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Fast forward to 2021 and “genius” Tucker wonders why he’s having his assed sued and his face is plastered all over the newspapers… ?‍
So Tucker called Stephen Russell an extortionist ???
In the end he will be described as an executionist - “The person that makes difficult things a reality. A magic do-er of difficult deeds”.

Some Australians will be nervously watching 4 Corners tonight - hundreds of Australians implicated in the Pandora Papers…
Simple Question for Tucker and Cowen... Did any money ever go back to the investors of the EPF ???

A SERIOUS Issue to be explored at trial... This level of scrutiny for Tucker and Cowen will be like a legal colonoscopy and Stephen Russell will be the one preforming the procedure, in front of a public gallery chock a block full of the MEDIA, which good ol Tucker and Cowen love soooo much...

As McIvor noted in his delusional crap book, (where he attempted to rewrite history and gaslight us all on the reasons for his demise), he underestimated the veracity of the media that pursued him...

All good media coverage has to be well
coordinated, hence the need for PR Consultants. In McIvor's case, the miscreant deeds that had to be exposed, were well coordinated with the national and local media...
P.S. Your
welcome Marky Boy...

In Tucker, Cowen and Kennedy's case the same surgical precision has occurred since 2017... A "major story" is currently in the works, which will blow the pants off every other story reported to date on the Equititrust saga... STAY TUNED...
Tucker, Cowen and Kennedy... YOUR WELCOME...
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