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The very pertinent question now is, who set up the British Virgin Islands Companies for Tucker and Kennedy and acted as the company agent.

Given the amount of work BDO has given Tucker & Cowan on the winding up of the LM First Mortgage Income Fund and the Equititrust Receivership, did Tucker and Kennedy return the favour and retain BDO Virgin Islands to do any work in relation to the companies they set up to hold their beneficial interests in MS Asia Hong Kong ??

Asking for a friend, may need a referral, selling some water rights for a shockingly high price on the public purse and needs a tax friendly shady bolt hole to stash the cash and his identity...
What we’ve learnt as a result of the public examinations of Tucker by the Liquidators Hall Chadwick is that Tucker “alleges not to know where the money is” ???

But he does make it crystal clear how he inveigled himself into future work with clients...

The same probity needs to be applied to Insolvency and Law Firms as politicians, to ensure transparency and that “any” Conflict of Interest even the perception of a Conflict of Interest is declared to both the court which appointed them and the investors they represent...
New week and I repeat the question to BDO again, when did BDO find out about Tucker and Kennedy’s MS Asia deal ? When they did find out, did they still dole out legal work to Tucker & Cowan ?
Others have asked Tucker & Cowan for fee reductions.... Has BDO asked for discounted fees or have the investors been charged full whack by both BDO and Tucker & Cowan...

Let me repeat the question to BDO. When did BDO find out about Tucker and Kennedy’s MS Asia deal and when did they know that Tucker & Cowan were acting for MS Asia and in effect Tucker and Kenned personally ?

BDO it appears wants to avoid these questions like the plague, however there will come a time when they will have to apply for their next round of fee approvals and questions will have to be answered...
New Day same question BDO, when did you find out about Tucker and Kennedy’s MS ASIA deal ?

Were there any conflicts of interests as receivers that you had to declare to both the court and the regulator ?
Wow, winner winner chicken dinner... But what ever happened to complaints against Tucker & Cowan and Tucker himself ? Were they informally discussed as the letter states with the LSC ?
Or did Tucker and Cowan act for themselves ?

So the Qld Law Society paid Tucker & Cowan for the first 3 hours ???

This is a joke... The Legal Profession is a joke....

This is starting to make sense now, Tucker is acting for himself in the Equititrust litigation instigated by the Liquidators and Cowan has enlisted DLA Piper to represent him.

Complaints will definitely be made to the Queensland Legal Services Commission by the liquidators if they haven’t already... Giddy Up Cowboy its gonna be a long painful ride...
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If I was a betting man, I’d wager that a complaint will be made against BDO in terms of their engagement of Tucker & Cowan, who under any normal circumstances would have been disqualified by any other impartial insolvency firm for clear conflicts of interest from the outset of the receivership. This is another joke on the investors of Equititrust.
Another Day and another question BDO, when did you find out about Tucker and Kennedy’s MS Asia deal ? When you were made aware of the deal, was Tucker and Cowan engaged to do further legal work for BDO ? Did David Kennedy do any consulting work in relation to Equititrust for BDO at any time ?
Note the date of the document.2 weeks after MS ASIA "ACQUIRED " THE BOSI ASSETS"
A missing shareholder also was a Senior Manager in KPMG 1988-1996. That bit didn't appear on his Equititrust resume surprisingly.
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