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The bank circled in RED below can become a fair weather friend as McIvor painfully found out...
The bank was the first of many to pull back loans of approximately $90M from Equititrust creating a domino effect of banks pulling the plug... History has a habit of repeating itself...

The affidavit is essentially a middle finger to the EPF investors, The Federal Court and the Liquidators pursuing him... This will come back to haunt him in the Supreme Court proceedings...
These disgusting Criminal, Fraudulent and Parasitic Grubs, hiding behind their professional titles and privileges destroyed many innocent victims, over the past decades, back to at least mid 1990's. They have NEVER been prosecuted for anything whatsoever !!!

Their victims lost their life long work efforts, companies, assets, employees, FRIENDS, FAMILIES, homes, dignity, respect, hope, and for many, health and lives. ASIC and other Enforcement Agencies were not interested, because the Victims were now Bankrupted. Their illigal Bankrupties were due to the Criminal Frauds and REAL Criminal Conspiracies by these gutless Tucker and Co... F#%ks.

"This Court Case" needs to be, ONLY the START.... the ASIC Criminal Breaches of the Corporations Act need to be pursued vigorously along with the ATO Tax Evasion/s Schemes.

These Grubs should be life banned Directors, Disbarred Lawyers, Bankrupted for their Losses and Damages upon others, and locked up for their Criminal Tax Evasion Schemes. Their Family Trusts, being used to protect their ill gained wealth, should be dismembered, as they have been funded by the profit proceeds, from decades of Criminal Behaviour.

The Green Germ and his Cockaroach Co Director, above, will join F@%cker.
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Well said... The sentiments of many victims and Equititrust investors are reflected in your comments..

Tucker Public Examination / Humiliation - Federal Court of Australia 20/9/2017

Queens Counsel: Green

Tucker: Yellow

All I can say is THANKS for reading the THREAD...



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Funny that, when you set out to take peoples homes - they have the temerity to fight back...
Some of these lads go back to the “Underground Days in Brisbane” and know how to fight back...
Tucker picked on the wrong guys...

Ok... People all over town are talking... Who’s fault is that ? That’s what you get for being spiteful and vengeful... All the Meridian guys did was turn the other “ass” cheek and give Tucker a solid legal hiding...


Many moons ago, Tucker referred to McIvor as “Mr McIvor” in meetings... The public examination / humiliation of Tucker in the Federal Court exposed his true feelings... Of course Tucker was aways nice to McIvor’s face until he had the legal work taken away from him.

The biggest upshot though is the fact that throughout the public examination, there is a constant theme of spite and vengefulness on the part of Tucker. Added to to that is getting back lost fees, gaining legal work, making money out of it etc. But no where is there a mention about a single investor getting their money back.

This was a game of spite between Tucker and McIvor. Both cretins didn’t give two f#cks about the investors who put the money into the fund in the first place.

No Trust...
You are focused on the truth about these Grubs... I THANK YOU, and your colleagues !!!

As you may Guess... I will add to this Blog, later, all in good time.... I have MUCH MORE Planned for these Germs, all in good time, in sequential Order.

In Fact, I am awaiting BS Legal **** from the garbage, now, based from this blog.

Media expoosure for years will deliver the fu78cks to truth.

The profile for these Criminal Fucks can be found in any online search > "narcissistic personality disorder symptoms"

I do not come from a position of Envy etc... Quite the opposite. Anyone who studied deep Criminals, observed, do you wish to add to your late life, as these fuckwits will enjoy. ?

F43cker and his Mate, the Green Grub B#m Mate, and his Whore Co Director, from Page 266, enjoyed many overseas 6 Star Holidays, in their Gay F$%cker Following of Tour De France, Italy, Spain, Japan... etc...

I am simply, disappointed, the paid Government Authorities, have done and do nothing !

These events in early 2020, are simply the beginning.... For F456cker and his Faggots.....

Stay tuned... the movie, only starts in March 2020. It will be like Star Wars... many new episodes ahead.... Going all the way till the C$%nts are finished..... The C$%nts will be exposed, all in good time.

This is just the beginning... Another 10 - 20+ years, I will fund for 20 Years+..


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Life Is Not A Practice Run

A few weeks ago I was handed a copy of Paulo Coelho’s, The Alchemist. I’ve heard this book finds you when you need it the most and so I set about reading it with intention. There were many lessons and thought-provoking ideas scattered throughout the text, but perhaps one of the most striking to me was this: “To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation.”

Here’s the thing: your life isn’t a practice run. You only get one go at it and it’s your responsibility to make the most of it, to live it fully and make it count. So few people ever give much more than a fleeting thought to their destiny or purpose and even fewer people take a deliberate path to find theirs and live it. I’m not an expert in purpose but here’s what I’ve observed: when you meet someone who is authentically living their purpose, they’re magnetic. They live their life on fire.

So why is it that we waste so much time living default setting lives that are not aligned with our destinies? Again, I’m no expert, but I think it’s because in the madness of daily living so many of us have stopped listening to our inner voice. We’ve collectively buried our hopes and dreams under responsibilities and fears and one by one when we emerge from under the weight of these things, we don’t even know where to start looking for our purpose. There is no key on Earth that will unlock the door to instant happiness and purpose, but there are three key things you could do right now to start taking the first steps on a journey to realizing your destiny.

Stop looking for purpose and start living on purpose. Desperately overthinking your purpose turns your focus inwards. Living on purpose turns this on its head because it moves us from overanalyzing every detail of our lives to being an active participant in our lives. Nothing ever happens to us, but everything happens for us. When we develop an attitude independent of circumstance and when we cultivate gratitude in our lives daily, we will find that our capacity increases and our focus changes

Ask where you are needed. Purpose is focused outwards and meaning is found in serving others. Just look around you and I’m sure it won’t take you long to identify a need that your talents and skills could help solve. What we often take for granted in ourselves can be an enormous blessing to other people if we are open to sharing our own knowledge, skills and talents without expectation or desire for any return action.

Move, damn it! Actions speak louder than words every day of the week and no amount of reading and researching is going to move you any closer to your destiny. If you’re afraid, you don’t need to make big moves. Small consistent steps repeated over time produce profound results, but you’ve got to get started. Craft a plan, get a coach or mentor and set a goal. Without structured support and a clear plan of action, it’s easy to give up when the first tough day comes, but when we’re focused on the end goal it’s incredible how much more we can endure than when we focus on right now.

Perhaps the great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius summed up the brevity of life in this quote: “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” My question to you is this – are you making the most of this one life that you’ve been given to live and are you chasing your destiny with all your heart or are you living your life on autopilot, waiting for the next thing to happen to you? Whether you realize it or not, you’re in control. This isn’t a rehearsal so get busy living.
I do not know the details: these guys are obviously scums, and I myself tend to be very revengeful, but just make sure you do not hurt yourself more than you hurt them, in no way should you let that go, but Coelho is a great read, try to get as much as you can out of his multiple books, and do not forget your life, family, friends in your search for justice
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