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Critical part of the plot involves the back dating of documents and fraudulently filing them in court...

20+ years ago.... in another matter, Tucker advised his Client.
Tuckers Client, submitted many Fraudulent documents to Supreme Court (Qld), ATO and ASIC.

I lost my Home, Properties, Companies, all assets... and my Life has never recovered. Further, Tuckers Client has continued with a smear campaign against me, for 20+ years.

However, their time is coming.... The ATO never forgets anything....
The best advice I can give you is to go public and take it to the media...

There is a huge spotlight on all the Equititrust protagonists at the moment.


As you can see the media have been fanning the flames of the FURNACE...

Quoted from 'No Trust' Post :
Apr 3, 2019 #4935 - Page 247

Quote: No Trust
"It’s good to see that at least one of the partners of Tucker and Cowan agrees to the use of the Legal System to settle disputes. The liquidators of Equititrust are doing just that.

Tucker & Cowan “have a range of contacts around the world” is mentioned in the video. Does that include Hong Kong and The British Virgin Islands ? Asking for a friend.."

Richard Cowen on using the Queensland legal system to best effect in disputes

The conduct of Tucker & Cowan Solicitors in running multiple interlocutory proceedings in the litigation launched against them by the Liquidators was a classic case of
“litigating the matter to death” prior to even filing defences.

The expense involved is substantial and many opposing parties buckle due to the amount of money involved and time consumed litigating the matter. The result is, the facts get buried and the truth never sees the light of day.

In this instance the tactic has well and truly backfired in the faces of Tucker & Cowan Solicitors as detailed in Justice Bowskill’s judgement. Her judgment clearly outlined the trialable issues at play... Given the defendants are solicitors and officers of the court, the allegations made against them by the liquidators cannot be more serious.

Public faith in the legal profession in Queensland is also at stake, as is the sanctity and security of solicitors Trust Accounts...

McIvor, Tucker & Cowan and the host of other boneyard subcontractors like Worrells, deployed by them to mercilessly crucify innocent people, “never felt what it was like to be the other guy” whilst taking their homes and life savings... Some of the innocent victims keeled over from the stress and gave up and some just “died”...

Others like the rise of the Phoenix have arisen from the ashes and are now making them collectively “feel like the other guy”...

BTW it’s only going to get much worse...

Over the course of the coming months leading to the trial of Tucker & Cowan Solicitors the barrage of “new information” to be aired publicly through affidavits and other document releases to the media will be jaw dropping...
This post by “Brethren” is worth noting...
Paul Steer (and man in need of a nose hair trimmer pictured below)

It’s not only the government that tries to suppress the truth...

The catch 22 is that in the attempt to “suppress the truth” much more can and will be exposed...

Where does rod for your own back come from?

I believe the phrase comes from the good old Victorians. In those years deportment was very important and a straight back fundamental. So a rod or board would be strapped to the back to encourage the miscreant suffer for his own doings. 26:3: A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.
It appears the modern Day equivalent to a “rod” is the Supreme Court of Queensland, a tenacious liquidator and law firm in Brisbane called Russells.

Happy Friday Folks - Justice “IS” Coming...
The litigation by the Liquidators marches forward at furious pace in the Supreme Court of Queensland...

Mozzi loves that something is "moving forward at a furious pace" , but isn't it next year we can hold the 10 (TEN) year Anniversary Party of the whole sorry saga of McIver and sidekicks? (Oh sorry, we can't afford a party!)

How is it even conceivable that competent people can take all this time to do something with supposedly the expertise, assistance and willingness of teams of professionals, lawyers, courts, not to mention ASIC (Yes, lets not mention ASIC) and still no end in sight. Certainly they could all have stopped years ago and the financial result to the investors would have been much the same, and not even the satisfaction of seeing anyone get more than a slap on the wrist.

We have kept a lot of highly paid professionals in work for no result!

Are we disillusioned? - you bet we are!
Spot on Mozzi... There’s something else cooking on the pot at the moment... The revelations will be mind boggling...

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