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Interim Financial Report + Continuous Disclosure Statements

Several questions need to be raised as to why there was a delay by Equititrust in producing the Interim Financial Report – 31 December 2010.

It is interesting that both the Fund’s auditor and David Kennedy signed the report on 16 March 2011 but yet it took almost one month to make such report available to the Investors. The question is simply answered by reference to Current Assets (and in particular “Cash and cash equivalents”) found at page 7 of this report. At 31 December 2010 the Fund had only $301,433 available in cash – simple mathematics suggest approximately 3-4 weeks of wages and other costs associated with management of the Fund.

Or in other words, if the report was produced WHEN IT WAS PROMMISED to be, investors would have been made aware of the weak position of the fund. Nevertheless, David Kennedy CEO obviously didn’t want to have cachous on his hands, so he decided to not honour his word and delay the production of such report.
Moving forward, the Directors of Equititrust decided to postpone Investor Distributions (obviously because the EIF was out of cash and couldn’t pay) – it is not enough to say that “Oh, we want to revalue and restructure the fund” – the Fund either has the cash or it doesn’t.

Contemporaneously with making the financial report available Equititrust also decided to salt the wounds of the Investors by posting a Continuous Disclosure Statement noting the “EIF held cash funds in excess of $4m as at 8 April 2011 and has sufficient funds to meet its ongoing obligations for the foreseeable future” – Interesting, does Equititrust not see paying its investors their distributions an “Obligation” - or at the very least a “moral obligation”? Simply put, give us your money, but don’t worry, we don’t have any obligation to pay you your distribution – or in fact your money back at all. This is very comforting Equititrust, particularly in circumstances where paying the distributions to Investors was the only reason why we TRUSTED and SUPPORTED you during this trying time. This TRUST is GONE.

Anyway, it is interesting that on the Investor Distribution communication dated 4 April 2011 Equititrust stated that “the Equititrust Ltd Board has resolved to postpone all distributions (including the April distribution)” and then days later posts a Continuous Disclose Statement expressing the concept – Everything is ok, we have $4m in cash which we were meant to give to you as your distribution. We can now pay our wages and legal bills.

Class Action
Equitirust posted a further Continuous Disclosure Statement dated 15 April 2011 in an attempt to bandaid the pending class action. I make comment as follows:

Equititrust Noted:
Piper Alderman states that “It appears as though distributions have been suspended to enable an increase in debt repayments in the hope of appeasing the NAB and obtaining the Bank’s agreement to a restructure
of the EIF’s debt facility”. This statement is incorrect.
At no time has NAB asked for, or suggested, that distributions should be suspended. This decision was made by the Directors based upon events that have transpired over the past four weeks and was done so in order to be prudent whilst updated valuations of the underlying security for the EIF loan book are carried out. NAB was advised of the suspension as a matter of courtesy at the same time the announcement was made to unit-holders

Interesting, particularly in circumstances where Equititrust’s own Communication dated 4 April 2011 expressly notes that one of the reasons why investor distributions have been delayed was to “accelerate repayment of our secured bank debt owed to the NAB”.

Piper Alderman states that “The NAB has not yet made a decision [with respect to the proposal for repayment of the facility]”. This statement is incorrect.
NAB has formally agreed to Equititrust’s proposal and this has been disclosed on the Equititrust Limited website. The Piper Alderman statement is also misleading in that it ignores the disclosure in the interim accounts that “The external financier [NAB] have indicated that they are broadly supportive of such proposal…”. The Directors felt it was prudent to disclose the ramifications for EIF if NAB did not agree to the revised proposal request notwithstanding that they were confident (based upon ongoing discussions with NAB) that such proposal would be accepted.

It is interesting that ALL of the disclosure Equititrust seeks to rely on was posted on its website 2-3 days ago AND the information that Piper Alderman relied upon was the ONLY information available given Equitrist’s failure to disclose when PROMOSIED. Furthermore, Equititrust uses the word “formally” when dealing with the NAB Facility BUT in the Continuous Disclosure Statement dated 13 April 2011 titled “Notification of NAB Facility” expressly states “Formal documentation of the extension is expected to be completed by 20 April 2011”. NO disclosure has been made in respect of that “formal” documentation and therefore NAB has not “formally” agreed to the extension. Nothing is formal Equititrust until it is documented and signed. David Tucker, Partner of law firm Tucker and Cowen OBVIOUSLY would have explained this to you. Notwithstanding, both Mark Mclivor and David Kennedy are/were Lawyers or have studied law. Please refrain from being misleading Equititrust – you are quickly loosing the support of investors.

