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So much of what is said in court and what is contained in court documents flies under the radar and the public don't get the full picture... We have ensured that this is not the case in the Tucker trial and every minutiae of the public records are exposed for all to see.
The miscreants are not happy about the exposure of the documentation and the media coverage... Tough Sh#t ... It's gonna get a hell of a lot worse...

Investors are not not happy with what they did to them and want JUSTICE...
This would have to be the most weak as piss affidavit that has ever been filed in the Supreme Court… “Benny Boy” Cohen is trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes ?…

His client axes ? his own incriminating email account and then says an employed “solicitor” with not IT expertise tried to recover Tucker’s account but failed ???

As a heads up “Benny Boy” there are google certified consultants who actually work with Google to recover such accounts.. Look it up…

Importantly, the IT expert who compiled the report for the court clearly states that the email account was downloaded by Tucker onto a personal device via outlook and onto the IT system at Tucker and Cowen…

The emails are in Tucker’s possession he just doesn’t want to disclose them…

More turd polishing by Tucker’s lawyers which will get them nowhere…

Is Cohen expecting everyone to believe that Tucker didn’t download the data from his incriminating gmail account before he purposely deleted it ??? Pull the other one Benny ???
So let’s say the incriminating emails started to appear online would that be a miracle ???

Tucker needs to swear / affirm some affidavits in the coming weeks if he dares to…

All the incriminating emails between him and Kennedy still exist. He’s well advised to give them up now before someone else does…

Tucker can’t say he wasn’t warned…
David Kennedy, sitting back in Hong Kong watching the action... Will he appear at the trial and name that murderous criminal who owns MS Asia ???

Will David Kennedy release all his emails with Tuckers "deleted" Gmail account or will he continue the murderous triad theme under his non de plume "Yu Dai Soon"...


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It appears that former Equititrust CEO aka "Yu Dai Soon" and "Lei Ying Lo" and man in desperate need of a personality transplant has had his safe house revealed on the Gold Coast... It also appears that he is about to be served with a **** load of subpoenas...

Tucker and Kennedy are in a world or trouble...

What's Colonel Kennedy gonna say ? Oh "I've deleted all my emails with Tucker" and " I don't know where my third of the Equititrust money is ? Tucker has already acknowledged in Federal Court that Kennedy knows where all the MS Asia money "including Tucker's" is...
The next David that should be served with a Notice for Non Party Disclosure should be "David Whyte" the now "retired" canny Scott receiver of the Equititrust Income Fund... In his billing sheets he dealt and had extensive meetings with both Tucker and Kennedy. They openly discussed priority issues between the EPF debt owned by Tucker and Kennedy and the EIF debt...

He also used his mate David Tucker as a
solicitor for work related to the recovery of EIF debts.

What Whyte needs to tell investors, (which he has refused to do, to date), is when did he became aware that Tucker and Kennedy were the
beneficial owners of MS Asia. If Whyte at any stage knew knew Tucker and Kennedy had their hands in the EPF cookie jar, did he not have a duty to inform the liquidators and in turn the court ? This issue deserves answers...

Have the emails between Whyte, Kennedy and Tucker all been deleted by Kennedy and Tucker ?

From what email accounts were Tucker and Kennedy corresponding with Whyte?

Whyte as the court
appointed receiver has a duty to hand over any material that would assist in the current litigation, as the whole exercise is about returning money to investors right ? Not palming work off to your mates !!

You never know.... Tucker, Kennedy and company might be able start up a new Corporate Division, "Compass Airlines V.666.0" out of their ashes.... Phoenix BS Corporation.

Something similar to this...........

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