remember the total recoveries were $2,211,955.99...
No need for alarm ? folks, (certainly not for people without secret offshore entities in tax havens), but a specific department within the ATO are avid readers of this thread… ?
If Raptis and others who have had dealings with him think for a minute they haven’t been surveilled by the Federal Police, they’re deluded…
Watch this space…
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