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The hotline between Tucker and Kennedy must be running red hot at the moment...

Imagine the Equititrust CEO and Company Solicitor / Director getting up to this kind of **** and then pretending that they don't have their incriminating
emails. Worse still they thought they could get away with it...

The disclosure and court forced affidavits that Tucker and Kennedy will have to provide will be decided by Justice Bradley in the near future.

Tucker and Kennedy are cornered...

It is also likely that former Tucker and Cowen staff have already flipped...

Loose lips sink ships...
Remember this ? These are excerpts of David Whyte's billing sheets provided (in an affidavit) to the Supreme Court of Queensland.

What were Kennedy and Tucker discussing with Whyte ???

By this stage its late 2012 and Tucker and Kennedy are the
beneficial owners of MS Asia...

Did Tucker and
Kennedy disclose their beneficial interests to Whyte as they should have.

Remember not only was Tucker acting for Whyte, Tucker disclosed to the Federal Court that he was also acting for David Kennedy personally as well as acting for MS Asia and his friendly receivers Worrells (Michael Peldan) at the same time...

The conflict of interest is beyond belief ???

Perhaps Kennedy can now disclose when David
Whyte was made aware of the beneficial ownerships of MS Asia.

With Kennedy at that meeting, in what capacity was he there ? Was he representing MS Asia ? Was he being paid by BDO as a consultant related to his previous position as CEO of Equititrust ???

Some serious questions need to be asked of all three "David's" at that

This is worth a read as it details that Tucker's mate and friendly receiver Michael Peldan was publicly examined by the liquidators barristers in the Federal Court...

Peldan was examined for a second time and
produced documents to the Federal Court as the receiver of the EPF appointed by MS Asia - which for all intents and purposes was Tucker and Kennedy hiding behind a foreign corporate veil...

In this circle of malfeasance and unconscionable conflict of interest Tucker was acting for everyone...

- MS Asia
- Michael
- David Kennedy
- Equititrust EIF receiver David Whyte

Further incriminating documents will soon surface as the pressure is piled on by Stephen Russell...

If the documents are not disclosed the case will soon be over...

Given that Kennedy is back in the country there is a high likelihood that he will be publicly examined in addition to the Notice for non party disclosure issued by the Supreme Court...
Kennedy will put up a fight and won't provide disclosure, which will only make Tucker's feeble defence look even worse. Ultimately the Supreme Court will decide and Kennedy will have to provide disclosure as well as sit in the witness box under oath...
Lets for a moment think if this is plausible...

Tucker states that in mid 2012 he fronted up $666,000 approx "to buy legal work" for Tucker and Cowen from Kennedy / MS Asia... Not to buy a one third share, but to buy legal work... How uncommercial is that ! How many lawyers give you money to use them ? #joke

He then states that his one third share came about in late 2012 without any paperwork... How convenient timewise !!!

Tucker expects the court to believe this load of crap ???

This is a concocted story because of Tucker's conflict of interest in asking for approvals from the liquidators to do certain things in mid 2012 whilst actively having a share in MS Asia and the spoils of the EPF heist.

Tucker's conflicts of
interests over the years have finally caught up with him and he now finds himself between a rock and a very hard place...
The exact amount ($666,000 approx) that Tucker claims to have paid to "buy legal work" off MS Asia amounts to the cost of a one third share of the EPF heist... Coincidental ??? Of course not, Tucker had a beneficial one third share in the scheme from day one... Why do you think the emails with Kennedy have gone missing - convenient isn't it...

No one is fooled by this BullSh!t...
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