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Did anyone review the legal fees in any of the previous litigation against McIvor and KPMG ?

The current litigation against Tucker also needs some form of independent review into the quantum of legal expense to date, given the fact that despite years of litigation the creditors and investors have not benefited by “one” single dollar...
Are the liquidators justifying their existence through litigation ???
If not for the litigation undertaken by the liquidators what else did they have to do ???
So the lawyers are mates with the litigation funders and the litigation funders are paying the liquidators... Does anyone see a conflict here ?
Huge amount of legal fees being churned up prior to the next hearing on the 10th and 11th of September 2019 as evidenced by the filings a few days ago.

The preparation and finalisation of each of the affidavits consumes many billable hours..

Now remember, the lawyers and the liquidators are billing at either end of this equation... No wonder there is nothing left for the creditors and investors at the end. It will be “perfectly” balanced in favour of the lawyers and Hall Chadwick and there will be nothing left at the conclusion of this round of speculative litigation...

Isn’t it time to provided an accounting on the progressive legal fees paid to date as well as the amount of costs the liquidators now have to pay to Tucker & Cowan as a result of the multiple cost orders against them...
Given the multiple costs orders against the liquidators in the Federal and Supreme Courts regarding the Tucker & Cowan litigation - in having to discontinue proceedings against MS Asia and David Kennedy in Hong Kong, having to change senior counsel to replead the proceedings incurring further expense and adverse cost orders, it’s clear the litigation against Tucker & Cowan has well and truly come off the rails and is heading for a cliff... This has turned into a monumental DISASTER...
The money the liquidators are burning through must also be on the minds of the litigation funder and it’s clear now that their money is at serious risk in this litigation... Nothing is 100% and the chances of the liquidators winning this action are dwindling by the day and cost orders awarded against them... #DISASTER
So many matters rising from the depths of the swamp that was Equititrust and McIvor...

In the process of the shadowy dealings many tracks were not not covered and time it appears has revealed a direct path back to Equititrust / McIvor and his flying monkeys...

Karma has everyone’s address boys...
A former Equititrust operative and one of McIvor’s former “flying monkeys” appears to have had the electric shock cables applied to his wedding tackle by the regulator ASIC in investigations currently underway regarding historical misconduct...

Sorry - NOT sorry
How are some of McIvor’s flying monkeys still working in the Financial Services industry given their historical misconduct ???

Events currently unfolding may soon put an end to that...

McIvor’s been keeping the bench warm for you guys...

Sorry - NOT sorry
Came across a fascinating piece of research on Mark McIvor and Equiitrust. Worth a read to expand ones knowledge of how to make money.

Trust me, I'm a lawyer
Barry Lane • Monday, August 6, 2012
Collapsed Equititrust boss returning to the law ... Money lending - Gold Coast style ... Negligence and breach of duties by Indians, not the Chiefs ... Lawyers know best ... Barry Lane reports
Yes, it’s a good article Basilio... Being banned for life by ASIC clipped McIvor’s wings forever...

It’s not over yet, ASIC have been drawn back into serious historical FRAUD committed by Equititrust which was concealed by his sychophantic underlings...
This lucky fellow has a two day court date in the Supreme Court tomorrow...

Operatives close to the action say the Oil in the Litigation Pot will be beyond boiling this time..

Stephen Russell appears to be bringing the herbs and spices for the almighty legal feast...

Bon Appétit...
For those wishing to engage in a touch of schadenfreude I will save a seat for you in the public gallery...

The lawyers getting their asses sued off them for getting involved in a clients business is ironic... The client wasn’t a former client either. Tucker & Cowan were milking the golden teate well after the collapse of Equititrust in 2011. Whilst acting for the receiver of the EIF David Whyte of BDO with a “Conflict of Interest”, the MS Asia deal was hatched... WTF... This cannot be denied as it was finally acknowledged by David Whyte in the Courier Mail below ...

There is obviously a serious ongoing conflict of interest in Worrells role in the MS Asia transactions knowing that both Tucker and Kennedy were the actual beneficial owners.

Tucker’s assertions in the Courier Mail Article that the Liquidators had very little to do may soon change, due to his actions some time ago.

The MS Asia transactions are not the only transactions that are currently unraveling and subject to close scrutiny...

Worrells were used by Tucker & Cowan to bankrupt McIvor and then used as the front for MS Asia as receivers of the EPF...

Friendly receiver appointments have a way of backfiring on the actual appointors leaving a trail of shrapnel in the asses of those who think playing d#ck games with peoples hard earned retirement savings will never be discovered.
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