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Tucker and his dirty fraudulent clients, also used David Clout - Managing Partner - David Clout & Associates, as well as as Worrells, as you know. They would fight tooth and nail, to move a fraudulent bankruptcy insolvancy administration from a neutral insolvancy practice, towards one of these parasites. Then, all their own criminal fraud, would simply disappear... As far back as early 1990's, at least.

Perhaps Bob, Tucker is pulling some strings for his dirty thieving garbage trash son. Tucker and his clients have been living off the stolen fraudulent proceeds of asset stripped victims for decades. I have a future chapter planed for these grubs, when this Equititrust MS Asia matter, is hopfully in the hands of the ATO and the Crown Prosecutor.

Every touch leaves its trace.........
You just can't make this sh#te up.....

The F@#kcer and his dirty clients have either deleted their Facebook pages... or stop posting.... I stand to be corrected here... but MOST of their Facebooks Accounts have disappeared recently.... perhaps they do not wish to now brag about their overseas jaunts as an excuse to evade ATO tracking.... ?

Comment from one of F@#kcer's distgusting criminal clients Facebook....

"In the footsteps of Christopher and Pixie ,Mallorca here we come "
ASIC being as apathetic as they are, seem to believe there are valid reasons to expend substantial funds and pursue this in the Federal Court. The irony is that insolvency firms like Worrells use the same court to mercilessly pursue innocent people at the hands of banks and financiers... Having the shoe on the other foot and squarely jammed up their ass isn’t pleasant for them... They don’t like the public spotlight...

You’d think a firm like Worells would want to run away from scandal like this. After putting the corporate spin doctors on the matter and issuing a press release its clear that the firm’s reputation is at risk. Their involvement with Tucker & Cowan solicitors, MS Asia and the Equititrust Premium Income Fund is not a good look... But as the famous Demtell advertisement once said..... Wait....... There’s..... MORE !!!

The cat will well and truly be thrown amongst the proverbial pigeons soon...

I do not mean to distract from your focus on Worrells....
This may be helpful or not. Something I just noticed.... Please correct me if I am incorrect here...

1. As I understand it, Tucker was a long time legal Advisor and Rep' of McIvor. Does anyone know, how long that dates back too... ??? If anyone knows, it would be very helpful, please. Any chance this relationship dates back to 1994 / 1995 ???

2. Also, I understand, Tucker became a Director of Equititrust, and was the one, who placed Equititrust into Receivership on 15 Feb 2012. (?)

3. But, 08-Oct-2012, Tucker was Defending Equititrust Limited ACN 061 383 944 (Receiver & Manager Appointed) (In Liquidation), in Fed Court - see below

How does this all work, taking into account, Conflict of Interest.

Tucker is a Legal Advisor, and Defence Counsel, and Director for Equititrust, that he places into Administration, and 8 months after Adminstrator appointed, Tucker is a Legal Advisor, and Defence Counsel for Equititrust, as well as Principal for MS Asia.

Later, he shows up as Facebook Friends Whith David Whyte BDO, family member,

How does that work... ???


Court: Federal Magistrates Court - Federal Law, Sydney Registry
Number: SYG2204/2012
Title: Phillip Maurice Franks v Equititrust Limited ACN 061 383 944 (Receiver & Manager Appointed) (In Liquidation)
Filing Date: 08-Oct-2012
Finalised Date: 19-Nov-2012

The relationship between Tucker and McIvor dates back to the early 2000’s. Tucker tried to put Equititrust into receivership and appoint Clout as receiver. This failed when ASIC became involved as an intervenor in the court proceedings.
The court then appointed David Whyte, who in turn started using Tucker as his solicitor which is beyond a conflict of interest... Tucker also has money from his super fund invested in Equititrust as well as claiming in excess of $500k in legal fees at the time of the receivership ... How on earth was it appropriate for Whyte to use Tucker under those circumstances ??? Ethically this just should not have happened...
At the same time Tucker and Kennedy concealed their ownership of MS Asia which bought the debt of the Equititrust Premium Income Fund.
The conflicts of interest are so obscene that it defies logic...

Whyte and BDO should not be paid another cent and an investigation needs to be commenced into the use of Tucker as his lawyer...

The investors of the Equititrust Income Fund were dudded...
Worrells were appointed by MS Asia aka Tucker and Kennedy as the friendly receivers. Tucker & Cowan then went on to represent Worrells...
Whilst in reality a former director “Tucker” was the beneficial owner with two others of MS Asia via a secret shareholding in Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands...
Thanks very much, "No Trust" !

Given some of the mug shots of the Equititrust protagonists, I’m shocked that some of the ill gotten gains were not used in the same manner... A nip and tuck could come in useful for life in a foreign jurisdiction...
Like the tawdry story in the Bulletin, Equititrust and those involved in its demise - asset stripping, are the epitome of the worst type of greed and narcissism... Boy has it come back to haunt them like a curse...
Lawyers and those aligned to Political Parties seem to feature prominently in secret squirrel shareholder arrangements... Many similarities to the pilfering of Equititrust assets...
A grim harbinger of things to come for those entrapped in the Equititrust legal proceedings against them...

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