Piper Alderman states that the meeting called for unit-holders for 20 April 2011 has been called in an “apparent attempt to further allay investor concerns”. The meeting has not been called to allay investor concerns but rather to address them. Equititrust recognizes that investors will be concerned at the suspension of distributions and the meetings are but one forum that Equititrust is using to address such concerns;

Rather hearsay Equititrust don’t you think? What is the material difference between “address” and “allay” investor concerns – seriously? It is obvious that the Investors have concerns and the intention of that meeting is to address/allay those concerns because ultimately you need to support of the investors.

Piper Alderman states that “One of the many issues likely to be raised by unit holders will be why the EIF’s difficult liquidity position has not prevented Equititrust withdrawing $4 million in management fees”. This statement is incorrect. Equititrust did not draw $4m in management fees for the six months ending 31 December 2010. The accounts quite clearly show that the management fee paid to Equititrust was less than $2.3m. Of this management fee, approximately $450,000 was used to pay legal costs, audit fees and other professional fees and charges for EIF that were quite legitimately able to be paid directly by EIF. Even if one ignores such reimbursable costs, the management fee was still not sufficient to cover the ongoing running costs of EIF which included wages, rent, IT costs, consultant’s fees etc.
The shortfall was paid by Equititrust Limited. It should be noted that Equititrust was entitled to claim such shortfall out of EIF but chose not to do so;

OK – point taken, but let’s look at this for a second: $2,144,754 Management Fee + $2,515,477 Return on Subordinate Investment = $4,660,231.
NOW this $450,000 of legal costs, audit fees and other professional fees and charges – HOW MUCH did you pay to TUCKER & COWEN????? For those who miss the link, David Tucker (Director of Equititrust) is a founding Partner of Tucker & Cowen. ALSO, you wouldn’t have to pay all these legal costs if you did your job correctly and vetted your Borrowers a little better. The last time I checked it wasn’t too difficult to check for Bankrupts!!! Surely this is part of your diligence.


Ps. I have retained true copies of all of the supporting documentation below in instances where Equititrust decided to “update/change” them:
Re: Equititrust

What a load of codswallop! How is it possible for the holder of an AFSL to say such things?

Equititrust Limited ("Equititrust") ripped out a $2.264m return on the subordinated investment - cash out from paper (page 9).

Whether the fund paid for the expenses or whether Equititrust paid for them works out precisely the same for both the fund and for Equititrust, providing the total costs did not exceed the $2.264m skimmed as the subordinated investment return.

If the expenses are paid by Equititrust, then the subordinated return is diminished by the value of those expenses - if the fund pays, the same outcome would be achieved.

It's just crap for Equititrust to state that it's doing investors a favour, when it's doing nothing of the sort. If the fund paid, the profit would be reduced, and so would the return on the subordinated investment. If Equititrust paid, the effective return from the subordinated return is likewise reduced.

Such statements as those made in respect of this matter should be withdrawn by Equititust Limited.
Class Action

Unlike the previous Gold Coast Mortgage Fund Disasters, Asset Loan, City Pacific and MFS the investors have wised up and have sought independent Legal Advice. Of course Equititrust do not like this as they think that they are infallible.

Equititrust as per their most recent advises will only offer retiree investors a loss on their investment. An investment that they were meant to be prudently managed. There are valid reasons why investors are lining up to join the class action.

