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Words of wisdom indeed..
Unfortunately, some parasites take longer to eradicate / bring to justice than others...

A sense of detachment coupled with tenacity and mindfulness has got us to where we are today, with the scum bags well and truly up against the ropes...
Had we left it, Tucker and Coconspirators would have gotten away with the stash...

This has been a collective effort and the media has had a crucial role to play... As the trial gets closer I can assure you the media spotlight will intensify.

Until then namaste

Equititrust, provides an insight into the incestuous and convoluted nature of the relationships between lawyers and receivers...
Deals are done to assist appointing solicitors to make bucks in secret transactions, information withheld, wink, wink, nudge, nudge arrangements undertaken at the behest of appointing parties to target individuals on the sole basis of spite and vindictiveness... it goes on and on... What a grubby profession it appears to be...
So Tucker, exclusively provided instructions to his best mate Peldan, what a cushy and oh so cosy arrangement... I’m sure the two of them had a good laugh over a few wines at Peldan’s house... How many hats was Tucker wearing ?? Beneficial owner of MS Asia, Solicitor for MS Asia, concurrently solicitor for Equititrust and David Whyte - EPF, Solicitor to David Kennedy and Solicitor for the receivers Worrells (Mate Peldan) which he personally appointed.

My oh my, it has unravelled in a spectacular way...

The transcripts from the Federal Court Public Examinations / Humiliations of Tucker and Peldan have proven crucial in bringing this farce of independence to public attention...

Given how much money was lost by innocent retiree investors at the hands of Equititrust and its “Directors”, to add insult to injury and have the company’s former directors and solicitors stitch up a deal to f#ck over investors even further and gain a benefit for themselves, is DEPLORABLE...

ASIC, the Legal Services Commissioner and even the “Queensland Law Society” are watching the MS Asia / Tucker & Cowan case like Hawkes.. In my recollection a firm of lawyers / directors has never attempted such an audacious endeavour, at least not in Queensland history.
The flow on effects from judgement for the parties concerned will be monumental....

Next thing we’ll hear is Tucker calling for a Royal Commission into Blair Pleash, Richard Albarran and Stephen Russell for having the gall to sue him for his little scheme with Kennedy.

Daddy, daddy, call John Howard and get me out of this Sh#t... Oh hang on its 2020 and the game and the players have changed... Welcome to destination F#cked...
Penalties are increasing
The days of directors & solicitors using fancy footwork to fu¢k over investors to gain a financial benefit is coming to an end. In context it's worth remembering that a person or persons found guilty of financial fraud may be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years imprisonment "but" this can be increased to 12 years imprisonment in certain cases. The penalty can be automatically increase where a person commits fraud using property or funds they obtained subject to a trust that's held for a particular purpose paid to a specified person or persons, meaning - systematic fraud increases the penalty.

The perfect test case
These fu¢kers thought they were smart but their day in court is approaching & more unknown facts will certainly be uncovered. I'm just hoping the penalty fits the crime setting a precedence for future financial crime relating to the misuse of trust funds or superannuation funds under management.

You’re absolutely right...

This fraud involved a SOLICTORS TRUST ACCOUT For GOD’s SAKE - connected to one of the Solicitors and Beneficial owners OF THE UNHOLY SCHEME.

This case is so convoluted that its like the universe conspired to tempt Tucker into a holy trinity of sin. Solicitor for Company - Beneficial Owner - Solicitor for Beneficial Owner, meanwhile the money belonging to Equititrust Investors was effectively channelled through his Law Firms Trust Account to MS Asia in Hong Kong, of which Tucker was a beneficial owner, feebly trying to hide his ownership of that entity via a BVI Holding Company.

What a stupid dumb scheme considering the fingerprints and DNA were all over the Solicitors Trust Account and that of its friendly receivers Trust Account - Worrells...


When this gets to trial the revelations will be GOBSMACKING... All the players now know that prison sentences are something that cannot be taken off the table - hence the FIGHT FOR THEIR COLLECTIVE LIVES currently being played out before the court... THIS IS NO LONGER JUST A COMMERCIAL MATTER - THE CRIMINAL ASPECTS WILL BE PLAYED OUT OVER THE COMING MONTHS...

Let’s also not forget the allegations of DOCUMENT FALSIFICATION which adds another layer to the cake... Then Tucker & Cowan like two vampires exposed to the light want to thwart Freedom of the Press and threaten the Media... Good F#cking Luck... Last time we checked good ol Rupert had a bit more coin in his pocket than these “Shifty” GRUBS...

