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The recent court filings demonstrate that Stephen Russell and the team he leads are excellent solicitors... They have not missed a beat in the litigation against Tucker and Cowen, leaving DLA Piper and Barfly Cohen in the dust...

To be fair though, DLA Piper and Barfly Cohen are lumbered with the
unedifying jobs of polishing turds for their clients... #sad #sucksactingforTucker
Tucker now finds himself in an unenvious position of his own making... If he does accede to the disclosure demanded by Stephen Russell he's basically f#cked if he doesn't provide disclosure he's definitively F#cked... Checkmate fine sir...

If Tucker doesn't provide the disclosure that Stephen Russell is requesting. the trial will not be a long one, if it goes to trial at all... With a cavernous hole this big in Tucker's defence its a waste of time even paying lawyers... A futile exercise in delaying the inevitable...
The national media coverage of the the three week trial will be excruciating for Tucker and Cowen... The media read this thread religiously like all the players in this saga and have been tipped off as to the date of the trial as well... A major television network and national broadcaster currently being briefed...

Justice is Coming...
The outlying enablers and sychophantic friendly receivers who all played a part in this outrageous scheme, where work was doled out to mates and conflict of interest was thrown to the wayside, will not be missed by the media outlets... What flew under the radar will now be exposed nationally...
Tucker and Cowen did not want this to go to trial... That's obvious from the court file which documents the failed attempts to get the matter struck out... Their efforts were to no avail and the proverbial pants, in terms of disclosure, will have to come down in full view of the public and the court...

Anyone starting to pick up a theme here about the attacks on the liquidators by Tucker and Whyte... Both accuse the the liquidators of doing little but claim to have done a lot themselves...

Well that will ultimately be for the
court to decide...

Who was overseeing Tucker whilst he pillaged the EPF ??? Given his prior history at Equititrust beings it’s solicitor and a director he should never have been given any legal work by his Whyte Knight… The Conflict of Interest is beyond the bounds of commercial reality…
The Conflict of Interest will rear its ugly head at the trial as a further example of Tucker sucking on the Golden Teat of Equititrust and its innocent elderly investors…
At a minimum Tucker and Tucker and Cowen as a firm had an obligation to inform Whyte of Tucker’s beneficial interest in MS Asia as well as the firm’s (Cowen’s) knowledge of the beneficial interest…
Basic and ethical disclosure…
Whyte needs to be upfront with investors and the court as “the court appointed receiver” as to when he was made aware of Tucker’s beneficial interest… So far all we get from Whyte are crickets ?…
Notice how silent Colonel Kennedy has been whilst hidden away in Hong Kong ??
Let’s see if he comes to back up his mate Tucker in court… Video Conference call to court widely used nowadays…
Tucker's go to "Friendly Receivers" Worrells the "firm with no morals", in ASIC's crosshairs seeking to ban Gold Coast Partner Jason Bettles for life...

Given the firms interaction with Tucker regarding MS ASIA - Equititrust expect more ASIC action against the firm after the evidence if fully laid out at Tuckers Trial of the Century next
February... Worrells will painfully regret ever getting involved in any of Tuckers schemes...

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