I note that none of the directors to date have offered to pledge their own personal assets / houses to pay for the predicted losses, yet the investors have to suffer non-payment of distributions and a loss on their original investment in the fund. Don’t see the Equity in that at all..
Re: Equititrust I just don't think that they get it

I think most of us admire a fighting and defensive spirit. I admired that in Mr McIvor. However in this instance they must accept that most investors have lost confidence in their management and integrity and just want our money back. Now most of us seem to have formed the view that the only to acheive this is by initiating legal action. Under Court process, we will get to the bottom of cosy arrangements such as existed with Dudley Quinlivan and what seems to be Quinlivan's access to funds, even management of other Equititrust loan assets. I think both NAB and BOS conduct will be exposed. I hope that they co-operate.
The Trust is Gone

As per the recent Media Articles in the Sydney Morning Herald, it is clear that Investors have lost confidence.

This is now copybook City Pacific with the banks calling the shots until they are paid out.. The investors will then be left to fight over the carcass as AWG so aptly put it whilst left without an income.

All of this whilst the directors live in Multimillion Dollar Homes and Beachfront weekenders and still have an income to pay essential bills. The retiree investors are left to find money to pay for food bills or alternatively go on welfare.

A class action it seems is the only option left to Investors considering how the other Gold Coast Mortgage Fund Disasters have played out. You dont have to look to far back in history to see what happened to investors in Asset Loan, City Pacific and MFS.

Nice work Equititrust
Re: The Trust is Gone

What do you think will be the basis of the class action? There haven't been any investor losses to date. Maybe something in the future?
Change Of Venue for Investor Briefing

The Venue has been changed for the Investor Briefing on the 20th of April at 10.00am to Royal Pines Resort..

I hope the directors put on a lunch for the Retiree Investors who cannot pay essential bills and have to resort to welfare for the first time in their lives.

I think investors have a lot of uncomfortable questions to ask the directors.. I hope all have the guts to turn up and face the music..
Investor Health ????

Stewart Washington
Sydney Morning Herald

19 April 2011

Briefly noted 2: Equititrust Capital has moved its venue for its investor briefing in Brisbane tomorrow ''due to safety concerns''.

Given it has suspended distributions as it renegotiates financing on its $260 million fund, we are glad to see Equititrust cares for investors' physical health. Their financial health? Another matter entirely.

Equititrust again the laughing stock of the National Media, should be an interesting meeting tomorrow when investors will FINALLY get to have there say...
Re: Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update

Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update

18 April 2011

"... One of the many issues likely to be raised by unit holders is why Equititrust has been able to withdraw over $4 million in management fees while investor redemptions have remained frozen. ..."

I hate to be a party-pooper, but as far as I can see, there is no prohition against the manager drawing management fees while the fund is frozen: in fact there is no prohibition against the manager drawing fees while deferring income distributions (providing such distributions are paid).

I think the solicitors need to go back and do some soul, eh sorry, fact searching.

I'll try again - what is the basis of a class action if there is no damages? - sure, if investors suffer damages, then you look for a culpit, but until then, what's the claim?

To date, all losses have been absorbed by the capital warranty.
Re: Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update: CLASS ACTION

1. imprudnet lending outside stated guidelines
2. ware housing loan losses
3. loading costs onto one loan whilst using those funds to prop up another bad loan - the QUINLIVIN relationships. What do you think that this was all about?
4. drawing funds whether they be called - managment fees or anything else, whilst knowing the company to be in effect insolvent - each and every Director goes on this one!
5. the non-performing loans by Equititrusts' own admisison are close to $220M - the Capital Warranty (or whatevaer they call that accouting entry device) has $10M in it

Let's not think that once PIPER ALDEMAN get their noses out there , they there won't be a lot of material forthcoming from let down Borrowers and Invetsors.

Re: Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update: DONT BE BEGUILED

Let's be frank we owe it to ourselves to give tomorrow's meeting a 10am a fair go. We want it to work. But, having been to one other like this - I am afraid to say that we are going to get, in my view, a massive dose of warm syrup and spin..... These guys are all fighting for their commercial lives. Nothing that we have bene told for the past 3 years has bene true - so why would tomorrow be any better? We are going to hear what we want to hear - there is a fabulous merger proposal coming; the National Bank is happy (ofcourse they are, they somehow rank ahead of our funds); there is money in the Bank (sadly, just not in our Bank) - it will all be designed to divide and conquer us..... we have no idea in fact what is going on. ASIC, no-one other than the media has helped us - so whatever they tell us, we just have to sit there and nod our heads. Unless there is money on the table, my view is take it all with a grain of salt - dont lose our resolve. Piper Aldeman attacked Lehman Bros and had a huge win. They have the skillset to run this and we need them to forensically attack every transfer of funds and or securities over the past two years. We are going to be very surprised as to what we are going to find out, I can almost be the house on it.

