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Given the ramifications of such a case as it relates to the misuse of solicitors trust accounts, both the media and the legal profession across Australia are watching closely...
Do not be surprised to see a major twist and turn in the legal proceedings which will be a knock out blow to both Tucker and Cowen in the coming months...
What's interesting amongst the criminal charges laid against the various parties listed above, is the involvement of Tucker's go to favourite receivers Worrell's (the firm with no morals)... ASIC is seeking to ban Worrells Partner Jason Bettles for life as a result of his participation which ASIC alleges facilitated a Phoenix scheme...

Like many "other" Gold Coast stitch ups this is a classic case of so called professionals teaming up to break the law and do people over...

Worrells have another steaming pile of crap just about to hit the fan...

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Note that John Ramsden, a solicitor was also criminally charged...

The key to the stitch up of innocent investors is always the involvement of a solicitor and a friendly receiver...

All are now facing life bans....

As the Equititrust case proceeds Tucker will be facing the same fate...

Like Tucker, Jason Bettles tried to have the case against him struck out before any evidence was heard... The court file shows that ASIC are going for Bettle's jugular....

Most if not all of Bettle's witnesses have been criminally charged... SMFH

"2. The Defendant is to file and serve any affidavits of any witnesses he intends to call at trial or, if a witness is unwilling to give an affidavit, an outline of the evidence that he anticipates the witness will give by 4:00 pm on 11 October 2021."
For anyone who was curious as to how Tucker and Cowen were able to bankrupt McIvor personally, here's the answer... As Paul Keating once said to the then opposition leader Alexander Downer, " the Salmon that jumps on the hook for you. "...

Tucker's statement from his Public humiliation in the Federal Court, will become highly relevant over the coming months...

Tick Tock

Tucker alleged he didn’t know where his share of loot went… Money trails however have a funny way of being uncovered by investigative types…
The best thing that can ever happen is to get Tucker into the witness box and box him in… I’m sure that Tucker and Cowen will try and settle prior to trial, however given the money spent to date by the liquidators, they have no reason to settle other than for the full amount…
Playing dirty until the bitter end...

Stephen Russell has exposed the appalling legal tactics being used by Tucker and Cowen in conjunction with their lawyers...

The court will not look favourably on this abuse of the court process...
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