In a nutshell
The future is bleak for those scumbags because reading Justice Bowskill previous ruling she included allegations that the pair & "their law firm" breached the Legal Profession Act by acquiring money that should have been held "in trust" & then diverting the funds to a third party.

It becomes very clear to everyone when the Judge calls it out for what it is..

Spot on... And call it out, is EXACTLY WHAT SHE DID...

Despite efforts to have the proceedings struck out in full by Tucker & Cowan, Justice Bowskill would not do it. In fact she allowed the liquidators to amend pleadings which were outside the statutory time limit. A discretion she could exercise...
Hello All.

I might be a bit behind the eight-ball here, sorry. Is this correct, please ???

1. Was F#@cker a Director for Equitrust Ltd ACN 74 061 383 944 (Former name(s): EQUITILOAN LTD, EQUITILOAN PTY LTD, M C MORTGAGE MANAGEMENT PTY LTD), up too, 14 Feb 2012 ???

2. Was F#@cker acting as Legal Counsel for Equitrust Ltd ACN 74 061 383 944 (Former name(s): EQUITILOAN LTD, EQUITILOAN PTY LTD, M C MORTGAGE MANAGEMENT PTY LTD), up too, 14 Feb 2012 ???

3. Was F#@cker acting as Legal Counsel for Mark McIvor up too, 14 Feb 2012 ???

4. Did F#@cker, as a Director, put Equitrust Ltd ACN 74 061 383 944 into Administration, around 15 Feb 2012 ???

5. Did F#@cker, as a Director ? / Lawyer ? or Son of Daddy ? arrange for AFP Raids on Equitrust Ltd ACN 74 061 383 944 and Mark McIvors home, after 15 Feb 2012 ???

6. Did the Originally appointed Receivers, and Liquidators on 15 Feb 2012, get moved to other F#@cker FRIENDLY Receivers, and Liquidators, on or abouts 30 Aug 2012 ???

7. if # 6 above is approx correct, which Unpaid Creditors of Equitrust Ltd ACN 74 061 383 944, formed the correct % quorum, to form a successful quorum, to move the appointed Receivers and Liquidators @ 15 Feb 2012, to F#@cker FRIENDLY Receivers, and Liquidators, on or abouts 30 Aug 2012 ??? Was Tucker Cowan a % of that Quorum ???

8. If 1 - 7 above is close to accurate, does anyone know, of any previous "similar" activities by F#@cker, or his proxy Criminal Thieving "Gophers" ????? If so, this is very SIGNIFICANT INDEED. As this shows evidence of an ongoing previous behavioural , of similar BLUEPRINTED / FORMATED, Criminal and Premeditated Bankruptcies, to Criminally Thieve Property/s / $$$ etc from Others, such as from public / private companies, individuals, State Stamps Offices and the ATO. .

I state here, very clearly, I have FULL 100% Detailed Evidence of F@#cker and his Criminal Clients & / or BS Proxies, doing this same type of BLUEPRINTED / FORMATED criminal destruction and $$$$$$ theft back to the Mid 1990's. I was worked over by these F#@cks. But I am Ready now !!!

Example. Mid 1990's is pre internet, and ASC (now ASIC Web site and services). Imagine, someone lodging with ASC Transfer documents of Company Ownership (Yes, stealing) a company, (without payment, consideration, contract, agreement (verbal or written), then fabricating fake debts, and using those fake debts to Bankrupt (Unpaid and long outstanding Creditors of Tuckers Mates) companies and individuals, in order to steal property and $$$ from private companies, individuals, State Stamps Offices and the ATO. They have NEVER been investigated, nor charged, to my knowledge.

These innocent Unpaid and long outstanding Creditors of Tuckers Mates, lost everything, including Families, properties, employees, $$$, freedom, homes, friendships, dignity, trust, pride, and in some cases, their very LIVES. eg they are now prematurely dead, and died in a state of confusion, disgrace, poverty and pain, because, the Justice System, was not interested in their very real complaints.

These F#$cker involved, ongoing sequential Criminal Conspiracies have been going on now, for a minimum 25+ Years. The Victims and $$$ Losers are not just Investors, but Creditors, employees and ATO +. I have ALL Evidence. of within Australia, and perhaps some of Laundering outside of Australia.

I have a serious reason, for the above questions, if anyone wishes to assist.
Thank You !!!
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Hope this helps...

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