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6 October 2019
The question on everyone’s lips is when did David Whyte gain knowledge of Tucker and Kennedy’s involvement with the purchase of the BOSI Debt... Would not be surprised if Stephen Russell and the liquidators call Whyte as a witness to be cross examined at trail. Would make for interesting viewing...
David Whyte may want to offer up a paddle to his mate David Tucker because given the disclosure in Stephen Russell’s affidavit, Tucker’s defence is up Sh#t Creek without a paddle...

The EIF receiver enjoying retirement on a work day...
How’s this letter from Tucker to the Liquidator Blair Pleash, seeking authority to continue with the action against the Meridien Directors whilst being an owner of the EPF debt bought from BOSI... Correct me if I’m wrong here but didn’t Tucker have a MONUMENTAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST that he had to disclose to Blair Pleash.... The Meriden directors ended up settling for $3M + with MS ASIA... It’s great to see all the grubby dealings and correspondence start to bubble to the surface...

Tucker wanted the action to be kept on foot - alive for himself and Kennedy to plunder it...

While this was going on Tucker was also the solicitor for recovery of the EIF debt appointed by David Whyte...

How on earth does that work.... Investors are now getting an insight on what went on behind the scenes...

In terms of corporate governance this kind of Bullsh#t would never fly in a Public Company yet was let to run rampant by the insolvency practitioners.... Shouldn’t conflict of interests be avoided at all costs...
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