Lets for a moment think if this is plausible...
Tucker states that in mid 2012 he fronted up $666,000 approx "to buy legal work" for Tucker and Cowen from Kennedy / MS Asia... Not to buy a one third share, but to buy legal work... How uncommercial is that ! How many lawyers give you money to use them ? #joke
He then states that his one third share came about in late 2012 without any paperwork... How convenient timewise !!!
Tucker expects the court to believe this load of crap ???
This is a concocted story because of Tucker's conflict of interest in asking for approvals from the liquidators to do certain things in mid 2012 whilst actively having a share in MS Asia and the spoils of the EPF heist.
Tucker's conflicts of interests over the years have finally caught up with him and he now finds himself between a rock and a very hard place...