The present plan of EQUITITRUST will be to blame the Australian banks and the GFC for the present position and yes, sadly our $1 units are being revalued down to what??? (they will finish up 50cents in the dollar - I will buy any at 25cents today) - but great news , we can swap / merge you into XYZ Limited - and all will be well.

Well look at MFS - once under the helm of financial supremos Kennedy and Anderson - who now run Equititrust.

MFS folded into Octaviar , which folded into Wellington Capital, which then listed all our money on the NSX. It distracted and diverted us all long enough for everyone in command to walk away - and take a look at what the shares in Wellington are worth today?

It is the same old tune, just a different player.

Stand firm. Enjoy the coffee and biccies - that's all we will get.

Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update

18 April 2011
Re: Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update: CLASS ACTION

None of what you say makes any sense until you suffer a loss - maybe the lawyers are just hoping they can grab future business?

Your fund is not 'involvent' - that would be impossible, because investors' capital will guarantee the fund's debts.

Non-performing loans do not necessarily translate into loss unless the underlying security is unable to make good the total outstanding loan and interest attributable to that loan.

What the lawyer says simply does not make sense either - the manager is entitled to management fees while the fund is frozen.

What the manager says about doing members a favour by paying particular expenses doesn't make sense either.

My guess is, that if losses occur, then you'll have to cast your net a lot wider than directors if you'll have any chance of recovery.
Re: Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update: CLASS ACTION


with respect you are very very wrong.

INSOLVENCY is simply being unable to pay one's debts as and when they fall due. What part of 'we cannot pay our investors their interest" strikes you as not being able to pay your debts as and when they fall due?

You don't have to sell off the farm etc and have nothing left, to estbablish insolvency.

If that were the case, you would not be able to tip an entity into Liquidation because they would simply argue, your logic, that being, we still have assets that we haven't sold off as yet - who knows, we might just get out of this mess.

We all know this - King Con owes $70M. Now, I am just a casual observer, but I have made some phone calls and Corymbia Woods at Ipswich isn't worth $70M - it is not worth $10M.

So let's go no fufther than that.

There is no capital reserve to cover that doozy - and there are a lot more where this one came from.

Trust me, the Law is not a complete ass - we don't need to sit and watch whilst the Fund Manager plunders $4M each six months presiding off this train crash, whilst we argue the semantics of what constitutes insolvency.

They are insolvent - we all know that they are insolvent.

The income that they earn - look at their own financial accounts - represents that interest was being paid on less than 10% of the total loan book. BUT they owe us interest on $260M - and we are entitled to be paid each month. The numbers don't stack and to be out in teh market trying to raise new capital (last December's failed $50M trousering) was done at a time that the Board knew what was brewing.

Now, to deal with your argument that they are entitled to take fees and income, whilst they are knowingly insolvent.

Again, you are simply wrong.

A Pty Ltd has run out of money - it owes B and C money - it can't pay them this mornth, when they are due to be paid - but A Pty Limited decides to pay the owner his annual dividend.

Now the owner is owed the dividend, but at the time of electing the pay this amount, A Pty Limited ought to have reasonably known that it could not pay its bills.

Now, this is insolvency in its most basic form. It is a preferential payment as well and more than likley ASIC would take A Pty Ltd to task as well.

Whoever is telling you that this structure is OK does not know what they are talking about.

Piper Alderman are on the right track and they will win this, based upon what little information we are getting from the media.

Class Action

Investigation at this Stage
In terms of the Piper Alderman Class action against Equititrust it is only an investigation at this stage. No one has prepared a plaint and is about to serve it so speculation as to whether there are losses at the moment or not is irrelevant. What is certain is that that Equititrust themselves have mooted losses and a revaluation of the units in the fund. Those losses by the way have been solely caused by Equititrust not the investors.

If there are losses attributable to Equititrust where their conduct in administering the fund was proven by a court to have been “not in the best interests of the investors” then the issue of whether a management fee is payable or not does come into question..

