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The catch phrase of 2020 as it concerns Equititrust will be “Historical Equititrust Fraud Exposed”...
To the parties wanting to conceal and or defend the fraud good f#ucking luck... The media exposure over the next few months will put paid to that and any professional reputation that wants to defend the indefensible...

The Banking Royal Commission’s findings regarding financiers and banks not acting as model litigants pale in comparison to what will be exposed in terms of Equititrust’s historical fraudulent behaviour before the judicial system...
The shoe being on the other foot is the greatest of levellers... To those of who have aided and abetted the concealment of Equititrust’s fraud, now is your time to shine in the spotlight... The stage has been set for you and the curtain is about to be lifted...

The practice of these “Dark Arts” will be brought to end...

Yeah, refer clients to an accountant called David Kennedy in Hong Kong...

Equititrust was a client of Tucker’s and he looked after them like a drunken stepfather...

Being sued for $20M in the Supreme Court of Queensland essentially by a client ain’t nothing to be proud of...

Bye bye F#cker & Coward...

I believe You.... You're VERY Convincing...........

Great to see a major television network’s current affairs platform officially come on board today to expose gobsmacking historic Equititrust fraud... The question is why would a national insolvency practice still be providing cover to the perpetrators ???
Dig deep enough and the answers emerge... Some professional types have some deadly serious questions to answer...
Damning evidence dropping daily... Good to see a former Equititrust employee on board now willing to testify against former office holders premeditated fraud and asset theft...
The good old side deal with the “mates” of Equititrust according to the whistle blower was a common occurrence to f#ck over selected parties... The pirates spoils were then shared in various ways including offsets on their loan accounts. Placing the stolen assets into personal names as principal place of residence to avoid tax and then holding the asset for one year was another mechanism deployed with the willing sychophants... Problem is the pirate ‍ ship has sunk but some of the disgruntled crew kept crucial paperwork to document the fraud that others are “so” desperately trying to suppress... I’ve got an idea let’s give all the evidence to an independent party and let the chips fall where they may... Some professional reputations are never going to come back from this when all is said and done...
Great to finally see ASIC coming on board today... The Corporations Act was either breached or not. The best party to determine that is ASIC who enforce these laws... Lame excuses of who is responsible for what won’t fly this time...

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Worrells the firm with no morals at it again... In this case ASIC stepped in as they will do in other cases where fraud is covered up. These insolvency types have thought they are untouchable. When the right nerve is pinched ASIC will have no other choice but to take action...

The Gold Coast is truly a place of filth when it comes to fraudulent behaviour...

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
If you don’t look at the files, you don’t know occurred... It’s as basic as that... Some people who clearly know what happened like to play dumb and try the standard head f#ck... That doesn’t cut it in front of a judge... Some fights just don’t go away so easily...


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Sorry, for perhaps Dumb Question here.....
Does anyone know, what date, is F#@ucker, next, in Qld Supreme Court ?
Thanks in Advance !
Next Dumb Question from me....
Can anyone give me instructions, how to privately message here... please.
Once again...., Thanks in Advance !
At the top of the page press the envelope button. Press start conversation. Then with the other parties name in the box. Write your message and then press start conversation at the bottom of the page. Hope this helps
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