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As has been reported and publicly proclaimed on Whyte's own Facebook page (which has mysteriously gone private) since the exposure on this website, he has officially retired... I guess he now has ample time to answer some pertinent questions regarding his friendship with Tucker and the legal work he doled out to him which was a clear and unequivocal conflict of interest...
That could also be read as Peldan saying he doesn't know whether they are friends, or not. I have no idea whether they are, btw.
That could also be read as Peldan saying he doesn't know whether they are friends, or not. I have no idea whether they are, btw.
The liquidators and their barrister Mr Cooper knew full well that Tucker and Whyte were BFF’s… If Peldan has been a friend of Tucker’s for over 15 years I don’t think that anyone is naive to think that it is plausible that Peldan didn’t know of the Tucker / Whyte friendship… Peldan just didn’t want to be a link in that chain whilst giving evidence before the Federal Court…
What's emerging prior to trial is the undisputed interconnected relationships Tucker had with both Worrells and BDO... Personal friendships with partners in each firm who in one way or another became connected to the factual matrix which forms the substance of the Liquidators claim against Tucker and Cowen...
Personal relationships are an irrefutable conflict of interest... This premise forms the basis of ethical conduct in scenarios where Tucker and Cowen and Tucker himself had a fiduciary duty to Equititrust as a client and ultimately its unit holders... But when Tucker's involved let rip eh...
That could also be read as Peldan saying he doesn't know whether they are friends, or not. I have no idea whether they are, btw.

I think one could safely assume there is a 'very friendly' link, if David Whyte's wife, had Tucker as a Facebook friend, which is all now deleted of course....

As previously uploaded on the blog, David Whyte's wife Facebook pages....

Both Whyte's and Jennifer Tucker's respective Facebook and Instagram accounts were loaded with nauseating posts gloating about holidays, property at Palm Beach, building a new house on the golf course in Brisbane and Whyte's self proclaimed retirement...

As soon at the posts were exposed on this thread, the
social media channels have gone both private and silent...

Boastful behaviour of this nature is both crass and highly unprofessional given the respective roles of both Tucker as a former director of Equititrust and Whyte as a receiver of its largest failed fund...

Investors of both the EPF and EIF are dying destitute and these two parties are rubbing their faces in it... PATHETIC...

How come Whyte is notifying members re hearing on lst Oct as Court appointed Receiver? Thought he had retired!
How come Whyte is notifying members re hearing on lst Oct as Court appointed Receiver? Thought he had retired!
Hi Mozzi... Yes Whyte is officially retired... That's what he has even posted on his Facebook Page...

Its a pity that Whyte has not posted a notification about the 1 October 2021 hearing on the Equititrust Website as he has promised to do when there is an update of significant importance...

Why the cloak and daggers about the court application ???
Whyte proclaimed his own retirement... He clearly states that he is a "Former Partner of BDO" But hey, given what's transpired to date does that surprise anyone...

When he had officially retired from BDO, he should have let investors and the Court know...

Not a good look as far as investors are concerned...

Not a word from him before this one, only the last update, but is it just Mozzi who thinks that it was BDO who were appointed, and not one of the employees!!! (former Director or not?) The communication says it is from and signed as Yours sincerely David Whyte. Court Appointed Receiver.

Whyte was personally appointed in his capacity as a receiver and its a fact that he has been charging investors over $500 per Hour + GST... Make your own conclusions from that... He's making a hell of a lot more in retirement than the investors of Equititrust who he is charging...

Given his conflicts of interest with Tucker, should Whyte really be involved any further ?
It appears that all that Tucker and Cowen have left in their arsenal is to seek security for costs... Given what happened last time, this will not save them...
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