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It’s gratifying to see McIvor’s coterie of immoral miscreants getting their just deserts through public exposure just like McIvor - prior to his demise...

Part II is about to unfold on the “usual suspects” at a really inopportune time in their karmic cycle...

PS. You’re welcome...
No more f#cking about.... File your best defense and then a boot up the backside to face a judge... Enough of the legal games stalling the proceedings.... The Liquidators have had a big win against Tucker & Cowan... The costs orders against Tucker & Cowan must be eye watering....

Scary only to those who relish ripping off innocent people of their hard earned money... There are a number of Equititrust miscreants who should be scared - What’s around the corner is not going to be pretty. But I guess that’s what the courts and media are there for....

Your getting scary with your new picture No Trust.
The liquidators are now playing with Tucker & Cowan in a similar manner to that of a cat playing with an exhausted mouse... The Tucker & Cowan boys never wanted to get to the stage where they had to nail their collars to the mast by lodging defenses... Striking the pleadings out would have been much more to their liking... Sorry boys, the liquidators will be frog marching you to court in the new year after the matter is placed on the commercial list, expediting proceedings....

Expect extensive national media coverage of the proceeding in print, digital and on television... A number of networks are now showing interest in covering the story on behalf of Equititrust investors who to date have not had much television coverage. The human interest element will show the devastation wreaked upon them by McIvor and his miscreants...


What Tucker & Cowan Solicitors didn’t account for was the fact that they were the last “sin cake” eater for McIvor and Equititrust... Regurgitating that f#ckload of cake with a liquidators fingers down their throats was always going to be an unpleasant task...


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When you hold money on trust for your clients, shouldn’t that money be retained in trust for your clients ???

Questions Tucker & Cowan solicitors will no doubt have to answer in the Supreme Court in the new year...
Australian Law:
Law abiding persons, then, illegally, Criminally Bankrupted Persons, have NO Legal Rights. Federal and State Authorities do not care. Lawyers, do NOT Care. Law Societies do not care. Bar associations, do not care. ASIC does not care. Insolvancy Trustees do not care.

This is same as:
Only Virgins can Make a Legal Criminal Rape Allegations or provide Evidence

Tucker, and his colleagues, associates and CLIENTS, use ILLEGAL Bankruptcies to prevent exposure, from their Victims. of their Asset Stripping.

State Police Fraud Squads, Lawyers, ASIC... do not care.

Tucker and all, have been doing this for 30+ years.

Hence Worrells, Clouts, etc are their Instruments to destroy their Victims.

I have the evidence.
Yet some, just like the Count of Monte Christo come back from the dead to destroy them all...

The media exposure which they all despise is only Stage 1. All the legal threats in the world won’t stop what’s going to unfold at trial. It’s going to be ugly, real ugly and it will be reported in the press extensively.

What this band of miscreants don’t realise is that they have been the masters of their own demise...


Tic Tock... Tucker & Cowan have a week to file their defenses in the Supreme Court action against them by the Liquidators Hall Chadwick...

This should be interesting reading... Remember lads the media will have full access the defenses filed.
Which other website will be edited in the near future ? Tick Tock...
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