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Documentation to be filed in the Supreme Court in the coming weeks and months will be gobsmacking...

Regulators starting to sniff around too... Can't be ignored any longer...
What's keeping Tucker, Cowen and Kennedy up at night ???

Stephen Russell has well and truly cornered the Tucker Defendants... This is evidenced in the weak affidavits and material being filed by Tucker's lawyers - Bartley Cohen, in trying to polish the turd of a defence in Tucker not providing disclosure...
The legal takedown has begun and it will be brutal in the coming months...

If Tucker can't "pony up" and keeps his "pie hole" shut the matter may not
even proceed to trial...

IN five days of public examinations into failed property fund manager Equititrust, commercial lawyer David Tucker dropped some withering descriptions from the witness box.

Equititrust founder Mark McIvor, now banned for life from providing financial services, had strategies that amounted to “madness”, did “dodgy deals” and had “extra kangaroos in the top paddock”, said Mr Tucker, a former Equititrust director.

Developer Jim Raptis - whose Raptis Group nearly collapsed in 1992, and went into administration in 2009 and since recovered - seemed an “habitual insolvent”. Investment bank Morgan Stanley ran “a slash and burn operation”.

Some harsh words were for Stephen Russell, whose firm Russells are the liquidators’ solicitors. Mr Tucker accused Mr Russell of having sent an “extortionate email to my (business) partner, Richard Cowen, in which he tried to extort a settlement on an unrelated case under threat of exposure of me apparently in relation to this (Equititrust matter)”.

Mr Russell, in an email to The Courier-Mail, dismissed the claim as one of Mr Tucker’s “utter fanciful allegations”, denied wrongdoing and said the court in a related matter had found no basis for claims Mr Russell was pursuing the examination for improper purposes.

Lots of interesting twists and turns occurring in the background... None of them good for the Tucker Defendants...
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