I do not agree with a strategy of wait and see, the investors need to have representation at a critical juncture and that juncture is now.. You must be realistic Equititrust will do all things in in its own best interest to survive and for them to say that they investor’s interests ahead of their own is a conflict of interest in itself..

It’s a fact of life the first step was to freeze redemptions, the second step was to stop paying distributions and the third already mooted outcome is investors capital losses all in an environment where the fund has breached its loan covenants with its major lender and has had to go begging for poverty package extensions to its loan.

Loans to King Con
If there are for example matters related to the manner in which certain loans were given to 2 time former bankrupts named as King Con in QLD Parliament resulting in substantive losses to retiree investors. The question will be whether Retiree Investor's ought to have been exposed to this kind of risk in circumstances where any prudent manager would have balked at lending a single investor’s dollar and would have walked the other way.

It’s one thing to market yourself in one way and act in another. As I have mentioned previously the litmus test for Equititrust would have been to reveal to all investors that they were going to make loans to King Con and or add a section on him in the annual review. They did not do that because they knew that Retiree Investors would have run for the hills.. Instead the loans were made and Retiree Investors now have a 70M exposure to King Con with no end date in sight..

Sufficient Information

What is of relevance is the fact that sufficient information has been provided to Piper Alderman to warrant a litigation funder to give approval to an investigation. Litigation funders do not give tacit approval to every matter that comes before them and are very conservative when it comes to funding litigation matters of this nature.

Piper Alderman being a well respected firm and acting in substantial class action cases against Lehman Bros etc would not have taken the matter this far unless presented with substantive material which warrants investigation.

Shaking the Tree
With Equititrust you will not know what is there unless you shake the tree and see what falls out and in effect that is what Piper Alderman are doing. In the end the Investors have nothing to lose and only have transparency to gain..

Instead of waiting until the carcass is bled dry, proactive measures like this are a lot more than what was done for the investors in Asset Loan, City Pacific and MFS. The investors in Equititrust are now effectively in the same position as the investors in those failed funds, at the mercy of the manager. The only difference now is that investors have a national law firm breathing down their manager's necks at a critical time..

It’s very simple, at today’s meeting ask the directors whether they will back up the dismal financial state of Equititrust with their own houses and private assets. They risked the investors personal assets on King Con now it would seem equitable that they risk theirs..
Re: Equititrust: MORE UNTRUTHS

This is yet again the MEDIA showing us where we have been told UNTRUTHS.

When RAPTIS arrears were raised months ago - KOLONEL 'KLINK' KENNEDY wrote this defensive missive which was broadcast on this WEBSITE that they had done such a great job with RAPTIS and that RAPTIS had repaid them even with additional penalty, finally, we get the TRUTH - there is (or isn't - who knows any more) some $3.8M owing by RAPTIS.

Was this AMOUNT included in EQUITITRUST'S income for the year? Bet it was......

I suspect that PIPER ALDERMAN will get some good information etc if they CONTACT some of the major borrowers direct.....


I think that a compelety different story will start to emerge.

I wont be able to attend the meeting but I have some questions that perhaps someone else might raise regarding the postponed income distributions;

1 If interest distributions in a *Trust* are postponed and just accrued then despite the non payment does the ATO regard this as a payment when the distribution accrues? Is tax payable in this tax year on the postponed and unpaid distributions?

2 As previously discussed in this thread are we getting income distributions and are we paying unnecessary tax while racking up capital losses?

3 In light of the above questions then would investors be better off if the distributions were cancelled?
Re: Piper Alderman Class Action Latest Update: CLASS ACTION

ASICK: ...

Kostag, I appreciate your sincerity but your fund IS NOT a company - it's a trust governed by its constitution (and the corporations act).
There is no INSOLVENCY - investors are the only ones who will lose money.
The simple reality in managed schemes is that it will always be investors who cop the final loss on the chin.
With respect, I don't believe investors even begin to look like having a case unless a loss has occurred to their capital or perhaps to their distributions - Further, and in any event, it will probably be the case that the manager will be entitled to use the fund's money to defend an action against it.
Please go and pay for some independent legal advice.
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